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The Corroboree

Subaeruginosa lesson telepathy/aliens

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Well, that was in many ways one of the hardest trips of my life.

I've had them kick my ass in the past. The largest difference in 'difficulty', is when i'm too cocky to perform a formal banishing in advance, or when too much mj is smoked. Last night, both of these happened.

When 'they' came, we knew it. Me and the g.f had 12g assorted dry mush last week.. and there was far less of the wood lover experience- far more simple colour phenomenon.

This time we were hotwired into the elven/faerie majik carnival. 10-15 mins after the lemon tea it peaked from nowhere and hit HARD. These weren't hallucinations.. these were separately and objectively experienced alien entities. When they first came.. time stood still. We 'blinked out' as the vibration changed, and after the first small abduction we said "wtf was that?"

I've never seen so many images, of so many things.. planets.. peoples.. beings, in my entire life. I forge how many worlds are going on.

I've been thrown into this faerie melee before. But never this clearly, and in my own loungeroom. Its like the room was a highway, that was intersecting our current reality.

Bad paranoic trip. Breathing.. thinking.. functions of human bodies.. were revealed as higher order symbiotic processes. We saw ghosts and gremlins and aliens for fucks sake. We could trace them around the room as they were dancing in between worlds with us.

Last week, I proclaimed myself as a tripping master. I overcame.. and navigated sucessfully through such large impossibilities (and for my partner) that I embodied some big truth that I was ready to, and had total control inside of it.

Last night I was reduced to a humble little slug.

As much as i know that i've learned and healed with plants.. there's that much more x infinity to deal with. Fuck the rabbit hole.

Ive been asking to experience more of the phenomena that mushrooms can allow us to experience. It sure happened.

None of the beings ever came in really clearly. instead, i sensed their passage to me like a magnet.. and felt their curiosity and 'movement'.

I understood our own personal matrix. How what we create, comes to keep shaping us. Interconnected.

2 years ago I had some very clear dialogue with Subaeruginosa. I installed some very epic parts and knowledge of me into the trip, and I found that again last night. For me, this is that mega psychic real world dimensional doorway interplanetary interpretation system that is only getting clearer.

Mushroom is a software that i've been taught to program.. in some psychic sense.. but fuck this carnival!

im never gonna trip w the g.f again.. never gonna smoke when shroomin.. and

For some reason, i was denied at least 25 requests for hugs. Trip turns bad, when your partner is reduced to snotty, farting, hysterical mess and makes constant distracting sounds and moans and gestures. Every 30 sec for what felt like hours i'd ask "are u ok?" aand got 'yes, im fine'. until 30sec later id b asking the same thing, cos my brain just can't deal with those sounds when im tripping. Fuck being the ever solid, unbreakable strength and loving support. I'v always got it for others, but wheni need it- the only person who can give it to me, is me. That makes human stuff quit lonely.

the answer is a simple hug which i didnt get..

ahh fuck it./ psychic anticlimax. may aswell have not tripped at all. I dont know.



Edited by G*P

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Some words from the late bard McKenna from memory...

He was very wary of doses higher than 5 dried grams.

He would never trip with any one else. He refused to be a sitter.

i think some of his work is useful for vocabulary.

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it's hard to make a deeper comment (at this stage) GP, maybe you should have just left the room, if the other's noises were so annoying. maybe your constant questioning was annoying too. ahh well, sometimes basic options regarding setting don't avail themselves to our minds. seems your comfort level was not sufficient for the experiential intensity, and that put you further out of sorts. thank you very much for sharing this.

i didn't know that mckenna adopted the habit of only tripping alone, he definitely had not adopted this habit before an experience he published involving kat. i sometimes wonder if i'm too zealous about tripping alone which is usually my modus operandi, but apparently mckenna doesn't think so and say what you will about him, IMHO he's still one of the most definitive authorities on tripping.

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In my opinion its better to trip alone. I tripped with a few friends a few weeks back, and i couldnt get in the 'zone', i think i may have been worrying too much about them, or i dont know what it might have been, but it wasnt as good as it was when i was alone. When i trip alone i can get so deep, when i trip with friends, it seems like they hold me back from the full 'experience'. Hope that helps.


