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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Deaths the top of the iceberg. Look into the damage done to organs, especially lungs and heart, the vascular destruction, persistent psychiatric disorders etc that the disease also causes. There's the real drain on healthcare resources, much more than a dead person. My brother works as a nurse in a Covid ward and it's real, it is a serious threat.
  2. 3 points
    The fatalities of covid are insignificant until many people have it and we run out of we run out of hospital beds. That's really the issue. We only have 66,000 hospital beds in Australia and they aren't sat there empty waiting for covid patients, there's not so many free. The US population is huge on their RIGHTS!, won't be told what to do, and so now the population infection is around 2%. That would translate into 500,000 cases and ~25,000 dead if it were in Australia had we been behaving like them just for the last few months, not an entire year. Over a year of behaving like Americans we could have >75,000 dead. That's not an insignificant amount of people, incomparable to the flu. It's just going to get worse for the US now and being able to control it is going to get harder and harder. The genie is out of the bottle and there's no stuffing it back in. The reason it's not everywhere here and we don't know dead people is that we are controlling it well, it's not because it's not a threat. Lock downs are to prevent pandemic outbreaks. Sure we could just let everyone run wild and free and see a quarter million die in the next couple of years. But when you picture that pile of bodies, actually envision it, would you be the person responsible for making that mountain of meat government policy?
  3. 1 point
    ~ "Peyotes" and other Psychoactive or Medicinal Cacti ~ "True Peyote" ~Lophophora williamsii "Peyotes" ~Ariocarpus fissuratus; and other species ~Coryphantha compacta; and other species ~Pelecyphora aselliformis; strobiliformis "False Peyotes" ~Lophophora diffusa ~Ariocarpus retusus "Lost Peyotes"- ~Ariocarpus agavoides; kotschoubeyanus; and other species ~Astrophytum asterias; capricorne; myriostigma; and other species ~Aztekium ritterii; and other species ~Coryphantha elephantidens; macromeris (var. runyonii); palmeri; and other species ~Echinocactus grandis; grusonii; platyacanthus; visnaga; and other species ~Epithelantha micromeris; and other species ~Leuchtenbergia principis; and other species ~Lophophora decipiens; fricii; jourdaniana; koehresii; lutea (yellow flower); and other species ~Mammillaria craigii; grahamii (var. oliviae); heyderi; (Dolichothele) longimamma; (Solisia) pectinifera; (Mamillopsis) senilis; sonorensis; and other species ~Obregonia denegrii ~Strombocactus disciformis ~Turbinicarpus laui; lophophoroides; jauernigii; pseudomacrochele; (Pelecyphora) pseudopectinatus; schmiedickeanus; and other species Other North American Psychoactive or Medicinal Cacti- ~Carnegiea gigantea ~Echinocereus salm-dyckianus (var. scheeri); triglochidiatus; and other species ~Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum; pringlei "San Pedro"- ~Trichocereus bridgesii ( "Achuma" ) ~Trichocereus pachanoi; peruvianus; and other species Other South American Psychoactive or Medicinal Cacti- ~Armatocereus laetus ~Browningia (?) ~Epostoa lanata ~Matucana madisoniorum ~Neoraimondia macrostibas ~Trichocereus terscheckii; and other species Canadiates Hybridization with Lophophora species- ~Acharagma species ~Astrophytum species ~Aztekium species ~Coryphantha species ~Leuchtenbergia principis; and other species ~Lophophora species ~Mammillaria species ~Obregonia species ~Strombocactus species ~Turbinicarpus laui; lophophoroides; jauernigii; pseudomacrochele; and other species Canadiates for Ingestion- Ariocarpus species Aztekium species Coryphantha species Echinocereus species Epithelantha species Mammillaria species Obregonia species Pelecyphora species Strombocactus species Turbinicarpus species "Lost Peyotes" at the Corroboree Crossing Cacti "White Peyote" Lophophora decipiens var. brackii Trichocereus "True Blue" peruvianus Comments by Mr.Trout on "Lost Peyotes" Kie Ti' Koal's post at Edot Turbinicarpus Info Psychoactive Cacti of the New World Uses for Cacti Turbinicarpus "Lost Peyote"
  4. 1 point
    Hi, I thought I'd treat my self the opportunity to muck around with all the scientific fun, I missed as a kid. I'll be 54 in October. My mum was the same age when she died, so I want to learn Mycology, play with essential oils and make a crazy mad lab out of my kitchen. I'm soil, water, pollinator, plant mad & live in NQ. I'm also new to the forum so, HELLO! Please feel free to let me know what you have available for my brand new microscope.
