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The Corroboree

Acacia acuminata


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>Many in the community here know just exploitive you are.

there is marvelous medicine in nature. it behooves us to share with this with our fellow humans. Sure, I have made mistakes. But for the most I have a great relationship with many different plants and they appreciate my work. thanks.

if you personally do not the acumen, skill or balls to do share in a similar way, don't hate on others who have, and then point it all at egologistics! (which seems to your excuse to be a hater, and I have come across people like you a fair bit! so get on with your own life and stop your projections! I have no idea who you are and am pretty sure you don't know me from a bar of soap!

>If you actually cared about these plants you'd have some ecological sanity.

seems that you are accuse me of ecological insantiy! which I refute! I'd be suprised if you have had more of an ecologically sane impact than me.

>The Blue Mountains. The North Coast. Decimated, no doubt by people like you.

last time I checked there were plenty of obtuses around the blue mountains. even in people's gardens. and in the north coast, plenty of them around in inland areas as well. I would be interested to hear of this decimation you are talking about!

>I really am coming after you (legally, of course)

ok, so should I give you the address of my lawyer?

do I know you? have you even talked to me? what is your real intention and issue here? I think being a "white knight" for the trees is just an excuse you give yourself not to deal with your own issues.

thanks, but I've seen this all this before many times and I find it really boring quite frankly.


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"Some would be aware there is a species in Australia, called the Pious Armchair Gumnut (PAG), which is unfortunately rather common. such types are surprisingly homogenous, exceedingly precious, judgemental, egotistically and humourously political and petty, tending to be cagey, and at once gossipy and normally out of touch with reality, its variables and nature because of an overt theoretical and impractical nature. But this does not mean they are bad people, they have good sides too; you could certainly trust them with your chickens! (at least I think you could...)"

Whoops. I think I offended "phyllode" in another thread! I suspect he is not as armchair as all that. Sounds like he's got his fingers in a few pies, what with all his in depth knowledge and stuff!

Just trying to understand where this dude is coming from...


hmm, he shows some interesting colors here. Seems extremely offended when people suggest he might be doing something considered illegal. A big ego too! Don't worry matey, this is a common affliction with those of us attracted to the ego destorying plants!


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i have no attachment to being seen as a knowledgeable or wise person in relation to these things, i admit don't know as much as a lot of people, but i have no qualms saying online squabbles like this are the height of fucking immaturity, as is naming locations and giving away names of endangered species, both of which are in this thread. while you guys are debating this others are miles ahead of you, finding new species. i'd say a generous 1-2% of people working with these plants write about what they're doing online. if you think you're writing about these things to 'speak out', remember there's no greater publicity than a censor.

Edited by bulls on parade
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  • 3 weeks later...

More on a rare and interesting acacia:






This very rare species (Acacia sp. Jack Hills or Acacia cockertoniana affin.) grows on the oldest place on earth, the Jack Hills, formed about 4,4 billion years ago!


There they also found a key indicator of earliest life forms in diamonds trapped inside the Jack Hills zircon crystals:


And analysis of the zircons led to a controversy on the view on the early earth because they found higher ratio of heavy to light oxygen isotopes, which must have been caused by liquid water, but this liquid water was thought to be absent in this early years of the earth:


The Jack hills are part of the Yilgarn craton, formed ca. 3400Ma.

Acacia sp. Jack Hills or Acacia cockertoniana affin. Jack Hills has a similar morphology like A. acuminata, which is also distributed near its range.

Acacia cockertoniana generally is most often found on the banded ironstone ranges, where the oldest fossils were found: Stromatolithes

The phylogeny of australian acacias:




http://www.worldwide...nomen-class.pdf- very recommendable

according to the phylogeny-explorer, http://wiki.trin.org...ylogenyExplorer, Acacia victoriae is one of the most ancient australian species. It contains 5-MeO-DMT in its bark and is very wide spread in Australia:


distribution of Mimosiodeae:


here we see that Anadenanthera colubrina is a very ancient species of the Mimosoideae:


and the origin of the Mimosoideae is thought to be in South America:


Edited by mindperformer
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^^^Folias, I am not offended so much as saddened and astounded by your hot air and crap. The plants thank you do they? Really? Bullshit. I know exactly who you are. You are arrogant and interested in your own agenda, not ecology or helping people. Think people can't work out DMT on their own? Think you have superior knowledge and skills? What have you actually done for anybody or anything that you carry on like some kind of evangelist/saviour. Think obtusifolia's not in danger. Think again. Talk to some people with more experience than yourself (there's a few). You get a life, or do something useful. On behalf of the plants I curse you.

