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The Corroboree


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  1. Cut my Kanna back, started a fermentation from the cuttings (around 2 full handfuls- about half a plastic sandwich bag). Interested to see how the plant survives these first cool Perth nights.
  2. Hello! Quick question - I have a small Damiana plant that is growing well in Perth. I'm ready to harvest some leaves and was wondering - do I pick the individual leaves leaving the stem or cut off a stem? Thanks!
  3. it could be, I have no idea. So, these things are edible? I don't think I am brave enough to try...
  4. Yeah, I thought they might be. Not sure about all of them, but a couple of them did have the bruising. Quite fun hunting for shrooms!
  5. Hi, please help me identify the following. Found growing on fallen paperbark trees in the Perth Hills: Thanks!
  6. Yep, totally agree - they are very talented. I guess Nahko's music played some role in my recent interest in ethnobotanicals... Trevor Hall is another great artist, he was their support act on the recent tour. Really peaceful tunes. Peace
  7. Seen these guys twice now. Flew to Sydney back in April then again in my hometown (Perth). love this band!
  8. Hey, there was a button! But now I can't find it. I think it appeared when I clicked "Mark Solved" in the bottom right...
  9. Could be African milk bush (Synadenium grantii). A invasive weed over east, highly poisonous.
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