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The Corroboree

What did you do in your sacred garden today?

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Fun Day:

Ordered some BRITISH grapevines from Sunnybank Vines in the UK, planned skullduggery for how to import them.

Got in touch with Mattslandscaping to negotiate a $250 order of BIG torch cacti for spring.

Received A. valdezii grafted onto A. myriostigma, and M. 'Arizona Snowcap' grafted on M. geommetrizans from 123.mirka in Poland via ebay.

Six-point valdezii on eight-point myriostigma. NICE!!!!

123.mirka sent TEN random Astrophyta as a gift! All about 1" across, a good mix.

He has more valdezii-on-myriostigma on ebay, take a look!

Was sent an enormous number of PV berries for sprouting FRESH.

Went through the WHOLE tech -- sterilizing tupperwares, soil, and soaking seeds in dilute bleach after mooshing off the pulp.

Arrived 1 Jan --> First sprouts 1 Feb, FOUR WEEKS!

I tell you guys! Get FRESH SEED, FOLLOW THE TECH, and it works!


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watered and fed using aeroponic ferts and root gel in the mix

added a few viridis cuttings to the aquarium..

added a few successful viridis cuttings to the 'rfb' under plastic fruit snack packaging

trimmed the acacias , they just survived spidermites which are finally gone..

dropped self in it telling kids that you can grow citrus plants from supermarket seeds so saved 4 nice chunky grapefruit seeds to try some point in future and have a new mission of limes lemons and several different types of oranges , goodness knows where they're gna grow if not bonsai or something lol












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Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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added another successful psychotria viridis cutting to the RFB from the aeropod :3 with a little humidity dome ..

took a fresh aya cutting to replace the lost ones..

had a 2nd muricata and a 2nd alicia sprouting over the last day after breaking the soil the day prior..

moved some cactulets around ... watered some reviving acacias..

bought another one of them funny LED floodlight thingys with double the oomf in it... probably for the RFB...

Two legendary entheos waited till i gave up on them before allowing themselves to come into the window of possible opportunity which was mighty strange but very welcome news...

umm... i think that's it ... oh yeah , fed some nitey to the RFB...

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air-layered a caapi ...

brought the ehretia microphylla bonsai that my old bag killed by locking it in a hot dry car for 2 days back in august...

- back to life in the underworld... as my "virola" in our aquascape..post-14443-0-26438200-1455407774_thumb.jpost-14443-0-90409800-1455407874_thumb.j

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Planted Mugwort rhizomes and Silene Capensis.

Repotted some small Coleuses.

Repurposed some bricks for a new garden path.

.. and sheltered a fragile sage from the brisk easterly.

Edited by inwould
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took some pics of progress to compare with after the move

bent some aya vines in the RFB..post-14443-0-11761700-1456097208_thumb.j

fed some nitey to them all in there..

checked the ants, still munching on hummous..post-14443-0-17283200-1456097319_thumb.j

hoped for the best with the theobroma with one last leafbud left..

finally got round to potting up and labelling a peruvianus pichu ..post-14443-0-32402900-1456097358_thumb.j

cleared out 28 failed cactie seed pots and wondered how it happened..post-14443-0-10589000-1456097393_thumb.j

added survivors to the closer light ...post-14443-0-06728800-1456097426_thumb.j

swapped their positions for the previous few years cactlet sowings...post-14443-0-88410600-1456097526_thumb.j

checked the other cactlets..post-14443-0-87223600-1456097557_thumb.jpost-14443-0-24497300-1456097588_thumb.j

fed some aeroponic ferts to the magick waterfall..post-14443-0-39713000-1456097698_thumb.j

fed some of that shit to the baby ayas too in exo-terra #2..post-14443-0-09602700-1456097733_thumb.j

checked acacia's rebounding after the mitey bastagespost-14443-0-60550800-1456097766_thumb.jpost-14443-0-01380400-1456097797_thumb.j

... wondering if the acacias slew many themselves..?

added a bridgesii planter to the sunniest windowsill to make up for the lost acacias..post-14443-0-48795400-1456097827_thumb.j

salvia got a bigger hat ... doing well on the cold window so far.. - will be nice to not have to depend on the RFB to grow salvia :)post-14443-0-65672500-1456097856_thumb.j

added leaves to the underwater bonsai..post-14443-0-08541800-1456097889_thumb.j

noticed 2 viridis leaf cuts rooted in the aquarium..post-14443-0-63987700-1456098029_thumb.j

- yay!! - i wonder if virola would germinate in there inside a little cage for plec protection?..

made sure all was neat and ready to be moved when the word go gets said..

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added a new species to the sacred garden :3

dnno what to do with this one yet ... looks pretty moist the way it arrived..


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If you have trees in the yard you can tie them into the forks of branches. I've done this at my place with bromeliads, orchids and Epiphyllums. They take a while to go cos most have come from potted environments but you will get extremely strong plants in the long run once they settle

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