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The Corroboree

Acacia acuminata


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This shit you are talking about is shit that is thrown or coming from other people. Sorry, I don't take on this judgement or blame coming from others here, that I have caused "damage" in the way they say. as if they would know? !

This issue has a tendency to become overblown and overstated I feel, so lets put things in perspective.

Problem is, there are some people out there who do not really know what they are doing and there are few who go a bit overboard in places where they should not. But I do think those people are in the minority. It is hard, or if not impossible to know all of what is going out there. But just from talking to people, most are very conscious and aware.

There are some who say trees should not be harvested, even fallen down one's etc. and that is their opinion, but their "ultra-ethical" position does not make it the right one. It is very easy to be an armchair ethical expert in this matter.

Ever been to Australia Mindperformer? As you can see this matter is deep and complex. Maybe we've just scratched the surface. Very few people really understand the issues. Even Torsten doesn't understand all of it going by his posts. This has all been going on for years and years.

And look, the end result is so fantastic. Some people really don't get that. I think.

Like I said, logging is a massive issue in general. And probably in one day, loggers take more DMT containing trees than harvesters ever have. And that is government sanctioned!

Maybe at some point in the future this could really become a big issue, because people are not going to stop wanting Australian tryptamines. Like I said before, over ten years ago I wrote an open letter to the Australian Ethnobotany community encouraging everyone to grow the plants we need.

At this time, I'm looking into new species which can be grown easily, which high yields from the phyllodes can be obtained.


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folias wrote:

And look, the end result is so fantastic. Some people really don't get that. I think.
Good for some, not for others. Has it been good for some plants? No. Has over hype been good for entheogenic or true ethnobotanic awareness and research? No. I guess the end result of exterminating carrib indigenous peoples, cutting down the rainforest and taking african slaves to the west indies was 'fantastic' in the end. 400 years later we get reggae. Yeah fantastic for the red coats. What the F are you talking about? Everyone was going to get the information. Did they need sleazy ice-freak dealers?

Speaking of which: reptyle makes me want to puke too. Sounds like Ice babble.

Set good examples folias and you may not have karma to pay.

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if u would also like a direct line to god learn to loath everything that makes you what you are, beg for purification, beg for freedom from this perverse prison of emotional and psychological non-sense, bow down in awe of the splendour and power of the absolute, the one who creates and destroys equally and without passion, the one who lives in bliss perpetually, supplicate your self before the sovereign of existence...only with eyes so lowly and humble, so afraid and so aware of its own despicable nature can one truly percieve the glorified one and await the guidance deemed fit for the speck of dirt so lovingly maintained that is the self...

the way of purity is the path to God, clarity of thinking and understanding, health and longevity...

defiled by foods, waters, smokes and mind altering substances, the many are far from knowing the non-attachment of the one who lives beyond and before all.

change and transformation, cut down the trees and the humans.

maybe ure puking is a purge and u can relate to all the absolute distracted verbage that u r truly involved in. maybe ure desire to witness wise shaman is a calll to action for u, rather than expecting something from me?

when i am in a frog conversation i sound like frog.

harvest your thigh skin... it contains tryptamines.

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reptyle, I think you're in such a transcendent spheric cosmos that you loose contact to the ground.

Real shamans are always ambivalent, as they are are down to earth AND in the spiritual space (depends on what they do). It is only possible to communicate with the "normal" people by having contact to the material world (not materialistic).

After all only a small group of shamans believe in a concept of god...

Edited by mindperformer
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ure right.

i can be slightly facetious and cynical... and being largely intellect based attributes, i have a somewhat disconnect from the emotional and otherwise psychological positions and needs of those i interact with in this space...

i do often contemplate ceasing use of the computer as a medium for communication, as it certainly opens one up to being misunderstood, especially in the conversive speak and hurried poor grammar that i (and we) poetically employ.

i do think that being purely material worldly (not materialistic worldy) we open doorways to spiritual spaces which otherwise remain closed, though i have thus far used this tool that is somewhat electric etheric in nature rather effectively.

i also think u mean to say "only a small group of shamans UNDERSTAND the God concept", as their believing is not requisite for its existence.

and on that note i will cease attending the SAB pissing pole and hope that all ya'll can see the non-sense you vomit though my example.haha...

i am going now to build a transcendent spheric cosmos, out of recycled pallets.

tards. ha.

blessings be upon ure avatars and may u wake to find ure undies full of ants.

quit ure bickering. kiss and wear makeup.

love, your reptilian overlord.

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oh you're avatar? ...not really *lol*

rather egocentric, arrogant and spiritual crazed

too much Lucy?

