That does not sound like any reputable university I would like to study at. If you aren't being challenged in the right way, change unis., you can apply to get advance standing for the units you have completed at your current institution if you transfer. Do what you enjoy, not what will "potentially" earn you the most money. I am studying a bachelor of science, majoring in environmental science and (as the name suggests) archaeology. If I had a dollar every time someone asked me what job I want at the end of it I would be a rich man. I have no job in mind, I just love studying the material. As long as the job at the end of it relates to either of my majors I will be a very happy guy. I think you also have to lower the expectations of what jobs you can enter into as a graduate. As zelly pointed out, you have to expect to start at the bottom. Just do what you enjoy; that is what life should be about.