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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. I went to a certain high school in the hills district where this rumour started..pretty sure it is what it is.. mayb
  2. Hey Birdwing (are you my arm??)Just my 2 cents but i reckon thats a pup also,have few myself and looks bang on.
  3. Just beautiful! Those lophies look very happy indeed
  4. I would love to sit and spliff in front of that "mother"and listen to what she might say.
  5. What ive always thought but could not word,amen..
  6. That is one collection to be proud of,not even a weed in sight. Me being a little O.C.D i LOVE how everything is in order a and place..bet you cant wait for spring! Nice one man!
  7. Birdman


  8. Birdman

    Azure pron

    Dont stop the Porn! Love it so jealous!
  9. What a sweet shot for a phone! Ive always wanted to find a cone shroom,Nice!
  10. It would be great if we could get some spores out there and get 'em up and running. Meanies after snow and a few good days of sun would the Subs creep back or not till later months?
  11. Birdman

    sub bonanza!

    Gorgeous pics Holy, 1st one is my fave..almost perfect.
  12. Birdman

    sub bonanza!

    Dood!! What a killa patch..dood to much info lol
  13. Birdman


    I was out in the rain on my trail bike on saturday and Poo and Hunab your both right 1st flush has all but gone and no pins that i saw although luck was with me and where we were unloading our bikes i found a new patch,all very small and pins were present too. This was in the mountains though not Syd,never had much luck.The funny thing about the new patch i found is we have been camping in the exact same spot for at least 10 years and there hasnt ever been a sub in sight.. we bought a chainsaw and began chopping wood for warmth in the winter 2 years ago and the new patch is on the saw dust gotta love em. It seems im finding more all the time!
  14. Watertrade WOW, it looks bloody great too,awesome little collection you have.The red of the brick really sets the greens off,beautiful.I know what im going to use in future.
  15. hey eexpee, i havent had alot of luck in the basin.If you make the trip up the mountains you will certainly see all shapes and sizes and if you know where to look the subs will be waiting. They dont call them the Blue Mountains for nothin' keep rainin baby!!
  16. Nice spoons!..Mike, those shots of habitat really helped my cause.I was certain i had come across every mushy but the sub then viola. They say they find you when your ready,i tend to agree
  17. Gorgeous pics velvet,cheers
  18. Hi people! With wild spore prints containing all the nasty's...ive got a nice page of wilds and was wondering the best method to growing some myc.? Cheers.
  19. Hi Hunab! How is your box of myc doin?? Do you think you will see fruit this season? cheers, ED:sweet shots by the way,thats a serious haul!
  20. Hi Zen, When ever ive come across a patch of (my guess is marasmius??) i tend to find what your really looking for.For me they are a great indicator species.
  21. ha very interesting..what would make them do that i wonder???
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