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The Corroboree

Potency of 2 1/2 year old B. Caapi vine?


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Ok so ive been growing this Caapi vine in my front garden, but its grown pretty big. So i decided to move it to a larger property so that it could grow on the trees there.

The plant didnt like being moved and we assumed it died. So we ripped it out and now ive got it in my backyard.

My question is, how potent do you think it is? How many grams do you think would be needed to make a tea?

Edited by Meditator
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You fuckin druggo @Grundle Sailor

Someday this thread is going to help someone else with the same question.

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Fuck! Send it me way bruz Lolz !!fucking 3 g or so per cup mate you're all good. I love the root. Haha. Nah not that fuckjn root. The caap root bruz. 1g per cup and this cuntz off his fuckin rockz!

would you mind talking like a normal person Grundle ? lol. I can hardly understand what you are saying, except the rooting and fucking bit.

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A pic would assist us with the answer you seek.

Myth says vines must be 5+yo.

Many say pieces should be thumb thickness.

Ive had a brew with root included and its very recommended for those with experience.

Common sense says that the great plant mother will do you good in any case, young or old ,sublime or extreme.

I say dont waste any, its not good for karma to kill a whole vine.

With patience the roots will throw new shoots if cut into lengths and potted, as would have done vine cuttings.

Use the dried leaves as sacred smudge, or in smoking blends.

Make a brew of the vine, it wont kill you.Then give thanks and ask for forgiveness for killing it.

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Last time I pruned my mega cunt of a bush I dried the cunt out and packed a few bongs up after dinner. Fuck! Mate there musta been some mull dregs that that caapi shit messed with cuz I was fucking mega trippin like a mad cunt. Norms I don't need much bongs but this cunt made me think twice about it. ITS MM IS POTRN. FUCKJNG POTENT IMMEAN MATE. DONT MESS SITH IT.

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