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AFOAF(me) has 6 cats 3 dogs and 2 rabbits

3 of the cats and 1 rabbit like weed smoke 1 of the cats only likes when no baccy in the mix

and both rabbits would eat plants i once had

i love animals and only want to give them a part of life the wouldnt usually get to experiance

with weed i knew i could just give all my animals some and if they didnt like it they didnt and if they did they did and either way all would be fine the next day

ive never givin them anything else for the fear that all might not be all fine the next day

but i get the feeling one of the cats might enjoy mushrooms(in a low dose)

but how would i know what a low dose would be for a cat

any1 know of any first hand account or evan any scientific studies or test?

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All will not nessisarilly be fine the next day! Dogs can OD and die on weed! Their livers are not like ours and do not process things the same way. Just like we can eat onion and dogs cannot, we can smoke weed, but the dogs cannot! (and it's not just cause they can't hold hold a bong) Certainly little amounts are not gona kill them, but it's certainly not good for them. Tobacco causes lung cancer and although u have the right to kill yourself, don't make that same choice for your pets. Leaf and low THC (like post ice hashed) is fine to feed to ur rabbits, farmers feed hemp all the time.

I don't condon the giving of drugs to any animal and I doubt many here will either.

Edited by naja naja

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3 of the cats and 1 rabbit like weed smoke 1 of the cats only likes when no baccy in the mix

Seriously not cricket mate. Whats to say that you arent just imagining they 'like' it? Like Naj mentioned - other species are very differently wired to us and process things in different ways. What is perfectly ok to us can be quite dangerous for them, and vice versa. There is no way we (as a species) should be 'sharing' these things without any knowledge of the dangers to the animals.

I can guarantee if the RSPCA were to hear of this you'd find yourself behind some cold iron bars (or at least cop the worst penalty possible for this crime).

Just because you find these things fun doesnt mean other species do. There have been all too many stories and even videos (many can be found on the net) of pets high on pot and various other potentially lethal (or worse - death could be much nicer than spending the rest of your life tweaking out because your 'master' was a dipshit).

Sorry to sound like a dead-set c@nt, but if you cant see the stupidity in this then you shouldnt have access to these plants.

Now where's the 'jeez there are some f@cking idiots on this planet' emoticon? I suppose this will have to do: :slap:

p.s. i get the feeling one of the cats might enjoy mushrooms


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i rememeber reading a thread on here over a year ago on a similar subject, and one member claims he and his dog (i think it was a german shepard) had psily tea on numerous occasions, and they claimed their dog somewhat loved it.. does anyone have a link to that thread? might be interesting to work into this one.

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Intellectually I know that feeding drugs to animals is wrong. But then I have seen more than a couple family dogs that would basically take your legs off if you didn't send em some sidestream green. Don't know about feeding anything mushies it wasn't planning on though... some complex karma in there.

Cats n fungus... two of my previous cats were into their fungus, one was into tiny white shoots from some mulch dwelling species, would root thru the compost for hours looking for em, an hour later would be flat on his back rolling around, massive pupils, cats cant smile but old henry surely was. Some kind of Panaeolus from memory, never touched the mature bodies, and never looked twice at pan subs that I saw. Didn't seem to bother him much but then he was so inbred (one of those ragdoll things) he could barely find his own feet to start with.

My other little feral, Mr. Brian (RIP) was a whole other kettle of fish... he was seen tucking into the ones mentioned above, as well as the pan subs, the odd toad leg (well sun dried, never fresh). he was also seen occasionally to eat ants and then rub his face mightily in the myc growing under our wattle trees... never seen any mammal THAT fucked up on anything, ever. Two hours later he'd be fine, but in the meantime...jesus. Full on cat fun indeed. Ever seen a cat run backwards? For easily a hundred metres? Insane. Then he'd go from high energy to none, laying there like the Sphinx with his eyes shut and paws folded in front of him, occasionally would open the eyes long enough to look at Something in the air, or whatever.

Our old lab ate toad til he had a stroke, someone I knew at school had a terrier which would go insane if he saw you drinkinng a can of anything, thinkin it was beer... he used to get a saucer of lager every night, crazy. Lived to some highly credible age though, ancient for dogs. bats n birds both like to get smashed off the rotten locquats growing at my dads place. A mate has chooks, and was using em for processing left over greenery from the trimming process, but now they won't touch anything with serrate leaves, poor old things. I once saw a Clydesdale that has found a nice green patch... imagine a cart horse with a definite spring in its step and a groove in its movements :lol: Another cat I once knew was prone to lapping chop out of the mull bowl, but never if it was nicked up.

same us for us, its a different thing taking something esp if you have past experience of it, than it is to have it forcefed to you. Cats and dogs especially seem to metabolise things really quickly (a dog with a toke goes from flustered to cheery to chilled to munchy to asleep in about 15 minutes IME, regardless of size or experience).

