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The Corroboree


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About TheDudeAbides

  • Birthday 09/24/1990

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    sydney hot

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  1. G'day Myconauts. I'm looking for liquid culture syringes. Are there any reliables sources kicking around here? Or can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you in advance.
  2. Looking for advice on how to transfer spores to a syringe. Any tips would be appreciated
  3. Fellow Myconauts - I'm looking to make contact with anyone who provides spore syringes. Any assistance would be appreciated
  4. A thread for alcohol extraction recipes and links. I'm currently surfing for the best methods. If you have any you'd like to contribute, let this be the place. Namaste.
  5. Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose you have any useful links to making alcohol tinctures?
  6. For it to be water soluble does one have to extract the crystals first?
  7. I'd like to place the psilo into a dropper for micro dosing purposes. I figured an oil base would be the go. But perhaps not? Maybe a water blend would be the way to go?
  8. Fellow Mycophiles. I'm wondering if anyone has extracted Psilocybin into oil. There is little information on how to do this. If there's any resources out there - let this be the place to share. Namaste.
  9. Great thread. One question I have is; what's the best method for inoculation? I'm struggling to find any information on how best to go about sterile inoculation.
  10. My spores have gone walkabout and I'm in need of some more. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me out Let me know cheers x
  11. Hello fellow australiens im in need of some spores as i just through some out thinking they were too old. if anyone could help me out let me know cheers x
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