  5. 1 point
    Friday night unedited jam been a while in the works but being forced into 2 pedals and a 15 watt amp with a tablet and cheap behringer interface has really made me put the time into tweeking my 1 takes enjoy
  6. 1 point
    We are only oranges because we are spared the worst of the predatory or severely lacking healthcare systems of some of those countries. We had an advantage in that we were given time to implement measures to curb the spread. We don't have the overall population density of some of these places, that's true. But we still have a population highly concentrated around coastlines and urban centres. So if we didn't implement measures, and if most people weren't reasonably rational in following them, do you really think we would still be oranges vs apples?
  7. 1 point
    You can't compare apples and oranges. Australia is not the US in many important ways, like the distinct difference in homelessness, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, a shit medical system, no social safety net, an opioid epidemic, and just the fucking huge size of their population and urban centres. That's apples. We are oranges. Lucky for sure, but the impacts are going to be decidedly different on a chronically ill populace with no medical infrastructure for them. What kind of outcome could be expected in the US, regardless of what they did? China faces similar issues, as do many of the other disaster stories out there.
  8. 1 point
    I will update this list again soon!
  9. 1 point
    Sadly the research gap is so significant that alot of the literature on cannabis vaping is based on case reports. Unlike the study I most recently posted it seems like a lot of these case studies focus on ecig style cartridges, which were recently linked to a number of hospital admissions. I would love to better understand the comparitive risk of these two types of consumption I guess some key questions are around the long term harms of inhaling pg and vg vapour, as well as different extracts, different nail/coil materials and different temperatures. The description of the extract dosage did seem a bit off - a good example of why including people with lived experiences of drugs in research projects is important. Kinda hard for people to apply the research if it isn't clearly linked to how people consume the drug. I remember reading one study of cannabis vaping that used leaf and 300 or so degree temps. WTF? Not really a representative technique.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    This is Drexciyan Cruise Control Bubble 1 to Lardossan Cruiser 8 dash 203 X. Please decrease your speed to 1 point 788 point 4 kilobahn. Thank you. Lardossan Cruiser 8 dash 203 X please use extra caution as you pass the aqua construction site on the side of the aquabahn. I repeat: Proceed with Caution. These dudes were busy creating a universe to escape the suffering of 80's detroit. The universe that this electro takes place is one where a race of underwater African techno people are born from slave traders throwing pregnant woman overboard on their trading voyages. Gets crazy if you wana look into it highly recommend the trip
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    an uplifting short about how mushrooms helped this awesome person overcome adversity in her life
  18. 1 point
    Psycho x N1: And thanks for the giveaway, I sent you a pm
  19. 1 point
    3. Last grafts, they're growing slower than those that I rooted
  20. 1 point
    Here's a few of mine - my growing conditions are not good - I get 2-3 hours direct sun in the summer and no direct sunlight in the winter - lol, somehow my cacti manage to etiolate and get sunbunred at the same time - I think it's the low-horizon afternoon sun that does it - hits the side of the trichos.. One day though, a house with a yard (SS02 x pachanoi ) x TPM N1 x TPQC (SS02 x pachanoi) x TPM TPC x Juules TPC x Juules TPM x (SS02 x pachanoi) TPM x (SS02 x pachanoi) TPM x N1 TPM x N1 TPM x N1 TPM x TPQC