If it seems cruel, and you wouldn't do it in sensible company, it might just be cruel and senseless. I used to be dead set on being an RSPCA inspections and seizure officer, til I worked out I'd end up putting my hands all over some people no matter what the rules say, I cannot handle cruelty for the sake of it. There are some sick, sick people around. A group here has recently noticed the link between animal abuse and child abuse, domestic violence etc, starting to cross ref RSPCA databases to police, family services, all that... most serial killers were into dissecting local pets after all.

Animals are magic enough to start with... if they choose to add to it themselves, I'm all for it. Imagine the adrenal response something as jacked up as a cat would get in the onset of fungus though, would be like having ants in your pants and bells in your brain.

Dr. Harry is takin names... when he's not dispensing mint flavoured liquid Tramadol that is :lol:


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My sister used to have a dog who had a favourite 'log' (he didnt fetch sticks, he fetched fallen trees heh). Anyway, his favourite log was heavily colonised with some kind of mycelieum, he would chew on it for hours making very strange noises, and was quite defensive of it :lol: It looked to an observer that the dog was trying to 'talk' to the log.

While I agree that giving pets drugs is bad, and have never let anyone dose my cat with anything, my non weed smoking friends get blasted by my passive smoke so he must too. But he always has the choice to leave, and when hes not hassling for food or attention, he seems to spend his time looking very content :) He also chews on a vast variety of plants that are obviously not a 'meal'. I bought him a catnip plant once, right away he got a sense for it and started rubbing his face frantically in the foliage. After dosing up like this for a few minutes he went hyper like Ive never seen a cat go hyper before(and this cat is already bonkers). The comedown must have been harsh though, because he wouldnt go near it again.

Edited by gamma.goblin

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Ace i dont force any of them to do any1 thing

1 of my cats is old and has arthritis and i offer him some once or twice a month

he loves it aside from actually sleeping and moving in discomfort

for the next couple of days he is more active and eats full meals(and not just tuna which is usually all he will eat)

another is a very small cat not young just a small type

offering him some once every couple of months

he is generaly a very cowardess and skittish for a long lime he would only go near 1 of the other cats

the second time i gave him some he overcame the fact there were other animals near him and started to interact with them

ever since then he has become more and more confidant and now walks freely around the house playfighting and eating with the other animals

the other cat(the one i was thought might like some shrooms) is a very large cat around 7-8kg

i usually offer it to him the same times as the little cat

he just loves it

he does the strangest things for entertainment

he plays with the dogs and lick cats and dogs evan ones that dont particullary like him

he will stare into my eyes

he purrs alot wich he almost never does and meows the moew he does when you see him after not seeing him for a few hours(getting home,waking up, ect..) its like and acknowledge your there meow

with the old one i take the bong to were he is and blow a tiny bit in his face if he turns his head he doent want any if he i keep blowing until either he turns his head or i think hes had enough

the little one will stare at you when you chop up

with him i just pak a pipe lean over to him and rip it close to him if he dosnt want any he will somtimes stand up stretch and walk away

if he dosnt i blow a little smoke at him usually he will flitch at sight of smoke but as soon he smells the smoke he will either go to stand up when he dosnt want any or if he does he will sniff the air and look at me as if i were about to give him food

then i just blow till he moves his head or goes to stand up

i give the big one some at the same time as the little one because he will always want some

the sound of a bong ripping will get the same reaction as shaking cat biscuit bag near him

i just blow the smoke at him he always wants it only once or twice has he avoided the smoke, not feelin good mabie

he also wont turn his head away from smoke he will just point his head at your face half close his eyes and just look at smoke coming out my mouth

so i just give him a tiny bit more than the little one as he would allow me to give him alot

then when i go one smoking he just watches me

and the rabbit i might catch once or twice a year it just live in back yard with other rabbit, the got burrows so if the dont want you to catch em you wont

she is old and and like my old cat also has arthritis i will give her a little and keep her in my room for a few days

the couple days after that are the only days i can just wlk up to rabbit and pat it in the yard it usually likes to be left alone with other rabbit which ive had for years and only touched once or twice when needed to catch to take to that

i have offered it to all my animals the majority have not been the slightest bit interested but to those that are can have it on occasion if they want

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our old family dog that has since died of old age would always come up scabbing smoke if u were smoking a joint would try and get in the path of passive smoke and sniff till she sneezed wag her tail then have a sleep after a few times we thought what the hell and would blow a bit her way she was an old bull terrier such a cutey but no way would i condone forcing an animal to have drugs, i seen people hold their dogs heads and force smoke into them thats just fukked :(

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Cheers El Barto that is one of the most interesting posts on this topic (it usually comes up every now and then) that I've ever read.

