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The Corroboree
mr b.caapi

origin of your name!

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using my reaL

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using my reaL name on this forum. However might be funny to know that most of my friends and many others that know me, call me "Brain"

probably came from Brainless or braindead,...lol , has to do with some of the crazy stuff I used to do when I was younger.

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Geez.........and I thought you were the messiah!

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Well my name here used to be Alektca which is the Creek tribe's name for a shaman.

I found this while searching for a handle for this forum, I googled "+shaman +Student", chose the 3rd page down, closed my eyes while the screen was refreshing and pointed my finger to the screen and up came Alektca.

I liked this name until I went to EB04 and had to pronouce it to people and vice versa (Im pretty sure its pronouced with a click), this didnt go down to well so I thought I would change it to something easier and went with AndyAmine which is pretty lame I know but was already my alter-ego's handle for chemistry forum I was a regular at many years ago (RIP) but the reason I chose Andyamine another story all together. :wink:

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my handle is made up of my first name (simon) and the name of an alien/planet/everything on that planet from southpark called 'marklar'. its ment to mean that even though we are all one (marklar) we are still individuals (simon)

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lol... same here Andy :D... mine's pretty basic, taken from the book 'Confessions of an English Opium-Eater' by Thomas de Quincey. To tell the truth I can't remember much as far as the book's contents go - the thing that really stuck with me was the cover - a young man with a ghastly pallor swooning on a bed - I thought at the time he was dying... I know now of course he was in opiate land :blush: :D... luckily I've smartened up a little since then :wink:

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Wow, all you guys are so deep, Im feeling lamer and lamer :) LOL

hehehe i always thought yours was pretty cool. you're like, your own class of drugs.

"8 times more powerful than amphet-amine, its andy-amine!. available now at your local"

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I can't really remember... I was fucked when I thought of it :P.

...but by memory it was to do with a point or moment experienced when a rising internal tension hits a peak and explodes into external outer chaos. I think it initially was meant in regards to entering a state of 'gnosis' as I was exploring chaos magick, but now it has a different (yet similar) meaning to me.

Yall know the one I mean... *exhale* eeeeeeeeeeeeee-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BANG 'whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......'

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Btw Simon, I always thought (ever since I first met you) that Marklar was actually your last name hahaha!!! :lol:

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Wow, all you guys are so deep, Im feeling lamer and lamer LOL

I feel exactly the same. Not much thought went into mine. I was just in a hurry to post and i always liked Gollum out of Lord of the Rings so i used that.

Im starting to think that i might need to come up with something more original now, something that actually means something to me and is also special.

Can i do this or would it just be confusing?

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Yeah Andy i think your name is great

for hte same reasons mentioned above :D

well hebrew is this guy who chooses to live in a cardboard box.

he wears bad brown suits from the 70's and 80's

he smells

and his fly often falls down

However he is a genius

his dances will mesmerise and amaze the onlooker

his music is so powerful it will blow your little mind into a million pieces

he can communicate telepathically with eletronic devices and make them sing beautiful songs filled with bright colours

he is arrogant (but really is just shy)

his real name is Hebrew Walter

i first came across him in this band called 'caesar says revolution'

he was the dancer and keyboardist however he often never needed to actually touch the keyboard, he would make it sing deranged, obscure, and brilliantty. he could weave music full of klangfarbenmelodie by just using his mouth.

i use hebrew as a homage to the great man

who unfortunately has vanished from the earth.

His last words were...

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I remember registering the day after a shattering psychedelic experience which completely made me reevaluate who and what i was... when it came to choosing a name that represented me all i could think after that experience was.. well i am being and i am a being and that's all i truly know :)

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Ahh Mr.T pulled a swifty!

Thanks it's more congruent now...I was pretty wired when I attempted to bring this thread back up this morning :wink:

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Just the usual Greek tragedy...but his purported gold death mask reveals to me the folly of pursuing power and greed....resonated with me!

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lol everyone has such cool meanings

mines just from when I was at school (many years ago now) and we studied ancient greece and Leonidas was a spartan general who sacrificed himself and his men. Of course using Leonidas in IRC confuses ppl so I cut it down :P

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Ahh Mr.T pulled a swifty!

Thanks it's more congruent now...I was pretty wired when I attempted to bring this thread back up this morning :wink:

No idea what you mean. This is the first time I checked this thread for many many months. What exactly are you referring to?

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well, this is extremely lame .. but after a few logins and forgotten passwords, i just wanted to create a new account so i could post, and there were some coins on the desk ;-) so umm "coin", short and sweet .. hehe .. wish it was more interesting ... somehow i didn't forget this one ... i think it's cos torsten reset my password at some stage, and it was something relevant to the name that i never forgot :-)

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I was doing a search trying to figure out how to keep my lagochilus seedlings alive. I found the Corroboree and wanted to chime in. I looked out my window, saw Mount Pisgah staring down at me, and that is that.

