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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Brendo

  1. Brendo

    Variegated Caapi?

    Hey there, I was wondering if anyone can tell why this Caapi has started putting out what look like variegated leaves. My only guess is lack of nutrients. I haven't fed her at all over winter & have only fed with seaweed once this season, I plan to resume a regular feeding regimen over the coming weeks. As you can see though, not all the leaves are doing this.. Weird. Anyway any help is always appreciated, I've included some pics. Thankyou!
  2. Brendo

    Loph pup sale

    Hey guys, The stock for this graft rotted so I've chopped the pups off and rescued the main head. I don't have time to re-graft so am selling 'em. They were attacked by scale at one stage however made a full recovery and will continue to grow out of their scars Main head is $80, two medium $15 and the smaller $10 Otherwise $100 for the lot w/ free postage.
  3. Brendo

    Loph pup sale

    Yeah sorry I should've included a bic or something in the original pic. Probably should have put the ad up the day they were cut instead of callousing first as the three smaller heads are shrivelling up so no point mailing them. Offering the main head for $50
  4. Brendo

    Loph pup sale

    New price $80 for the lot 4 heads total
  5. Hey guys, Was wondering if anyone could tell me much about these three plants. I know they're in the Peruvianus/Macro area but not much more.. If they look familiar to you or whatnot I'd love to hear your thoughts. Would like to get some rough background info on what types these are.
  6. Brendo

    Wanted: Macrogonus

    Hey guys, I'm chasing one or two Macrogonus cuttings. Specifically fat blue ones with larger aeroles. Happy to set up a trade or pay cash, shoot me a pm
  7. Brendo

    WANTED: Crawling cactus

    Yeah man, Thanks for the offer though mate I appreciate it, no need to ship internationally though. I'll just try my local nursery
  8. Brendo

    WANTED: Crawling cactus

    Chasing any kind of hardy crawling cactus, e.g. Stenocereus eruca etc.. All I really need is one cutting. Happy to pay cash or work out a trade
  9. zed what makes you say "not as many of the cuzco-like features" ? What other features would you say identify a cuzco as opposed to what we see here? My understanding is cuzco and knuth are basically the same except the Knuth is much more knobbier, if you will. The spines turning white as they age scream cuzco to me, however I guess this is also a trait for knuth. I can't see if the spines become bulbous at the base further down as OP has not included any photos of the older spines close up.
  10. Brendo

    Thick, Chunky Columnar Cacti?

    Check all the Bunnings' in your local area, I've found several Terscheckii's there across the years.
  11. Brendo

    What's wrong with my Mimosa Hostilis?

    Seasol should be fine. It can be applied to foliage so I'd spray all the leaves at either sunrise or sunset. Considering you've already fed it recently, I'd recommend diluting to 1/4 the strength you'd normally use.
  12. Brendo

    Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood) hunt

    You got malaria waterboy? Couldn't find anything on google regarding it's uses other than that. Or is it for pain relief?
  13. Brendo

    Babaco 'Champagne Fruit'

    Hey guys, I decided not to chop the tree down for cuttings, it did however sprout a pup a few months back so I'm going to cut & root it. If anyone is interested in this plant shoot me a PM https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babaco
  14. Brendo

    Babaco 'Champagne Fruit'

    Have any of you tried this fruit? Holy shit. It's like something from Avatar.. Tastes like a mix between Passionfruit, Strawberries and Kiwifruit. Even the skin smells beautiful, and when you cut it open, the guts sparkle and smell like bubbly champagne.. I can't believe I'd never seen or heard of this plant / fruit before.. Mind b l o w n . It's apparently from Ecuador and is a kind of Papaya hybrid and doesn't set seed. I got my plant on Ebay about 2 years ago. It started fruiting a year ago and I've only just had my first two ripen. Very long fruiting period but absolutely worth it imo I can try and make cuttings if anyone's interested, will be a little while though. Either way I highly recommed you search out this plant.
  15. Hey guys, I'm looking to sell these 3 mid sections cuttings, two Bridgesii (20cm) and one Pachanoi (26cm). They're all rooted underneath so you can log them straight away and start making pups or plant them upright and ignore the roots on the side if you wish. Looking at around $15ea or all 3 for $40 - Pickup preferred but I'm happy to arrange postage at buyer's cost. Interesting trades considered
  16. Brendo

    What's wrong with my Mimosa Hostilis?

    If there are no mites as per TBG's suggestion, it could be a deficiency of some sort. Hopefully someone with more experience is able to advise, however in the meantime I'd apply a foliar sprayed dose of trace elements. Best of luck.
  17. Brendo

    Cactus giveaway - PC / Cuzco

    All gone dudes. Thanks!
  18. Hey guys, Happy New Year! I'm currently in the process of downsizing my collection and due to being ripped off when I was a noob I have around 20 PC / Cuzcoensis plants that I have no room for. I have no time to propagate them for grafting so I'd like to give them away free of charge. Sizes range between 1-4ft so pick up is the best option, although if you're desperate, sure, hit me up. Whatever doesn't go will be destroyed at the end of the month. Regarding the condition of the plants, I have been neglecting them a bit and some are infected with scale which I'm currently treating fortnightly with Neem, other than that they're perfectly healthy plants which live each day in full sun. They're all in plastic pots, which I no longer have any use for so I'm happy to let them go as they are if preferred. Also, if you're after other Trichs I have a bit of variety so if you see anything you like we can definitely talk. I'm currently in Sydney, so if you're local, have a ute and are enthusiastic about grafting, shoot me a PM
  19. Brendo

    Interesting succulents

    Chasing all sorts of succulent cuttings to plant in and around columnars. Can trade cuttings of pach, bridge, other succulents or cash. Shoot me a pm
  20. Brendo

    Post your word of the moment

  21. Brendo

    Show off ya succies

    Awesome thread! The succulents you sent me are going great d00d! I'm off tomorrow so if I remember I'll snap some pics I can confirm your suspicion that certain plants are location dependent, I work at Masters (for now lol) and work in an area with loads of units/apartments - we sell no Jacarandas, the only trees we sell are small palms, whereas the nearest store to us which is in the suburbs is loaded with all kinds of palms, Jacarandas, Frangipanis etc.. This was one of the first things I noticed when I started working there. Essentially it comes down to the plant specialist and whether or not they know the area, current trending plants etc. So yeah there's no default stock for all stores, can't talk for Bunnings but I'd assume it'd be the same.
  22. Brendo

    Cactus flowering photo heavy 2015

    Not really a cactus but this Aloe's flower started resembling a scene from one of those sci-fi movies where the alien spaceships decend on the city lol
  23. Hey guys, Any ideas? I always thought this was a Cuzco.. I planted it in the ground about a year ago and since then it's really puffed out. Really happy Cuzco? Or Knuthianus beginning to show some mature traits? I purchased a Knuthianus yesterday and they look very similar so I thought I'd ask the experts Thanks!