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Second that :)

Anyone know if there is there the means to calculate an oral dosage of say, fresh leaf, for means of medication of mammals (non-human)? Per species? Surely someone out there has written a paper/done a thesis on cannabis medication of non-human mammals? Is there a doctorinarian in the house?!


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I know someone worked out how much it takes to kill a fishtank full of seamonkeys, if that helps any :lol:

Animal cruelty is terrible. I still eat chickens and the odd lost fish. They don't have big brown eyes, which helps, and suck at computer games too (cept cuttlefish...now theres one tripping animal!). Guess if your dog likes a few chunks now n then you can always say the bong is his.


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My big yellow lab used to barrel through shrubs when we started hittin' shrubs. It was like a dinner bell. I think it made the endless game of fetch more exciting and challenging for him. I always knew he was one toke over the line when he would come back from the field with the wrong stick and a ridiculously (more) glazed look in his eyes. I first realized he wanted some when I was chillin' alone and he started trying to lick/bite the binger gingerly - trying to imitate me the best he could. So I blew him some, which he licked/snorted from the air and proceeded to sneeze. After that, it was always the same. He'd find some disproportionately large stick (firewood size,) and damn near break my foot. I'd throw it as far as I could a dozen times; he'd get tired/stupid and return with a twig; then he'd stare into space, huffing and puffing (haha) til he passed out in a pool of drool. Eventually, he tried to eat some nugs I was holding so I offered him about half a g of whatever was cured. He munched down that kush like it was filet mignon and asked for more, which I did not oblige. In about 15-20 min. he was very laid back (strange for a lab.) After that, the spoiled mofo didn't like to smoke as often cuz he said it bothered his nose, "just gimme a lil' nug, dude." He started sounding like my buddies, but he was family, so what the hell.

My current pet, though, sees me graze on various edible/interesting plants in my garden and suddenly thinks she's a vegetalista on her own. One trip to pet ER, and all the ethnobotanicals got moved to the front yard to save her little life. I would never offer a dog anything more than something to make them chill (not trip,) but cats are a little different. They're their own people and seem to seek out what they like fairly independently. If one found some interesting fungi, good for it, but I wouldn't offer.

In a related story, an old gardening pal had a garden full of ethnos/edibles that cats frequented to hang out. We used to see them graze on various herbs, P. somn leaves, and especially Valerian. One cat in particular had a dependency on the latter. One time, as we were practicing some weed eradication :bong: , we saw him gettin' loopy in the valerian bed. He proceeded to scratch the ground around the plants, either sniff or eat some roots, and do a perfect, four paw backflip! The only substance we had consumed on that particular day was the aforementioned burnt flower, so it wasn't a visual malfunction. Since then, I have noticed that, whether fresh or dried, if Catnip is like good herb for cats, Valerian is like short acting sid!

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I would never give my pets any drug or leave them somewhere they could get them for that matter. But I do know my cat likes bong smoke, he sometimes (like once every couple of weeks) runs over and sniffs it. When I first saw him doing I obviously yelled at him and just thought he was just being to curious, but then I noticed that most of the time he made a point to get out of the way of it, so he must know what his doing.

And every dog I have ever known has loved sucking on the end of cannabis leaves. Used to know this old guy and his dog used to sit out there for hours going at it he built fences around them and everything, didn’t keep the dog out. The dog seemed perfectly normal, maybe a bit lazy :lol:

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I tricked my 2 cats into consuming catnip by rolling the meat in it after they ignored it by iteself, am I a sick fuck too noodle?

It didnt affect them at all, silly cats, It was the herbalistics brand if anyone purchases it to get their cats high,

that or there is the chance that Both of my cats were immune to its effects

Edited by Tepa

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the catnip I bought was a potted plant, I assume herbalistics is processed material?

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AFAIK, Tepa, cats are affected smelling catnip, not eating it. They usually end up eating it because they like it so much, but nepetalactone is a volatile chemical that activates sex receptors in their brains by way of their noses.

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Here's a link on that info:Nepeta Effects Interesting to note that the article mentions similarities between nepetalactone and valeprotiates from Valerian. It all makes sense now....

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Stoned young rats fail memory tests

Researchers at the University of Sydney have found that adolescent rats are more vulnerable to adverse effects of cannabis than adult rats.

Professor Ian McGregor says rats' brains basically respond to drugs the same way as humans but they are easier to work with because they are not polydrug users.

He says his team gave the rats cannabis then took them off the drug for two weeks before testing their long-term memory.