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I feel your loss and pain dude... better to just let it go.

Shrooming as I get older seems a much more personal activity or better with just one mate. I've never tripped hard with the opposite sex and frankly, i don't think my psyche would be cut out for it.

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Thanks for replies guys.

I barely knew what my report meant, until i'm met with the honesty of a response.

such was part of the difficulty of tripping with g.f- lack of response/ inability to respond/ added degree of difficulty, etc...

I've been chunking through it today.. (The deep retrospective learning) and all now seems more at peace than it ever did, or could have otherwise.

Man, I like being me. Being everything else is also good, but the training wheels of no-ego can sometimes hurt a little.

*God (universe) bless us, and god bless our teachers*


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It's been literally years and years since I tripped with a female or a partner...they haven't been the best memories...too much baby sitting to do as you feel obliged to take care of them, it depends on the situation I guess...I think if you are going to trip with others it may as well be outdoors or at a party and just do it like a recreational...if you wanna go deep then alone is where it's at for sure...even being disturbed by others in the house when they ask a simple or random question can be irritating...sometimes outside noises can ruin it too when you really need to focus and need that peace and quiet. It's all lessons learned and I found that as you get older, then deep is alone and fun, and laughs is for when with friends. Spacing your voyages out is advisable too, as doing it too often has somewhat of a negative impact I have found in the past...it's good to reabsorb the memories over and over again for a month or so after a heavy long introspective trip...I never thought I'd hear myself say this but I feel like I'm almost at the end of my tripping road...it's like I saw, I chased, I submerged, I learned, I conquered...I think there is a place for every old tripper in the Buddhist meditation ways...Sobriety is underrated and general well being, mindfullness and health are overlooked for too long.

The monkey elders are impressed... :wink:


Edited by Hunab Ku

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Sobriety is underrated and general well being, mindfullness and health are overlooked for too long.

Definitely something I realised from heavy tripping also. These days I sort of just feel the subs with me wherever I go, they are still "teaching" and I'm still "learning", no tripping required.

As for tripping with the opposite sex, I love it! Ladies certainly bring something to the table which I've never witnessed a male tripper provide.

Edited by apothecary

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I always had fun with my Gf(ex). Fun to see who they were learning about the inner and outer realities.

large doses are useless. small dosis are more constructive in the long run. every level at it's own time.

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every level at it's own time.


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sex on shrooms is the bomb.

high doses have never done anything for me, except for turning me into a mental wreck for weeks on end.

Edited by incognito

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i've heard if you are going to trip with a partner and you are going to do high doses it's best not to communicate at all if you can help it. you will both be on different wavelengths experiencing everything differently. i've heard of people who can't trip with their partners because they keep asking if they are okay and the partner gets the shits because their experience is interupted. and vice versa. on heavy mushroom trips its not unusual to begin chanting, groaning or emitting insect buzzing noises. at the time you aren't really aware that you are pissing off your tripping partner. in fact you totally forget they are there at all..obviously it must be distracting and unsettling for anybody else in the room.

if you are tripping with people low 'recreational' doses are best, you can still communicate and will laugh your asses off. things get confusing if everyone is so out of it that they respond to a question you asked five minutes after you asked it.

also...i know what you mean when you speak of a carnival vibe. this is something i've noticed only occurs with subs...it's like you've entered the most warped twisted funhouse/carnival place. i've read other reports of people visiting this area...don't know what the hell it means though.. subs in my experience are definitley a lot stranger, darker, celtic/fairie orientated than cubes and the realms you encounter seem very unique to the sub species.

Edited by holymountain

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Fuck i hate nothing more than tripping with someone with a different mind set i am quite content to just be and let come what may in a quite setting somwhere outdoors.

when i was younger i got on some acid with a friend who wanted to play video games all night it was the most uncomfortable night of my life sitting in a brightly lit caravan listening to heavy metal music and trying to kill each other on Halo i just spent hours unable to communicate feeling disconected and disorientated the only time i felt any peace was when i went outside to go to the toilet but if i spent to long out there he'd assume i was unwell and come to see if i was Ok (wich i was untill he came out to annoy me) i no longer trip with anyone who isnt experienced and has intentions other than internalization. alchohole, amphetamines, empathgegens these are social substances not triptamines. well for me anyway

Edited by lofty86

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These are some very enlightening responses.

