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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/01/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Seed grown from Getafix Bridgesii Peruvianus #1 Peruvianus #2 Peruvianus #3 gearing up to flower Tersheckii 4 header Tersheckii
  2. 3 points
    Some ss02x seedlings, think these came from Bit originally?? SS02xArizona Pach SS02xBridgesii SS02xPach
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
    Some oddballs.. TPC outdoors TPC2 w lichens TPM just brought indoorz
  5. 1 point
    A while a go I was looking very hard for scops with no success. Ben from SS was able to send me as a gift a few "old seed". Thanks! One plant got hit by spiders,infection,rot quite severely but the plant healed with help form the Sun.
  6. 1 point
    Well back to it after half a year away from the garden. Oh how I missed it Not too much lost, a few infestations of the mealy in the cactus house probably due to stress from dehydration and no loving adoration. Thought I would document and share some pics of various clones, I will update this thread as this happens. Apologies for image quality.. Some cuts from Coromandel Cacti CC's Super Spiny CC's T. chiloensis CC's T. cuzcoensis CC's T. bridgesii CC's T. pachanoi CC's T. peruvianus AKA Martin CC's T. spp CC4171 - Apparently came from Oreocereus weberi CC's T. taquimbalensis CC's T. werdermannianus
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    this is an other group of the same seed batch. Last year´s frost ruined their tips but growing season brought nice pups, will slice a bit and re-pot.This winter they are in the greenhouse.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    round 2 for the summer and.......
  11. 1 point
    i saw the band Goat last week or the week before? and i have to say they really, REALLY fucking moved me. The bass was that threatening (live) that i had to run off to the composting loo's and when i got there i wasn't gunna line up ......................like an idiot, so i just kept walking past each cubicle until one person opened the door and i jumped the queue and quickly went in and locked the door. Between Goat and all the booing from people outside only made the experience even more enjoyable........fuck you hipsters - you do know that your fad is dead and all your beards are now obsolete.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    One of the variegated grandi crosses doing a spiral thing. And just loving the others. The little fella was almost pure white and stalled or ages but h is now just starting to make an attempt at life....😕 Cheers b
  14. 1 point
    New car. Such a beast I'm in love 🤓🤓🤓
  15. 1 point
    I just wanna give thanks to the Mother Earth Ain't she a FUCKING BEAUTY so mch joy, so much gratitude Peace out!!!
  16. 1 point
    My beloved granddad finally passed away last week after lingering way too long. Except for the very end when he regained a sort of consciousness, a humble, hardworking, cheeky, kind and loveable old man left this world in his home bed surrounded by many who loved him (and in fact nobody who met him ever disliked him). Rip Poppy ✌️
  17. 1 point
    to fathom hell or soar angelic you need a pinch of psychedelic.
  18. 1 point
    shitstix and fukwitz I thought me ole maidenii was a gonner till today ..phew
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Bwahaha, just in case the Bunnings nursery staff didn't get enough trippers in there already for their cactus, now we'll all be in there poking about in the fern pots too.. What type of fern is it? Sorry I have nothing to offer regarding ID - it does look very interesting though, almost good enough to eat.
  21. 1 point
    You describe your climate as tropical - not sure what that means in practical terms. Important because when planted out your plants get your climate - you can´t control it. In their habitat, the Mexican desert mainly, summer is the rainy season. Winter is sunny but dry. The plants get a chance to rest and ripen the growth sustained in the summer. With my own collection - which are in pots, they go in a cold frame in winter - they are kept dry for 3 months, but get plenty of light. I think this rest period is important, and contributes to the good results I get with L. williamsii. To be a bit more specific, L. williamsii are found in northern Mexico, and southern Texas, where they are acclimated to a limestone soil, and sparse rainfall, 100 to 300 mm a year (!), concentrated in the months of June July & September. They are, of course, succulents which are designed to swell and thus store water in the few months when it is available. If they get too wet, they can, and will split - this happened to two of mine in March 2012 when we had 200mm of rain in one day (pic). (They did make a full recovery.) I have severe doubts whether any desert cacti will be happy if deluged with 1000mm in one month. As well as the splitting, rot is always a likelihood if they get too wet. However, you can only try it and see with a couple that you are prepared to lose. We all lose a plant now and again, however good a grower we may consider ourselves. Good luck to you.
  22. 1 point
    The title of this thread needs to be changed to "The life of a grafted basketball" Wonderful stuff.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Update from the grafts I posted before. All have taken well and pushing out fantastic growth. Liking this crested pup
  25. 1 point
    This is a chunk of cactus I just impale grafted onto a pereskiopsis and then threw a ton of BAP all over it. Stalled for a while and pupped massively at the end of the season, finally starting to grow again variegated TBM and variegated pach crest also starting to put on new growth