"We found that the adolescents that had been given cannabis had impaired memory, relative to adolescent rats that hadn't had cannabis exposure," he said.

"Then when we compared them to adults we found there was very little memory deficits in the adults rats that had been given cannabis."

Professor McGregor says cannabis exposure also caused more permanant changes in a certain part of the adolescents' brains that was not really affected in the adults.

He says the grown-up rats avoided cannabis when they could but the young ones seemed to enjoy the new sensations and experience.

"In the wild, it's a time when rats have to leave their mother and father and will nest and go out and explore the environment and learn to fend for themselves," he said.

"There's a large amount of risk taking associated with that developmental stage."

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Hi All,

I have 2 friends who when they decide to shroom clean all the house and then put on some gentle music and settle in for the night. HOWEVER normally at night a little terrier dog who loves to be outside at night ALWAYS wants to come in when shrooming. She wants to sit on your lap and cuddle in to you and absorb your 'energy'. We have both noticed that this is 'every time'.

She hangs around for a good 3 - 4 hours and you would swear that her 'energy' has somehow integrated into thiers and she is enjoying the experience without ingesting anything. She looks into your eyes as if she is shrooming as well!

Energetic transference?



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just quickly..

Heard many tales of animals, pigs and dogs mostly, regularly eating shrooms. (of there own accord)

Cats seem to enjoy getting stoned more than dogs, might be that the effects are just more pronounced in cats?..also more cats seem to be effected by Valerian than Nepeta which works on only 50% of felines...

recently saw some ants eating spilled dxm syrup...they seemed much slower than ones that hadnt been near the syrup and were constantly cleaning there feelers...trippin ants?

Ive experienced a strange interconnection with pets while trippin many times, not always my pet...almost like they know..

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I had a friend at uni who had rats that loved to smoke weed, the second she'd pull the bong away from her mouth her rats would run up her arm and stick their head into the chamber then look at you as if to say "that's some quality shit man!"

A while back I was growing some MJ seedlings and had left them on the windowsill while I was in the shower. I have 4 cockatiels. When I came back from the bathroom the 2 males were sitting in the seed tray with a very happy and dopey look on their faces having eaten 10 seedlings between them. When I went to yell at them they knew they'd done something wrong, but instead of flying off in opposite directions, they both let out a loud scream and flew full speed into each other. I was so pissed off but I couldn't help but laugh at how uncoordinated they were.

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Lots of animals like to get high.

Giorgio Samorini wrote a nice book on it, though (imo) they butchered the titled when translating it into English (The title in Italian was "Animals who drug themselves")

The deer here last year learned to dose themselves on the methysticodendron or at least it appered that way as rather than just eating a lot they started eating just several inches of leaf. And would return almost daily for another small dose.

This last week or so they've learned they like cacti and are eating them spines and all. It got really extreme to the point I've had to remove the remnants of one garden and provide protection to the other three. Up until now they;ve totally left the cactus alone.

Maybe they were brugmansia intoxicated and did not feel the spines, maybe they wanted the combo or maybe they've just learned to like the peruvianus and bridgesii sorts. They've been targeting the better ones not the weaker ones.

Lots of dogs and cats like cannabis. Some don't and will leave the room but one friend had a dog (a golden retreiver) that would bug a person for smoke and knew how to take a 'shotgun' through its open mouth.

I think the comment about them choosing it for themselves rather than a human choosing it for them is solidly on target.

In laboratory tests giving cats hallucinogens a "rage response" is commonly reported. I would suggest that "rage" in a cat might be easily confused with its reaction if it was feeling trapped while scared shitless. Its likely a cruel thing to dose an animal I would suggest. UNless they want it and seek it out themselves.

Edited by trucha

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my opinion is that you guys over-reacted, and, i know it's easy to use strong language on the 'net to try to get your point across, but i think the language was fully intended, and your views are fine by me i just want to insert a bit of perspective.

yes there is an ethical dilemna, but any of you who jumped up and called this person an utter peice of shit, i don't think that was justified.

when i was a kid i saw multiple people ACTUALLY being cruel to their pets. that is disgusting. a dosed cat falls so far short of the many truly disgusting things i can conjure in my mind, i would hardly condemn a human for being responsible.

so the cat tripped out a bit. ever since cats existed, they've been tripping out, accidentally and intentionally... and hardly one among you has not blown a dog out at some time.

you wanna see some animal cruelty, look at some of mankind's professional endeavours, like dancing bears, or say, any industry that produces animal flesh because YOU reward them with cash.

assault a human for dosing an animal? it doesn't even come close guys, i'm serious. you've all done something worse, and that's no greater an assumption than calling this person a sick fuck when, by botanika's admission, they love animals very much.

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