I feel I should clarify t hat 1 week prior, we had 12 mixed grams each and the most amazing rebirth experience imaginable. Such a deeper understanding of each other, our expectations and projections of/onto each other.

Perhaps it can be done right.. and im all for these moaning, chanting spontaneous weirdnesses while tripping. Honestly tho, the g.f literally turns to water on shrooms, and knows not the meaning of either silence or stillness. I feel that those qualities may be essentiall 'masculine' attributes anyhow. I'm learning more compasssion for peoples differences, but also that tripping hard is for me alone.

I think its better that way too.

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12 mixed grams?........mixed in what sense?.........just curious!

t s t .

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We each dosed 3g dry late season subs+ 10g fresh.. which barely felt like a level 1, 1.5 hours later..

(unfortunately, i blended the fresh n dry the night b4-but didnt get around to tripping- i think this oxidised them n drastically reduced potency)

So as to not 'miss the train'.. we backed it up 2.5 hours after first dose, with:

5g Burma

1.5g early season subs

1g B+

1g PFC

This was the most (oe) visually enthralling trip i'd everhad. We still broke through, after slow come up with incredible colours, and a rather extended comedown and afterglow for several days

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Nice thread , nice replies ....

Last week, I proclaimed myself as a tripping master.


Last night I was reduced to a humble little slug.

too much & too often should and will bash your brain in. no surprise...

I never thought I'd hear myself say this but I feel like I'm almost at the end of my tripping road...it's like I saw, I chased, I submerged, I learned, I conquered...I think there is a place for every old tripper in the Buddhist meditation ways...Sobriety is underrated and general well being, mindfullness and health are overlooked for too long.

The monkey elders are impressed...

Doc's impressed too :)

I will make one question though, to all who are still doing large doses. Why is it that when you do a large dose and have a 'nice', important, epiphanic, insight, revealing, satisfying experience, apocalypsis or whatever, why is it you want more of it??? And I mean, why do you want more of it on psychedelics, because, in my book, a strong and important psychedelic experience ain't unraveled in a week's time and then it fades off. It always stays with you... Apocalypsis, epiphany are heavy, large, important concepts. To want to repeat a large-dose psychedelic experience only a week after the experience itself is asking for a serious kick-ass experience - and that is an essential protective mechanism for the consumer who cannot understand that abusing psychedelucs offers nothing, I mean if you have apocalyptic experiences each weekend on 12 gr of psylocybin mushrooms, even when each and every one turns out 'great' , even then, then you're seriously fucked, sooner or later.

And, if you will, someone who claims to have had an apocalypsis/epiphany last week and decides to dose again this weekend, well, to be honest, I would NOT take his words about the apocalypsis bit too seriously. IMO there are responsible and irresponsible choices as far as psychedelics are concerned.

To dose again declasses the claimed apocalypsis - how can you have a huge experience on such powerful substances and then after a week come and take another 12 gr??? I just cannot grasp it, this feels totally wrong. I think you should be greatful, G*P for what happened to you.

large doses are useless. small dosis are more constructive in the long run. every level at it's own time.

woof woof woof: woof woof woof man, I mean, huraaaaaaaaaaay. Glad to read you thoughts. Post more!

Edited by mutant

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hmm,to an extent my last trip is my last reprogramming and if its a good one i like to hold on to it for a while........ and not risk a less pleasing option.........

t s t .

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To dose again declasses the claimed apocalypsis - how can you have a huge experience on such powerful substances and then after a week come and take another 12 gr??? I just cannot grasp it, this feels totally wrong. I think you should be greatful, G*P for what happened to you.

Ahh.. Mutant..? I feel that you're projecting a little bit, man. My model(s) of reality may be very different to yours.

