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The Corroboree

What did you do in your sacred garden today?

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today i think i lost my beloved mimosa tenuifloras that i had been growing for nearly 3 years from seed

fukken bastedd!!!

shit happens eh?

at least i know how to grow the cants again when i get chance


and it looks like some moth has made its nest on my acacias too ... good job they were easy to germinate and thus , shall have to be another set of species to put back on the need to grow list

:huh: :huh: :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

today i mourned the loss of my prize acacias in the only 2 hour slot i had to visit them (the same one I got to visit my kids in)

we watered and fed what we had left

*adds pics quite a bit later when i get my phone cable*

at least only a few cactus seedlings have snuffed it

and at least I'm advantageous enough to be able to amicably store the plants where they've been 3 yrs at me old bag's <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_wacko.png but since she booted me out for having an open mind and not sucking up to the govt and tryna tell her the drs meds aint the way to go...

its been a fuckery and a half... <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_blink.png

at least the rainforest box seems to be loving the watering reigime my son rustles up for them too

definitely grateful they didnt get booted out too lol

anybody got a spare house to rent? ... <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_innocent_n.gif

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Sorry to hear about the family/plant seperation mate, very sucky.

Hope you can sort something out mate.


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Thankyou kindly guys . Im sure ill be right soon.

Today in my portable alternative emergency gardenpods xD i added some mosses and a small

grass plant each to provide my first ;) shroom grow project. :3 with its own oxygen supply

i gave them a blast of medical oxygen too lol

I sliced some supermarket shroom tips and bunged a stem cutting into some petshop woodchips

That had been 6%bleached for 24hrs and killed with power in the nukerowave

I then hoped with power... So yeah... Lol

shiitake , grey oyster, buttercap?, king oyster,

and bought 4 more pods for a blast at shimji, reishii, enokitake and turkeytail

which i just bleached up for tomoz

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Finally got a proper greenhouse! Some of my plant friends have been struggling without one, but that should change now.

Scored this for $50 from ALDI...


previously mr. caapi was confined to a big plastic bag humidity tent, but broke through it to throw out a tendril. now he's got a playground!


seedlings labelled by my friend... the angelica label cracks me up


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Took some photo's of my BBB's ( Bullit Bred Beauties).

Plants covered in seed pods from flowering over summer and I thought that was it but getting a whole second flush of flowers coming.

Just amazing flowers.


























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Umm i hope this sacred mushroom garden im working on belongs in this thread.
Is there a "what did you do in your mycological space today" thread?
Maybe there should be.
If there isnt. Ill fire one up when i can getoff this android crapple and
back on a real comp..
-edit- http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=40969&p=493693

Anyhoo...Today i bought 4phaelenopsis and the lady gave me one for free too..
For the windowsill at my mates house who let me stay with em for helpn out
and got some instant gratification from
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king oysterpost-14443-0-83099800-1426545070_thumb.j
white shimjiipost-14443-0-97767600-1426545147_thumb.j
and silver oysterpost-14443-0-10023600-1426545270_thumb.j
i cant wait to get good enough to grow cordyceps

researching pet silk moths too, - anybody kept witchety grubs before?

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how would you go about growing cordyceps? don't you need like, a specific breed of caterpillar infected by a specific breed of fungus at a specific altitude in the mountains?

wasn't just sinensis i was thinking... militaris is a must too

but here... this is where i found out the basics



How to Farm & Grow Cordyceps Sinensis
Written by scott wolfenden


Traditional Chinese medicine has used medicines derived from plants, such as cordyceps, for at least a thousand years.

Chinese tea with mint image by lefebvre_jonathan from Fotolia.com

Cordyceps sinensis is a mushroom that grows in the Himalayan mountains of the Tibetan Plateau region. It is known by the name "Chinese Caterpillar Fungus" because it is a parasite that grows in the wild on the larva of the ghost moth. Demand for this mushroom for use in extracts for Chinese medicine is strong both in coastal Chinese cities, as well as, in more recent years, for world export, and it has become a significant cash crop in the Himalayas. There are many species of the cordyceps. However, the cordyceps sinensis is the most significant in terms of worldwide demand. It is sold in a number of forms including whole-dried for use in cooking, capsule, powder and liquid.