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I really dig mythology and wolves have featured heavily in my dreams.

Fenrir (or Fenris) is a gigantic and terrible monster in the shape of a wolf. He is the eldest child of Loki and the giantess Angrboda. The gods learned of a prophecy which stated that the wolf and his family would one day be responsible for the destruction of the world. They caught the wolf and locked him in a cage. Only the god of war, Tyr, dared to feed and take care of the wolf.

When he was still a pup they had nothing to fear, but when the gods saw one day how he had grown, they decided to render him harmless. However, none of the gods had enough courage to face the gigantic wolf. Instead, they tried to trick him. They said the wolf was weak and could never break free when he was chained. Fenrir accepted the challenge and let the gods chain him. Unfortunately, he was so immensely strong that he managed to break the strongest fetters as if they were cobwebs.

After that, the gods saw only one alternative left: a magic chain. They ordered the dwarves to make something so strong that it could hold the wolf. The result was a soft, thin ribbon: Gleipnir. It was incredibly strong, despite what its size and appearance might suggest. The ribbon was fashioned of six strange elements: the footstep of a cat; the roots of a mountain; a woman's beard; the breath of fishes; the sinews of a bear; and a bird's spittle.

The gods tried to trick the wolf again, only this time Fenrir was less eager to show his strength. He saw how thin the chain was, and said that was no pride in breaking such a weak chain. Eventually, though, he agreed, thinking that otherwise his strength and courage would be doubted. Suspecting treachery however, he in turn asked the gods for a token of good will: one of them had to put a hand between his jaws. The gods were not overly eager to do this, knowing what they could expect. Finally, only Tyr agreed, and the gods chained the wolf with Gleipnir. No matter how hard Fenrir struggled, he could not break free from this thin ribbon. In revenge, he bit off Tyr's hand.

Being very pleased with themselves, the gods carried Fenrir off and chained him to a rock (called Gioll) a mile down into the earth. They put a sword between his jaws to prevent him from biting. On the day of Ragnarok, Fenrir will break his chains and join the giants in their battle against the gods. He will seek out Odin and devour him. Vidar, Odin's son, will avenge his father by killing the wolf.

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interesting fenris...btw, love your avatar, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go rocks!

wandjina is an aboriginal word for a variety of nature spirit, often associated with the coming of the rains. Usually they are depicted with large round black eyes, a nose, but no mouth. Wandjinas have always fascinated me...I like koori art, its symbolism and imagery. There's just something about those cavernous radiating eyes.

Oddly enough, a few members seem under the impression I named myself after some dudes garden :P

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My first name is Teutonic, surname seems to be Scots-Irish. I've always wondered who Jack was.

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im with Fenris on this one, Ymir is also a norse mythological figure.

In Norse mythology Ymir is the first giant and the father of the race of frost giants. He was created by the hot air from Muspell melting the ice of Niflheim. then from Ymir's sleeping body the first giants sprang forth: one of his legs fathered a son on his other leg while from under his armpit a man and women grew out.

The frost kept melting and from the drops the divine cow Audumla was created. From her udder flowed four rivers of milk, on which Ymir fed. The cow itself got nourishment by licking hoar frost and salt from the ice. On the evening on the first day the hair of a man appeared, on the second day the whole head and on the third day it became a man, Buri, the first god. His grandchildren are Odin, Ve and Vili.

Odin and his brothers had no liking for Ymir, nor for the growing number of giants, and killed him. In the huge amount of blood that flowed from Ymir's wounds all the giants, except two, drowned. From the slain body the brothers created heaven and earth. They used the flesh to fill the Ginnungagap; his blood to create the lakes and the seas; from his unbroken bones they made the mountains; the giant's teeth and the fragments of his shattered bones became rocks and boulders and stones; trees were made from his hair, and the clouds from his brains. Odin and his brothers raised Ymir's skull and made the sky from it and beneath its four corners they placed a dwarf. Finally, from Ymir's eyebrow they shaped Midgard, the realm of man. The maggots which swarmed in Ymir's flesh they gave wits and the shape of men, but they live under the hills and mountains. They are called dwarfs.

so there ya go, bit of help from google there, i was feeling lazy and so its a cut and paste job..........but nicely written by a Mr. Micha F. Lindemans

i really like this story becuase the frost giants were considered evil, but from their sacrifice come something so important and amazing. Ymir died and in doing so provided the universe with everything it needed to grow.


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My name is the name I use to perform and write music with. I'd toyed around with heaps of names but didn't really have one that stuck. So one day I thought I'd use the letters from my name, Peri, and just rearange them a bit, I came up with Prie and added an extra R to make it sound a bit better.

From dictionary.com

pri·er also pry·er


One who pries, especially a person who is unduly interested in the affairs of others.

But it's just a name really I'm not one to prie.

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hagakure is a book that documents the way of the samurai - bits of advice on how to adhere to the warrior code.

hagakure translates to "shadows beneath leaves" which i thought was fitting for a forum like this.

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