Edited by planthelper
inapropiate remarks regarding a dead person
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and buster i know exactly who You ^ are .. what's he done that you haven't? why single him out? over for eg. the person that made the lex-tek? he posts here. you curse him on behalf of the plants? that's nonsense man. it's like saying i now apologise to pholias on behalf of you. i admire your learning but imo you shouldn't act like you speak for the trees, because you don't.

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@phyllode and all the other aggressive nonsense-writers:

please start your own thread about obtusifolia and stop aggression, I'm not a bit interested in personal conflicts in this thread, it has nothing to do with Acacia acuminata anymore!

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.. nahh here's fine. let's all carry on for ages about how it's only ethical to take phyllodes and how we never take any bark, hate the people who do, call em tree killers, emphasise scarcity, etc etc as though no one's heard it before, as though it's devoid of all elements of projection ..

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Does somebody know more about A. acuminata and traditional use of it? My young plants thrive well, so I would recommend growing from seed instead of harvesting wild trees, so I think we have discussed this issue now.

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I believe Acacia acuminata is used as the host plant in Western Australia when growing Santalum spicatum in a plantation. Here's an article I found whilst researching this interesting fact:


And another one that is absolutely 'jam' packed with information and contains some fantastic genetic information:


Edited by IndianDreaming
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  • 3 weeks later...

The Raspberry Jam Wattle was fast growing until it started to change its leaf morphology to the narrow phyllodes now:

the red leaves are pigmentations because of intense light:

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you do know about few million if not billion acuminatas are within 400km of australias most windy city mindperformer which have probably about a trillion seeds to be collected at any given time, and that even if when or if some well wishing psychonaught decides to ring bark if he is stupid enough not to collect the multiple thousands of kilograms of dead firewood left lying literally everywhere...and then he actually has the nous to extract this mythological farce that is called DMT, only to find out that DMT is not the answer they were looking for. acacia acuminata is not and will never be an endagered species.

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I cant help, reading criticism in your post.

I think we habe discussed the abundance of it particularized,

its better to write the heading in a way not to promote a possible thread when its not sure.

You described YOUR region and although there allegedly are regions with too many damaged trees, its only distributed in western australia... some acacias are distributed worldwide

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I wouldn't call DMT a mythological farce, its very complex and not everyone is seeking THE simple answer with it, there are many insights and experiences which it can give you, I know no one who took a full dose and said "hm no I think this is not the answer, not impressing"...

everyone said "woooow this is it, I see this and that, I am god..."

and me too ;-)

After all, what's the sense of your egocentric post? Reduced on interesting information its only the note that in your region acuminata is very common. As we can see on the distribution-map, perth is near the core of acuminata- distribution, however

...you wrote its easy to collect from dead wood... for all the humans NOT living in Western Australia the plant is uncommon in cultivation. Here in Vienna its winter with -1 degrees C.

And there are more reasons to grow it apart from extracting DMT. Its a beautiful plant with an interesting smell and an exceptionally high content of the elfspice

Edited by mindperformer
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How about folias stops aggressing trees. What do you care about more? Lifeforms who can't speak on the internet for themselves, or DMT salespeople.

I'm out of here, I'm sure you'll be glad. Why single one person out? Cause he is one of the worst offenders.

Now, I gladly fuck off to greener pastures, where people hold the exploitive accountable.

I guess this is a very 'commercial' orientated place.

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the solutions to your gripes and grimes is infact to commercialise DMT and its providers... regulate the growing, harvesting and production and proffesionalise its application...

the annoying thing for myself personally is that regardless of the varied opinions of the people on this forum... we are all one and in it together... we should be seeking and recommending solutions, not indulging in baseless critisism...

there are far worse environmental dis-graces going on currently, and i have no doubt each of your pantries are full of them...

so unless your eating grass and producing milk u should be voicing your outrage elsewhere... and supporting and stabalising the public opninions of those in your peer group...

it seems that the fodder for criticism of the "shamanic" community is provided by the community itself... and that is very very dumb.

we all have things we could be doing better... i wish i wasnt so rude and that i could communicate more clearly to those people i wish to join forces with, but alas alak, i am a work in progress... and i think thats the point... we are not a finished product...

no doubt each of us has learned through our relationships with the plants... and with animals and with other human beings... and with higher orders of life who often remain forgotten and sincerely disrespected.

i have had great benefit from my work with people so named in this forum and i would not be in the position of relative happiness today if it were not for their "input" and so i would say rather, thankyou, for the sacrifice, for risking your personal freedom, for trying as hard as possible to respect the plants and the environment...

i know for sure that the quality of products i am seeing around at the moment is far exceeding those being produced 5 years ago... and i know that the plants are being harvested ethically... we certainly are evolving...

thanks acacia accuminata for opening this door into such a discussion.

we are only partyl responsible for the experiences we have... we do what we are able at any point int time to the best of our ability. and if not, noone would be able to judge that, except God. because there are retards and its not their fault they are retarded.