Skill level: Easy

Things you need
  • Live cordyceps sinensis extracts
  • Silk worm residue
  • Rye grain
  • Plastic bags, glass jars

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  1. 1

    Place cereal grain, such as rye, in a dry plastic bag or glass jar. Make sure to sterilise with hot water or other method beforehand. While cordyceps sinensis grows on moth larva in the wild, it can also be grown in other hosts such as rye grain, millet or rice. Rye or millet produces a higher quality product than rice. Additionally, in China or countries other than the United States, a high quality product can be obtained using silk worm residue from dead silk worms. While these are easy to obtain in China and Japan, they are regulated in the United States and most growers there use grains. Silk worm residue from dead silk worms produces a higher quality product than does use of grains.

  2. 2

    Inoculate the substrate of rice, millet, rye or silk worm extract, with the cordyceps sinensis fungus. Temperature should be 20.0 to 23.3 degrees C. There should be diffuse light and atmospheric oxygen conditions comparable to sea level. Growth under these conditions should be for 28-30 days.

  3. 3

    Move the fungus and substrate in its glass or plastic containers to a controlled environmental chamber with 50 per cent oxygen, and 50 per cent nitrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The temperature should be thirty-seven degrees F with no light. The fungus should grow under those conditions for 15-20 weeks.

  4. 4

    Harvest and process the mushrooms. The chemical composition of the cordyceps sinensis grown under these conditions will be almost identical to that in the wild. The mushrooms should be dried and can be sold as it is to consumers, or for processing into powder or liquid for use in the Chinese medicinal market.


oh yah those shroomerie gods have a nice few threads on cordyceps I just found too

this one is gold dusthttp://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/10764739/fpart/1/vc/1

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Took some photo's of my BBB's ( Bullit Bred Beauties).

Plants covered in seed pods from flowering over summer and I thought that was it but getting a whole second flush of flowers coming.

Just amazing flowers.







sweeet as m8, thats a d.metel var fastuosa [triple purple]

check out this f1 hybrid beauty splashes of white through the purple

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I'll add my triple purples to the post. Seed acquired from another member on here.



Those triple yellow seeds you sent me Bullit, I've got 2 germinated at different times. Will post them when in flower. Cheers mate.







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Yesterday i planted out a few seedlings and cuttings into their new home at my mums..

3 x carob

1 x catha edulis

1 x acacia maidenii

1 x psycotria viridis

1 x anadananthera peregrina

1 x solanum maximus

Preparing a bunch of trumpets and cacti to plant out

Sowing more acacia varieties to be planted out

Sowing boab tree seeds also to be planted at my mothers house..

Exciting to finally get some plants out of their pots and into the ground, also got the approval to build a small house on the property as to help with the gardens and maintenance. Good times

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Yesterday i planted out a few seedlings and cuttings into their new home at my mums..

3 x carob

1 x catha edulis

1 x acacia maidenii

1 x psycotria viridis

1 x anadananthera peregrina

1 x solanum maximus

Preparing a bunch of trumpets and cacti to plant out

Sowing more acacia varieties to be planted out

Sowing boab tree seeds also to be planted at my mothers house..

Exciting to finally get some plants out of their pots and into the ground, also got the approval to build a small house on the property as to help with the gardens and maintenance. Good times

Good to hear its all coming together for ya mate!

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What's this Solanum Maximus there mystical?

Dont know much about it, came labelled as that from a friend.. dont have access to a photo at the moment but will grab 1 soon to try get a positive id.. will see if i can find out where it came from

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Took a few pics.


A split Datura seed pod, interestingly it just split overnight a few days ago. I figured it'd open over a period of time. Kinda reminds me of the eggs from the movie Alien lol.


Mimosa Hostilis seedlings being welcomed to the world :)







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