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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Nemisty

  1. This thread makes me wonder if everyone has lost the patience to grow seedlings on their own roots lol
  2. Nemisty


    Maybe you should become a kiwi then bullit then you could get your hands on them
  3. Nemisty

    Copiapoa hypogea.

    That cope is super dope prier
  4. Nemisty

    What The?? Cactus pups

    I have been getting this on a few plants lately. One of my psycho0 x N1 degrafts on its own roots is continually doing this and so is one of my smaller peru clones. I've been wondering if excess nitrogen or something along those lines is to blame?
  5. Nemisty

    ID please

    pasacana or pseudocandicans would be my wild stab in the dark
  6. Nemisty


    Has it opened yet!!!!??? :drool2:
  7. Nemisty

    Flower photo heavy 2014 season

    My first Ariocarpus flower. Just lucky I peeled the curtains back slightly further than normal yesterday otherwise I would never have known
  8. Nemisty

    stimulating cacti with Willow water?

    Ive used it on other plants but not cacti... Hmmm interesting
  9. Nemisty

    NZ regulates drugs

    Ceres you just took the thoughts right out of my mind and wrote it better than I ever could. So far this bill put nothing but a bunch of dodge chemicals on the market to which no-one has any comprehension of the long term issues which these chemicals will cause. Obvious safer alternatives are off the table because they are already scheduled. People keep saying, oh what about all the cool stuff in the future we can get? So what? Dont count your eggs before they're hatched. If whats happened so far is anything to go by then I dread to think what other subtances will be thrown out there in the future. Politicans now using this bill as a fall back when media ask about any chance of cannabis or any other drug law reform. 'You have this bill so now we dont need to legalise any of the currently sheduled subtances' etc etc ( insert facepalm here )
  10. Nemisty

    Post a random picture thread

  11. Nemisty

    Bridgesii x Peru/Macro?

    Oooh that plants my cup of tea. I think J3 x psycho0 is going to turn out very similar to this
  12. NZ producer Manik has some solid hardstyle. The meltdown gigs are fucken leg ruiners let me tell you
  13. Nemisty

    Trichocereus purge [NZ]

    For the sake of my security giving details to someone with A. two posts and B. What I assume is your actual name as your account!!!!??? I found you on facebook in 5 seconds flat! No offence but no way mate, not with a barge pole sorry...
  14. Nemisty

    Trichocereus purge [NZ]

    All done. Nothing to see. Goodbye
  15. Nemisty

    Post a random picture thread

  16. Nemisty

    Trichocereus purge [NZ]

    churr churr. dem freaks were seed raised from nitrogens mutant seed
  17. Nemisty

    Sunburned seedlings?

    Definitely sunburnt. Lucky it is bleak weather otherwise they woulda been toast. If you have a very fine piece of white cloth chuck that over the container to soften the light further
  18. Nemisty

    don't cha hate it when..

    DCHIW Someone does a skid on the back of the toilet and you've been aiming pee at it all day and it just wont come off so you have to pick up the toilet brush and physically scrub it off. Most defeating feeling ever
  19. Nemisty

    Post awesome gifs here

  20. Nemisty

    Grafts -Photos & Updates

    Been pretty low key with the grafts this summer. Heres a couple anyways... Pantyhose are definitely the way to go with tricho rootstock grafts Roseii #2 x fields pach And some kinda NZ terscheckii hybrid thing
  21. Nemisty

    Wanted: Trichocereus Terschekii or Pasacana

    Sorry to hijack thread HN But woah Foo!!!! Selling any of dem seeds?
  22. Nemisty

    Facebook trichocereus appreciation society

    I that group was cool when there was less than 100 people. I bailed as it got clogged up with noobs making me tear my hear out. You can still view it even though your not joined, thats what I do.
  23. Nemisty

    bit's garden

    Man that must have been stinking hot work today bit! Good work I will be most offended if I dont get to visit your garden again once you've finished this masterpiece