Edited by reptyle
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phyllode it said that folias was dead, im assuming he probably wont get the chance to argue with you again if thats the case. folias is dead? omg when did that happen none of my biz but thats sad news indeed if true : (

mindperformer sorry bro i didnt mean to come across ego wise, i admire your passion and your an asset to the community. of course though sometimes critism is necessary. without it we would all be nodding our heads in agreement and that only confirm conformity, which is ok but you and i know conformity is not always the best space to be. mythological farce means that alot of people hear of DMT and think its the be all end all follow the yellow brick road to the true answer type drug, im saying that the yellow brick road sometimes leads to the dragon in the cave not always the be all end all answer, its true DMT can do wonderful things but i believe 99% of people are not ready for DMT but 99% of travellers want it. the truth is somewhere in between. personally i think DMT is a dangerous path for humanity to explore, but best leave it to the random neil armstongs among us who mayby are lucky enough to be able to handle walking on the moon as a metaphorical scoping statement.

besides the imiginary babble though, if i was going to critique you for this thread the one thing that irks me is the title, yes i understand in global terms it is mayby, mayby an endangered species, as in the habitat is only a hundred thousand square kms, but the argument that acuminata is not global, would be akin to arguing that kangaroos are endangered in Spain, isnt that the way the world meant it to be and if you released acuminata into the amazon jungle for example then it would become a weed, type introduced pest. mayby its only in such a small part of the earth for a given reason, that its only meant to be which generally is the fundametal argument of spirituallity and shaminism in the first place. besides that keep up the good work mindperformer.

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I accept the excuse and agree that DMT might not apply for every psychonaut and is simply too potent for the inexperienced, but I also think its also overvaluated. Pure short acting tryptamines, smoked, are potent but too short and racy to have a real negative lasting experience, like some confusing horror-trips which LSD can give. Despite the subjective experience of time can be completely different..., the short duration makes them saver in a psychic way. This does not refer to ayahuasca, which is the death-life-medicine, the ship to insights and strong plant spirits, which can kill you (metaphorically).

My mention, that the tree is only distributed in Western Australia and not worldwide, refers to your statement that you can collect it everywere from collected wood and besides ...even kangaroos are more distributed that acuminata ;-)

Why does nature produce it everywhere? Only because its a simple tryptamine? No, there are other simple molecules which are far less widely distributed. Is it a defense mechanism because for some animals it is toxic, or can there also be a spiritual explanation? I think its definitely an important key for shamans and people who give us the right concept for the future.

There are also many communities besides South America, which use ayahuasca- analogues like Acacia confusa in East Asia and Central Asian combinations with syrian rue,

Indian combinations with Mucuna pruriens (contains 6-methoxyharmane and the leaves are said to contain DMT) or Desmodium gangeticum,

Mimosa t. (also acts to some extent without MAOI) or Banisteriopsis muricata (contains both) in Central America, and so on...

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If folias is dead (and I haven't heard this personally) then I am truly sorry for him and his friends.

But, AND THIS IS THE TRUTH (posers, wankers and self-proclaimed experts) -

I was warning him because if you fuck around with sacred trees you can easily end up DEAD.

This has already happened TWICE in the past year in Australia. Really.

This is what Indigenous people would say.

Maybe I was really trying to Help Him. And others here.

But, I;m sure MindPERFORMER you have a lot more jism still to throw around in people's faces.

And no, I'm a She, not a He, little boy.

This is my last post. I've defected to the dmt-nexus.me where I can express myself honestly without being abused by Agro-Geek Males.

A friendly farewell to all the PLANT GROWING EXPERTS in here. You are what MAKES this site!


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Oh, I lied. One more. And obviously people in here have no idea who I am.

No, bullsonparade you have no idea.

Talk to some trees. Smoke moar or whatever.

How dare YOU!

What the FUCK have you done to discourage these people directly from chopping down and selling these trees.

Like half the aussie scene, you sound like a coward or a hypocrite.

The aussie scene has treated this tress like SLAVES to be, yeah, PUT ON PARADE.

A handful of people have campaigned for 20 years to stop this kind of thing.

You make me sick. Honest. No offence intended.

BUT IF YOU STILL TAKE BARK, BULLS, I HOPE YOU'RE OFFENDED. No swear word is strong enough for you.

Edited by phyllode
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