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I would just like to take this moment to thank everyone for the fantastic entertainment here tonight

(the sound of one hand clapping)

Did someone forget to make the sandwiches?

(wipes tear from one eye)

Phyllode: Chyllode: It wasn't just reggae, we got the railroads too. Capitalism makes slavery universal, and loved. Now we can all build railroads, and the trees can be removed for only this reason! No questions! You forget sometimes we live in a place which used to be entirely virgin forest, now we have remnants. Remnants is all we have. You want to separate us from the remnants to protect them but does that really work? Separation from nature is what got us here in the first place, people who work with the trees are arguably closer to nature than so many others, they can bring the teachings to the rest.

I spoke to a dolphin once, trapped she was, not far from you in a concrete hell. I cried inside, but was public so hid it from the masses. She spoke to me gently, telling me it was a worthy sacrifice she made so that our young, childish species could mature and learn how to love others not like us. I cried some more, I have never stopped crying. Her sacrifice was absolute. The saddest thing; many of the others with her had lost hope and had become mindless animals, swimming aimlessly, performing tricks. It was complete horror. She made me her ambassador, and I can only do a really shit job of it. Because I am a child. Nature is trying to teach us, we only have to see. The trees too. What can we do, when we say the animals speak to us, what can we do, when we say the plants have spoken aloud? They just laugh. But if we explain with conviction, if we speak to the soul, then perhaps the message will get through.


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whitewind wrote:

She spoke to me gently, telling me it was a worthy sacrifice she made so that our young, childish species could mature and learn how to love others not like us. I cried some more, I have never stopped crying. Her sacrifice was absolute.

Cool. Hopefully reptyle and folias 'll sacrifice themselves for others soon!

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there is a legend associated with Samudra Manthan (churning of ocean), a process in which the asuras (demons) and the gods joined hands to churn out amrut(nectar) from the depths of the ocean, using a mountain and a snake as a rope. The devas( deities) and the asuras (demons) counterparts were churning for a nectar of immortality.[4] Among many things that came out, a pot of poison came out of the ocean. This poison was so potent that it has the power to destroy the whole universe. The problem that arose was that the poison could not be discarded, it had to be drunk by one of the devas or asuras. No one wanted to drink the poison because they all felt that they were too valuable or sacred to drink it. Shiva, upon the request of the gods, came forward in a calm disposition and said that he would drink the Halahala (poison) for “the sake of his family to sustain peace and allow them to find the nectar of immortality.” By drinking the Halahala, he eliminated its destructive capacity.[5] Shocked by his act, Goddess Parvathi strangled his neck and hence managed to stop it in his neck itself and prevent it from spreading all over the universe supposed to be in Shiva's stomach. However the poison was so potent that it changed the color of His neck to blue. For this reason, Lord Shiva is also called Neelkanta.. After drinking the poison, Shiva went to the Himalayas to meditate. The nectar of immortality was found, and the asuras tried to steal it from the devas. They wanted to become more powerful than the devas to be able to destroy them. After a “series of divine interventions”, the devas emerged as the winners and received the gift of immortality. By drinking the poison, Shiva sacrificed himself for the safety of his family and humanity.

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chili, you can't be serious?!

reptyle, after all this is the most interesting you wrote... I know the story and although I'm not Hindu, Indian mythology is exciting

...here in Vienna the Hare-Krishnas on the streets sell lots of books, full with this stories, when I tried to read it it was simply too much of gods, hundrets of names, ...

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exciting like u get a tingle in ure lower regions? or exciting like u are inspired to strive for entry into the abodes of those Gods whose names so overwhelm ure human mind? or exciting like knowing ure birthday is coming like heaven in the stories?

sounds to me like you've got attention deficit symptoms. too much Television. not enough meditation.

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chili, you can't be serious?!

Chilli = Solanaceae

Cereus = Cactaceae

Different family, mindperformer. He's just trying to be anonymous by putting up the wrong picture on his profile. Naughty Chilli!

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i dont want to insult anybody... its something i haf to do.

My God finds it humorous and slightly entertaining as a passtime.

Given the quite strange notion that rather than such otherwise useful purposes for the cyberscape, such as AuShamans, time is spent discussing and recording some quite non-sense philosophical opinions... all of which are entirely self centred and devoid of any real solutions.

no diagnosis as yet, just symptoms.

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ok, i got a dia-gnosis... Shaman Australis... rather than being a high quality educational institution which produces and provides information from leading Shamans of Australis... is infact...


"twat factory!!!"

its an outcome thats taken years to fully appreciate.

acacia accuminata.

the herbal tincture of miscommunicated ideals and nigh on thoughtout ego propaganda... i think, therefore i am... going to think loudly.

acacia accuminata.

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