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The Corroboree


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    central highlands (vic)
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  1. Hey all, It's been a real long time since i've posted on the forums here. My journey into plants basically started here so I figured this is a good place to announce I now run my own nursery. We started as The Cactus Orgy just selling plants at EGA conferences and have now rebranded to a less confronting name. We're called Whomping WIllow Nursery. We specialise in growing cacti, Acacia, and a range of other rare plants. We are currently selling plants on ebay, as well as small wholesale lines. I'm sure you understand this probably isnt the place to announce our retailers. Much love to Torsten, Ferret, EG, Darklight, RonnySimulacrum, Interbeing, Apothecary, Niggles, Mu, Kanje and Ampoule for inspiring me over the years. Thanks all, and happy gardening. Prier.
  2. Thanks everyone for being a part of this great cause. I have received FancyPants coins, sent off the package and made the donation to PRISM :D The postage was $35.30 So I added that amount to the PRISM donation. The total being $585.30 :D For some reason PRISM only receive payment in US dollars so I converted that amount, it ended up being $436US ($585.75AU)
  3. I love the title of this thread :D Here's a pic with a bit of pach variation, no two plants are the same, no pc.
  4. Congratulations to FancyPants! I am so chuffed with the response to this auction. The meme wars towards the end were hilarious. I am sure PRISM will be very happy with the donation! I am getting the goodies packaged up now, and once I have sent the package I will know the total amount I will be donating to Prism! Stay Tuned.
  5. Once you start collecting copes you may as well give up on everything and surrender your life to the cactus gods. Nice plants bro
  6. Just added another one hundred dollars worth of goodies
  7. wow, that escalated quickly. to keep things a bit more fun and fair the maximum you can increase the bid is $10.
  8. "A Curandero's Delight": A not-for-profit Cactus Auction Hey Chiefs, Over the last few months I've been distributing a bunch of plants, cuttings and seeds out into the greater community. Saying goodbye to my babies is always painful but I'm growing used to it now. I know that they are flying away to exotic places to be cherished and loved by capable, passionate and diligent growers. They no longer need to fear my negligence or Ol' Jack Frost, they've gone to a better place, though I do miss 'em... Anyway, every so often someone puts in an order and flakes out for whatever reason, it's all good, it happens. Occasionally I get a little happy with the knife and take an extra cutting or two. So I end up with trays of cuttings and plants I am not sure what to do with. It's a bid cold here at the moment and the thought of potting up plants isn't very inviting. So I thought I would have an auction and give all of that money to a not-for-profit research association I am quite fond of. I will pay for the postage and handling and then match those costs with a donation of my own. The not-for-profit I will be donating the money too is PRISM PRISM was founded in Australia as an incorporated non-profit research association in March 2011 and is a government approved tax-exempt charity. Our purpose is to investigate whether psychedelic compounds, while being powerful psychoactive agents that should be approached with enormous respect, are also potential medicines that may be employed to achieve significant positive outcomes in the treatment of a range of diseases for which conventional medicines provide limited relief. The word ‘psychedelic’ was explicitly included in the name of our organisation in the hope of encouraging more widespread familiarity, removing the mystery of the unknown, addressing the social stigma still attached to psychedelics and ultimately according them value and respect. PRISM is collaborating with the USA based Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) on MDMA-PTSD research. http://prism.org.au/ So what's in "A Curandero's Delight" cactus pack? 4x Trichocereus bridgesii "Dawson"; 20cm cuttings 1x Trichocereus pachanoi "Woolunda Monster Pedro"; 20cm cutting 2x Trichocereus pachanoi "Yowie"; 20cm cuttings 4x Trichocereus pachanoi "PC"; 20cm cuttings 2x Trichocereus pachanoi "Woolunda Black"; 20cm cuttings 4x Trichocereus terscheckii x T. pasacana; 6yo seedlings 1x Trichocereus terscheckii x T. pasacana; 6yo variegated seedling 1x Lophophora williamsii; 6yo seedling 1x Lophophora williamsii var. variegata; small plant 1x Trichocereus terscheckii x T. pasacana; Seed Pack (100+ seed) 1x Trichocereus sp.; Unknown Tricho Seed Pack (100+ seed) 1X Brugmansia sp.; Unknown Brug Seed Pack (50+ seed)**** 2x Indian clay chillum; new, hand-made, Indian quality, works?*** 1x Entheogenesis Australis: Journal 02 (2010-2011) 1x The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Philip K. Dick** 1x Copy of me mates mix-tape* *Trust me on that last item, listen to that shit when you are high **That second last item? Everyone has got to read that book! Read it, then think about it when you are high ***Er... They're good, trust me, they're made in India **** That there Brugmansia seed was collected by a mate of mine, in South America somewhere, Peru maybe? Approximate value of $500 You can have a look at photos of these items in my other sales threads here: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41299 http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41330 http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41375 This auction is only open to people in oz. Like I stated earlier, I'll cover the postage and whatever that postage cost is, I will match with a donation to PRISM. Post your bids here, one dollar increment minimum and ten dollar maximum, auction ends in about two weeks, Midday 29th of June. Starting at $1 Cheers, P
  9. Don't cha love it when, you're feeling a bit down then you read every post in this thread and are reminded of how beautiful and simple life can be.
  10. Doncha love it when you connect with someone and when it ends, all you wanna do is vomit tears. yay for feeling alive!
  11. Don't show anyone your plants and never explain the shamanic properties to people who are unaware. Kanje and I lost both of our collections, thousands of dollars worth of plants about eight years ago. It was absolutely devastating. They cleaned out the entire hot-house in the night. Never found out who did it. CUNTS! Almost forgot about that...
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