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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/11/12 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Probably a research chemical, possibly A-PVP, no way to know unless they analyse what they have. Should be treated like any other possible research chemical if used at all. Educate themselves about Research Chemicals & A-PVP as theres a good possibility it is that. Start with an insanely small dose (sub milligram{extremely good scales or dilution is necessary}) & carefully titrate up until effects are found. May not be what some people want to hear but if they are gonna do it thats WWSD (What Would Sasha Do).
  2. 1 point
    The plastic one I bought less than 6 months ago had literally blowin itself to pieces and was at the point of being more duct tape than plastic! So I found this on Trademe for the cost of 2x new plastic ones. It looks to be a few years old, but plenty of life left in it yet! I've used rust converter on the galvanised base where it was starting to wear/rust. Had to extend the boxing I had put down for the other greenhouse which was a bit of a mission, but here it is! I've used the shelving from the plastic one inside until ai have time to build some better shelving. Oh and the ugly brown fence is on the list of things to replace - should be replaced with a nice black fence like the rest of it.
  3. 1 point
    I have just added over 60 cacti from about a dozen varieties to the SAB webstore I'll be adding a bunch more in coming weeks, including a range of interesting hybrids
  4. 1 point
    My clones humble origins...note the dried flower pods Rooted, after a couple of weeks outside... Starting to reach up... Not very long after putting it into a pot about 20" across Most recent shot of it flowering for the first time in its warm greenhouse home Close ups! More to come once these blossoms start opening up. I believe I read these are self fertile so it looks like I'm going to have a surplus of seed. The presence of non-placebo type constituents are abound Think this plant has a lot of potential especially working with fresh material and making sure mislabeled species are kept out of the fray.
  5. 1 point
    I just received a gift in the mail. which got me thinking... I would like to take the time to say thank you to everyone on this forum whom I have traded with, bought from or received gifts off. With out you my day would not be as interesting....you know who you are.
  6. 1 point
    If you want to find it in the outback, have a look on this distribution map: http://www.anbg.gov....nummularia.html The flowering season is mainly spring to early summer, after heavy rains. Do not grow the seeds in very salty sand, the plant adapts to salty conditions, but the seed only germinates when rain washes the salt out of the soil for a short time. Most important, also in my germination experiments, is to remove the seed hull, because it contains germination inhibiting substances. With the hulls no seed germinated, but with the hulls removed the germination rate was much better. Soak the seeds for 24 hours in water and then put them in sandy and loamy soil and keep it damp-dry. My seedlings already have this silvery shine:
  7. 1 point
    I'm just putting the feelers out to see if there is any interest in a Newcastle meet. It hasn't been the same since Toast moved away. Maybe we can get something going again.
  8. 1 point
    Hey I just found this not sure if you've seen it? https://www.dmt-nexus.me/doc/hallucinogenic%20plants%20-%20a%20golden%20guide.pdf
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    ‘Royal commissions aren’t called lawyers’ picnics for nothing’
  11. 1 point
    Gidday folks! - your old mate here is still "off the pot". Well done forum folk - you've achieved what no law, medicine or force majeure has ever attained, ever, with your honesty and upfront posts. But for the constant discomfort of it all, internal tension and mind preoccupation; no-one has noticed, no-one cares and only a paid professional could confirm my compliance! The effect must "have to grow on you" - and so, frankly, I compare my giving up marijuana to having shaved my balls. My mood is disaffected, cynical and even narcissistic. I have little tolerance, compassion or empathy for others - especially children, the weak or disabled and feel strong bias to capitalism and social stratification. (Presently, I'd vote Romney over Obama.) Never would I be more liable to believe Cannabis was significant in the development of humanistic religions, that all seem a load of tree-hugging, hippy bullshit, right now. If I never post again you'll know I've continued on this "drug"-free path, will die a "clean" corpse and don't have time for you and all this crap! Peace and Love (My ARSE!)
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Yahoooo! The other photos are too big, I'll try and put them up somewhere I pollinated with a little brush, have no idea if it will work though. the flowers seem very rigid, kinda like plastic!