I seek to embody a liberated union with the ecstasy of the universe 24/7.. the apocalyptic, messianic, epiphanic whateverness of the trip, is for me, only the truth of my current being anyhow. Whats wrong with transcendental bliss on tap? Its totally fun, and totally manageable. For me the goal is to also live it practically.

Reverence is asserted in many shapes and forms. The beauty of my relationship to the teachers, is that it is mine:)

And, if you will, someone who claims to have had an apocalypsis/epiphany last week and decides to dose again this weekend, well, to be honest, I would NOT take his words about the apocalypsis bit too seriously. IMO there are responsible and irresponsible choices as far as psychedelics are concerned.

And only you are gonna know it, hey?

For you.. !/? ;)

Me, i'm getting quite good at feeling their call. When I refuse to trip and they've called, it's every bit as destructive as when I trip with a bad set or when they haven't called. With time i'm getting this perfected. I already regard our dance as a choice- because I can and do navigate these realms with a variety of methods, with wholly sober techiques anyhow. I'm bowing to the occasional transactional event and overuse of the wonderful shortcut. I appreciate the difficulty of some trips in entirely different regions, with different learnings for me.

I deny anyone trying to put rules on what's right with this stuff. . It's a living dynamic arrangement. Rules, generalizations and broad sweeping proclamations aren't. They don't bend at all.

The mystical state is your true nature.

Not a fleeting glimpse of something else.


Last week, I proclaimed myself as a tripping master.


Last night I was reduced to a humble little slug.

"too much & too often should and will bash your brain in. no surprise... "

No bro. My express request to the mushroom has been to be shown aspects and phenomenon of tripping that i'd never previously experienced. That has happened. It's not about bashing anything, it's good to be made feel small.

I'm learning my lessons. You are learning yours. :)

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GP- you have seem to have an interesting and accepting perspective.

It's a living dynamic arrangement.
Enjoy Being.

Im not sure if you understood your experience in the original post, i definitely did not- but i could say that there is a lot of learning and information in it.

IMHO smoking doesnt mix well with much else.

Although i found it quite surprising that you and your partner were so disconnected. I have this image(in my head) of a couple tripping together, i.e. literally tripping together, i.e. experiencing together and each other.

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yeah, 12 dried grams is definitely a do-it-alone dose... 2.5 g's with the gf is the way to go!

For most people, yeah, 5 is PLENTY! I think TM's recommendations regarding mushrooms is under utilised... Ayahuasca, for example, may be sexier and more "cool", but the experience can be just as profound, if not more profound when you take the high doses of mushrooms - alone and in a dark room!


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yeah, 12 dried grams is definitely a do-it-alone dose... 2.5 g's with the gf is the way to go!

For most people, yeah, 5 is PLENTY! I think TM's recommendations regarding mushrooms is under utilised... Ayahuasca, for example, may be sexier and more "cool", but the experience can be just as profound, if not more profound when you take the high doses of mushrooms - alone and in a dark room!


yes 5 is plenty. 4 is still plenty. 3 is still PLENTY!!!! that said it's all set and setting. lemon juice tea...dark room on your own with no music.... 3gm is more than enough to violently break you on through to the other side. these things are extremely powerful and often underestimated. a solid mushroom trip is just as far out and full on as any ayahuasca or DMT trip. there is sooooo much more to these things than giggles and pretty colours and i think a lot of people don't realise just how full on they can be.

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Ayahuasca, for example, may be sexier and more "cool"

what does that even mean??

what part of 'shittin ur ring out and spewin up and havin the trip smash you' is sexy? lol

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what does that even mean??

what part of 'shittin ur ring out and spewin up and havin the trip smash you' is sexy? lol


The part where you retreive your senses and say to your self "am I still alive? Yes, thanks God!"

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I mean that ayahuasca has a "buzz"... a certain "cool" factor to it... whereas, mushrooms do not often seem to be taken so "seriously", as representing a true "shamanism" or whatever... when really, its the same sort of gig!

Mushrooms are associated with giggling and colours and people often associate them with their teenage years or whatever... rather than taking them seriously as a tool for the exploration of consciousness. In some ways they are better... I know people who are exclusively using mushrooms as the tryptamine admixture in their aya group brews!


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