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looking for lophs


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I am interested in purchasing a number of lophs.

Interested in all ages, sizes and species !

plenty of coin to trade !!

pm me - cheers

( edit * sorry - i just realised this is in the wrong section )

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I am aware of the laws regarding lophs in S.A

Therefore any lophs purchased will be sent to (and kept at !) my brothers house in melbourne for me to admire via skype every night before bed ;)

And yes it is a totally ridiculous law as all here will agree ! Lets just pray the prohibition does not spread.

is it possible to move this post to the trade sub-forum ?

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Yet another shameless bump - i have over a grand to spend here guys ! im looking for some real old specimens :D

You know ! the priceless types that no-one wants to part with. A few plants similar to the lophs sharxx sold last june. And im kind of using that as a price guideline. cheers !

A huge clumping caesposita - or a big old solitary pupping off its head ?

Am i dreaming - or should i just sit back and wait for the oppurtunity to arise ?

( must obviously be with a trusted member with a proven trade record as i will obviously be forwarding large amounts of cash prior to delivery ) And if anyone needs assurance im legit i can pm you the name of a well known member i have recently traded for lophs with ! ( with his permission of course )

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cheers bretloth !

I have seen this one - it seems a little pricey to my uneducated eye and I am solely going on some previous sales on sab as a guideline for value. But forgive my ignorance if i am incorrect in this assumption ! i Would quite happily pay a gino for three like that. I have been trying to contact prier for some time now - he must be busy ! Either that or he is laughing at my offer

Can anyone else give thier opinion on the price of this beauty linked above ?

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cant really put a price on lophs one persons price maybe cheap to someone else who has put in time love and patience, sorry i havnt got back to you tipz im still trying to hang onto my lophs @ the moment thinking i may buy a hothouse on my bros property and ship all my cacti that way...god save my lophs from the wretched spiteful vindictiveness of a wife gone mad...ive lost my son, my car and now my house to my missus a vindictive little piece,as if that isnt enough she is persisting with lies to try and get me locked up again, yet i still manage to love her for some strange godly forgiving reason.

Why do they name hurricanes after woman? Cos when you first meet them they are wet n wild and when they leave they take yr house and car!

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

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as much as i would love to obtain your loph's apple i would much rather see you hang onto your babies mate ! truly ! and i understand - you cant put a price on something with such sentimental value ! My best bet is patience and waiting for the right oppurtunities instead of busting everyones balls to part with their much loved lw's

My thoughts are with you my friend ! It must be a hard time indeed ! But no doubt the universe shall unfold as intended !

hope it all works out for you applesnail ! ( and for what its worth, i dont know your situation - but i believe you can never lose a son, and as for the strange reason you still love her - that aint strange - they say love never dies - fuck it can hurt though )

peace bro !

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thanks tipz very inspiring words they made me smile and i havnt smiled in 3 weeks! yup my son will always know i love him we have a spiritual connection @ the exact moment he was being born, i was being operated on to save my life from something i really should of died from in the same hospital trippy spiritual...and all challenges in life can be overcome with spirit and faith!

if i have to get rid of my lophs you will be first to know!

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Can anyone else give thier opinion on the price of this beauty linked above ?


$500 for a caes in a 14 cm pot has got to be some of the most outrageous pricing I've ever seen.

$100-$150 would be much more realistic.

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Show me where in Australia I can get a 14cm caes for $150 and I'll gladly retract my comments.

Comments retracted upon reading post 15. Seems there are some dirt cheap lophs in Australia after all. My apologies to anyone I offended.

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ill show ya some for around the 300 - 350 mark alice .... i agree with zelly its priced high but not ridiculously high but i also agree with alice 150 does sound very cheap for australian prices ! its ok - i have found and purchased two very large old specimens and am now focusing on buying advanced seedlings in bulk for grafting purposes.

Cheers all

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Now this is interesting - i just called hamiltons - they have caespositas approximately 9/10 cm going for ---- wait for it ---- 60 dollars. NOW THAT PUTS A LOT OF THINGS INTO PERSPECTIVE ! I can safely say i agree with you now cactuscarl !!!!!!!!!!!!

9/10 cm for sixty dollars compared to one not much bigger at all for 500 dollars - well its blatantly obvious is it not ?????

beware the uninformed noob !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( edit to not offend anyone too much )

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size isn't everything.

the diff between the price could be an actual seed grown 10yr old plant or a de-grafted rooted pup only 3yrs old but eqivalent size to the 10yr old.