  14. 1 point
    Well I may have what you seek. 3yo vine in a pot, recently pruned and bursting back to life. PM me an offer, I would only consider selling cause it needs to be in the ground. Pics of the mother ,currently in flower can be viewed, search for "Caapi in flower". Def need a ute to take this baby home.
  15. 1 point
    Generally with trichs, if they have calloused and been sitting in the soil for some time, then a bit of moisture and dark (you are right not to pull them up to check) will help to stimulate root growth. My usual schedule is to wait to callous for a week or four, put in 'bag moist' soil on a warm day and leave for a couple of weeks, which gives some time in the dark for roots to begin forming. Then, on a hot day I give them a thorough watering and do the same thing again a week or so later, and gradually adjust until they are on the same watering schedule as most of the other trichs (ie watered when the soil is dry, or most days in summer). This gives moisture for the incipient roots to reach out for.
  16. 1 point
    Red, and others, how many generations have you pushed doing G2G ? I'm up to G5 with some oysters, I figure I shoudl revert back to my original culture bank and start over. My understanding is that it's not 'infinate' because the biological ageing (senescence) will result in poor growth.
  17. 1 point
    Torsten hit the nail on the head, this sanctity of the confessional bullshit has been used as a shield for way too long. If anyone else in our society has knowledge of a crime and they don't tell someone or report it to the police etc then they are party to the crime as well. If I had knowledge of a pedophile I wouldn't hesitate to tell someone, crimes of such weight are not even in the same ballpark as someone confessing to stealing a box of chocolates from the supermarket or other trivial matters. For a priest who is in a position of trust to keep it to himself is just wrong to me. It could open a pandoras box if they get it right. I imagine there would be a few suicides by some of the cowardly pricks that committed the acts if they are held accountable. Ke serra
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Tell your boss, no one else. If you start spreading it around you might be comiting a crime. That being said i dont know how these new lists work, so you might be free to tell the newspaper.
  21. 1 point
    I have a bunnings one that is constantly threatening to explode with all my pretties in it lol. Keeps me up at night in storm season. I have re-enforced mine with star pickets and a voodoo protection spell, so far so good.
  22. 1 point
    That wouldn't have been a Bunnings one that fell apart would it... those shelves look familiar. I had one too, and the shelving was the best part of the green house.. I kept all the racks, and it has many uses . (not hanging shit on Bunnings, just some of the crap they sell) Your green house looks great. Its a bit easier to control some pests in a confined area like that. May you germinate many a seed, and may your plants grow big and healthy.
  23. 1 point
    I've actually seen that paper before, but never noticed the 5MeO-Dalt in it. Mind you, this summary makes me wonder what the hell they tested. In early 2011 there would have been no need to use odd chemicals in 'incense' in the USA, except for in some states which were early with their legislation. You really have to wonder if they got out of 175 samples a whopping 49 that contained 5MeO-Dalt, which according to them also contained cannabinoids [ie not just a scam to get aroudn the cannabinoid laws]. As of 2/14/11: 175 samples tested 28 samples contained no cannabinoids, but contained some other drug 3 samples were negative 49 contained 5-MeO-DALT in addition to multiple cannabinoids 31 contained only a single cannabinoid(either JWH-018, JWH-250 or CP47,497(C8)) I am also highly suspsicious of any scientific paper on synthetic cannabinoid agonists where the author does not comprehend the difference between cannabinoids and non-cannabinoid cannabinoid agonists.
  24. 1 point
    Just an update, i have put these jars (edit: the jars i made in the original post) to use, to grow some tasty table mushrooms. Out of 12 jars i believe only 1 has contaminated (some strange red spots) So far so good, lets see how many of these jars get to full colonization.
  25. 1 point
    The cops have much more important things to concentrate on, like making sure that mega-corporations aren't stealing from the poor and spending a lot of money lobbying government to change the laws to suit them, that media isn't corrupted by money so that important issues like climate change aren't ignored, that politicians aren't on the take, rather than persecuting small businesses struggling to survive and individuals who who want to enjoy their limited spare time.