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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/09/11 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    Feel free to post your own pictures here, I will start things off with a few from my garden. Enjoy. Trichocereus pups Trichocereus Peruvianus Monstrose X SS02 TPM X SS02 Lophocereus Schotii Monstrose Trichocereus Bridgesii Trichocereus Cordobensis ?
  3. 1 point
    I think your best bet would be to get in contact with Evil Genius. He's from Germany and as far as I'm aware is a pretty big cactus fan. Welcome to the forums
  4. 1 point
    Welcome aboard, Magic. Can you get me some cheap equine steroids ? Cheers, Psylo "Little Pony" Dread
  5. 1 point
    That's the problem with this sort of thing. Sure they found a correlation, and a fairly impressive one at that. But as my statistics lecturers never cease to remind us, correlation does not imply causation.
  6. 1 point
    A threat from someone you don't know, who doesn't know you and will never meet is laughable!!
  7. 1 point
    When I posted that it was legal to import spores yesterday that was what I believed and thought to be true. What I believed did not change the fact that it was illegal. Since that post my views have changed due to being informed by people on here. I was WRONG and can admit it. I got it the first time but thanks for clearing up any doubt!! Not sure which question it is that I keep asking over and over til I get the right answer..... I have no plan on importing spores and I'm not here to start fights and bicker. We both agree on the illegality of importing spores and the risks of importing spores so how about a truce??
  8. 1 point
    The life of a grafted button inspired me very much.
  9. 1 point
    Sad to see another good one gone. For the shit stirrers and insulters I'd just like to point out something to ponder upon- isnt it odd how when one has a bad day for oneself they excuse their crankiness and course attitude as excusable because its a bad day but they never give that concession to others. Of course Gom had bad days now and then, everyone does, and some travel an even harder road than others.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    that potting mix really does not look good from what is shown, it looks just like fairly decent sized chunks of uncomposted pine bark with salt build up (either from the mix, your water, or fert if you are using it which you shouldn't be), possibly it's better underneath as all the bigger bits have come to the surface, but still not really what i'd call good in any way. You'd be aiming for a finer more well drained, airier, sandy compost. Or preferably a seedraising mix (you'll notice these are fine and well drained, easy for roots down and veg to break the surface, which then can be moved onto a more sandy compost. Torsten has spoken a lot about coarse sharp sand and compost mixes over the years have a search. Most potting mix is crap, even 'premium' ones, the industry needs a shake up and dont get me started on all the gardening shows floggin the shit, poorly composted materials with added fert yuk, and it's not really the best to start seeds in, getting away with potting mixes, even poor ones are more in the realm of plants/established seedlings with rootballs. I avoid them or add them as a small part of a mix.
  12. 1 point
    I don't get why everyone's so down on the humidity tent? I live in the tropics & still use them on my mimosa seedlings (haven't had a single fatality). I use breather holes obviously & then remove once the plant is growing past it's starter leaves. This way watering is also less necessary. Works for me but maybe not for others. Tell ya what.. If it dies I'll send you one for free. Now you gotta ask yourself... Do I want it to live?
  13. 1 point
    wouldn't it be funny if a 3 tonne piece fell on the north korean presidential palace and started ww3.
  14. 1 point
    a true fact is no matter how hard we try.. we cannot use our language , mathematics and communication means in understanding light and speed. the universe was simply not created on our level of intelligence or our point of observation. try explaining a singularity... you cant. same goes with the so called big bang theory.. hence why its called a theory. and same goes with black holes. what in the world makes anyone even think for a second that there is indeed a cosmic clock or a speed limit in the universe ? if we are to even understand anything.. we must first understand ourselves spiritually... the way our world is.. we have no hope.
  15. 1 point
    mathematics doesnt actually exist, its only a figment of the human imagination so of course it is possible, if this is so then the speed of light is only a measure of the imagination too which in that regard is limitless.................plausible yes.
  16. 1 point
    I think it is easy to confuse teotz's annoying forgetfulness and otherwise messy approach to things with malice, which I believe he has none and which is why I often support him when he finds himself in a tough spot. I know he does a lot of trades and that his customers are usually happy, which is why this story is so sad. However it is certainly not unexpected. This is the sort of mess teotz creates and the communications posted in the OP certainly show exactly that. It is a pity that teotz got aggressive about the situation as that is not like him, but then again, this seems to coincide with a rough patch he was going through so that might explain some of it. Quezalt, if you don't have the patience to continue this back an forth game much longer than I suggest you simply ask him for a refund and work on that as the solution. Alternatively, if you can handle the fact that he is not doing this out of malice and you can continue to communicate with him about this then i am sure you will *eventually* get your plant. Once he gets back from his trip I'll get involved again and help you until this is resolved, even if it means restricting his forum access for a while. I also recommend for international trades to use EMS [uSPS PMI in the USA] as this provides basic tracking which at the very least confirms if an item has been sent and where it is heading.
  17. 0 points
    what exactly is the EGA fund/what is it for ? is it for a stall setup for SAB or what?
  18. -1 points
    condelences to his family firstly my mother said if you dont have anything nice to say you shouldnt say anything at all so i wont
  19. -1 points
    i stand by everything i say , order arrived only 6 days ago 'pachanoi 2' 21.3cm was infected from base to 2/3 and was promptly disposed of , now this was ordered from the sab store so id presume it came from them yes ? if it didnt im sure im not the only one who would like to no where else sab sold plants are comming from thought im pretty sure this is not the case comment was stating fact from my point of view there is no issue or agenda in no way did i mean the sab store delibratly knowingly sent out infected plants as the tone of your post suggests but the fact that they have is indeed sloppy imo lets not go down the nationalsozialismus route ok cause we both no where it ends you lose