So what will you settle for a mature old plant or a large plant that appears mature.

Mind you i'm not saying hamiltons are not seed grown just throwing it out there for consideration.

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I can tell you that the Lophs from Hamilton's are not all that impressive. Sometimes they have nice plants, other times they're very poor quality. i would not trust their word over the phone about their Lophs. Also, they are cheap because they import them from Europe, where they're bought for pennies.

Edit: Also, they are most definitely not seed grown. They grow none of them themselves.

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They know people's interest in active cacti and take advantage of it to some degree. I don't think they really care one way or another, as long as it's profitable for them.

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Is that not how most people selling lw's set their price ?

really most of the prices are exorbitant if you think about it !

Its inherant (generally) in human nature to get as much as you can for what your selling ?

if i have an old car i know is worth 600 dollars and someone that doesn't know anything comes along and offers me 1200 dollars.. most would be stoked to sell it for double the price and are going to try get as much as they can from the deal ! I mean who would say - "no - that is too much too pay mate its not worth that much you can have it for what its worth" ? unless it's to a friend or being sold by someone with very strong morals...anyone selling is doing so for profit !

And if hamiltons are importing them for next to nothing whats stopping someone cashed up in melbourne ( or wherever they are legal to posess ) from buying a shitload of mature lophs in bulk ( to make the quarantine costs feasible ) and then selling them on here or ebay and making an absolute killing ? I thought it was illegal to import lophs ?

And yes the lady at hamiltons did say they were all buttons removed and rooted from a caesposita ! She was very helpfull in prices and what in her belief were fair prices for what i have been looking at !

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And if hamiltons are importing them for next to nothing whats stopping someone cashed up in melbourne ( or wherever they are legal to posess ) from buying a shitload of mature lophs in bulk ( to make the quarantine costs feasible ) and then selling them on here or ebay and making an absolute killing ? I thought it was illegal to import lophs ?

Ah, you see that's where Hamilton's is on to it. They have an AQIS approved quarantine facility right on there own property, that they operate, so they don't have any of the associated quarantine costs that everyone else does. They still need to pay for a permit, but that's it. If you or I, on the other hand, imported a heap of Lophs, we would have to pay for their quarantine for a period of 6 - 9 months. Each and every one of those days would cost and it would not be cheap. I highly doubt it would be profitable to import them and then try to sell them without a setup like Hamilton's.

Don't get me wrong, some of their Lophs have been beautiful, but many of them are pretty poor quality, with spider mite damage and the such. You have to be careful about mealy bugs coming from there too.

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I did at one stage think about offering some lophs to Hamiltons, ( I thought the importing thing was a lie!) the plants I saw there at $60 were about 2 or 3 cm across and looked pretty crappy. I think once you got there the 9 or 10 cm plants would shrink! I could be wrong though, maybe things have changed in the last few years.

the people at hamiltons ate friendly enough. they are pretty much focused on growing bulk plants for bunnings. Kim (the main lady there I think) once told me to give up trying to grow Astrophytum asterias as they tried and only had a few tiny ones to show for it. since then, I found they are easy to grow! they also admitted to killing 2000 Hoodias they were growing to order... there is a guy who keeps a private greenhouse behind hamiltons. he is the man with all the fancy plants. and has no problems growing any Astrophytum.. anyway. its worth a look if your in the area.

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I've never seen a 9cm or 10cm Loph at that price there. The largest would have been 6cm or 7cm, but in an oval shape, at $85. They save the best ones for the CSSNSW show/sale days.

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I just dropped by Hamilton's (I was in the area) and saw their Lophs. Some ugly, gnarly ones there, and some nice ones too. There was one particular caesposita, about 7cm with a whole bunch of pups all around it, for $90. I bought an reasonable looking 4cm Loph with about 7-8 pups, for only $30. Got a nice Astrophytum and a pretty Lithops aucampiae for a couple of bucks.

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Hah, I was there only yesterday. I thought the Lophs were reasonably priced and they had a few nice little specimens. I was going to buy one for $30 as well but thought I would go back when I needed a few other things. I hope you didn't buy the one I wanted Marcel! haha. The columnar cactus on the other hand is way overpriced.

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