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  1. Kitesurfer

    Variegated Trichocereus Pasacana

    Variegated Trichocereus Pasacana soon to flower Does anyone have Tricho pollen to trade for future seeds? Located in the Sunny Coast Cheers
  2. I didn't germ the TBM myself & was told it was seed grown when bought, the macrogonus was a normal variegated clone that has stayed true to form on all my other grafts but the one I'm selling on ebay has more stunted growth in the variegated sections, looking like the Cereus Peruvianus graft has changed its growth
  3. I usually triple graft all my rare Trichos with a Cereus Peruvianus as the rootstock as the Cereus was sourced from a 6m monster on a mates farm & it gives much faster growth than any Pach PC would. The Peru crest was a cutting the size of a golfball last year & is over 30cm across this year. I have traded/sold a few crests on the Cereus stocks and they are all cranking in different climates round OZ as the Cereus I use is resistant to overwatering & most climates
  4. I am selling some of my rare cacti on ebay and are also prepared to swap other cuts for your rare plants. Please tell if there are any other variegated TBMC, Variegated Macrogonus or all yellow Pasacanas here already http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Trichocereus-Bridgesii-Monstrose-Clone-Variegated-seed-germ-only-one-in-Aust-/151899566928?hash=item235deb7350:g:KboAAOSwwE5WW4hv http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Trichocereus-Macrogonus-Variegated-Chimera-grafted-Cacti-/151899605932?hash=item235dec0bac:g:-doAAOSwp5JWW5UC http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Trichocereus-Pasacana-Cacti-200mm-Bright-full-yellow-offset-for-sale-/151899593531?hash=item235debdb3b:g:Pc8AAOSwAKxWW5At http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Trichocereus-Peruvianus-Long-spined-Crest-Giant-Specimen-/151899636298?hash=item235dec824a:g:a6QAAOSwwE5WW5lI
  5. Moving and have to clean up the yard, have giant periscopsis, must be collected by Mon night or goes in skip Bring gloves
  6. Hey Mindperformer, how did you go with your search for Diplopterys Cabrerana? Kiwi have it on their site saying it will be available soon but after your post I will also look for alternatives. I would be grateful to buy a Diplopterys cultivar and would be happy to include a large variegated trichocereus macrogonus or variegated pasacana also.
  7. Thanks mate, happy to wait. I am also after any Terscheckii crossed with other tricho's if you get any. Cheers
  8. Hi EthnoGuy, Can i get a pack of each of the Pachanoi Monstrose crosses? I have had great success with my other Trich seeds this year PM if any left Cheers
  9. Hi Pie oh pah I have some Trich crests grafted onto a cereus peruvianus that grows like a weed as it is better stock than the trichos I have. The cereus grew to a 5m tree from a cutting in 6 years & had to be removed with a backhoe on a mates farm. I can swap one for a bridgesii monstrose, I am in Perth so post is no drama.I have other plants also PM if interested, I aint got enough posts yet to PM you What is the booby cacti Sabry? It looks like an interesting addition to any collection, can I reserve a piece for next year? Cheers
  10. Awesome growth rate, Looks like I am too late 4 a cutting but if U get any pups later i can send U a loph graft or a monstrose trich if interested I had to get a scaff in to remove a 5m pasacana (see the pic) I can swap a pup from it next year as it ended up in 7 pieces before it fell over also. Each piece was around 100kg
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