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The Corroboree

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hey guys, so I'm up to 7 cactus stolen this week. I want to install a simple one camera system, bit have no idea where to start...

How much should I pay? I've seen they range from $70-300, are the cheaper ones capable of a clear picture, I believe you'd get what you pay for...

Anyone use these? I'll head to dick smiths later today, but I need this setup tonight


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Sorry to hear that d00d Have you thought about those big fuck off sensor lights that come on after any movement? That might save you some coin, i know they do have dummy cameras at jaycar. But i cant imagine how helpful actual footage of the theives would be, people these days dont give 2 shits, theyll just put their hood on and smile to the camera.

Id put in those sensor lights and then a 'camera' in clear view to give them second thought. Worst case barbed wire or a big ass shepard, though your in an apartment arent you? Physical prevention would work the best, even the craziest of crazies doesnt like to be jabbed shocked or bitten lol. Hope you sort out something good man

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You can get some good cheap ones off the net these days, you can use these as an example when you're shopping at Dickies or wherever - the thing to look for is LUX. This is the amount of light the camera can operate in. A cheapo crappy one would be 3 LUX, this will work at dusk'ish, but in the dead of night, it'll be pitch black. This is an example of a cheapo: http://www.ebay.com....=item4606e11df7

This is one thats much better: http://www.ebay.com....=item3cc37574ed

This one would suit your purpose well, it's noticable, its got IR LEDS, so it switches to B/W in the night. your thief will look like a vampire, but fairly visible: http://www.ebay.com....=item2a16e12afd

The TVLines is an indicator of resolution - camera 2 ^ Has 580 TVLines, Camera 3 ^ has 380 - so camera 2 with IR leds would be the best...

Work out what you want:

1 - Wireless or not?

2 - Indoor outdoor?

2 - Colour + IR - that can see in the dark?

- Yes - then get one with the highest TV lines, lowest LUX, the brightest IR Leds

- No - Highest lines, lowest lux

3 - Sound?

4. Recording?

I think the biggest difference is in the LUX and TVLines - Wireless distance stated, LED brightness for IR, and what are you gonna use for recording. All this varies with cost... the DickSmith 4 cam recorder thing is ok, and will probly do what you want, but if you wanna get enthusiastic about it - the above characteristics are the ones to check when comparing. There's more, but they're one ones most often stated on the box or in the propaganda.

Catch em!!! Then thwack em on the asre with a length of your spiniest specimen! Good luck!

Edited by IndianDreaming
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For a quick fix, if you have a webcam theres free software to take security shots- motion sensisng or just time based, etc. [1]

Mainly posting to say once you decide on a way to do it you might be well advised to not post specifics here. Just in case.

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Dirty bastards be cacti thieves. Cast any notions of mercy aside.

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Damn this is a difficult situation. I think a big badass security light would be a great start, I haven't heard of the webcam security thing but that sounds like a good option if you want pics, but could be easily thwarted by a hoody. One thing I would attempt if you are up for it is to stay up and watch, keep a whistle close at hand to scare the shit out of any thief and wake up the neighbours too! They wouldn't be back in a hurry after that.

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Make sure that your security gear is either very hard to spot or very hard to get to or both, top end gear has been the target by thieves around here lately.

A few security systems are designed around the use of hoodys WW but yeah they can be a problem, as can several other "tricks of the trade", just remember the more high tech your system is the more vulnerable & attractive it becomes.

Some ppl have been known to use xbox-kinect 3d imaging to get complete 3d scan of a pest, mind you the cops apparently weren't impressed having to chew up terabytes of memory over a single complaint.

Personally i always liked hot tape, the yells signify where to aim

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What are you aiming for? Do you want to be able to identify them without making them aware of the system, or do you want to try to scare them off with bright lights & a big "you are being filmed" sign?

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For a quick fix, if you have a webcam theres free software to take security shots- motion sensisng or just time based, etc. [1]


Bang on, much cheaper then buying a system.

If you do buy cameras dont buy them from Dick. If you have a Jay-car around the place they are much better.

I have a friend that had a plant theft problem once, he solved it with sharp things . Nails poking through the lip of the pot ect. Thats also how my Granded solved his letterbox theft issue.

Edited by eatfoo
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Feed me and give me shelter I will chill their with my Dog Im hopeless but my Dog rocks... becareful if you catch someone in your yard what do you do the laws protect them and they know where you live, you dont know where they live, Cameras attract curiosity from crimns aswell as authorities. My dog isnt declared in nsw YET

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I knew a bloke that ripped off a mull plant one time and threw it over the fence to his mate, it had a house brick tied to it on about two foot of rope. He caught the plant and then the brick came over and smacked in the face and knocked him out.

Are they chopping them or stealing the pot and all ?

If they are taking the pots maybe you could tie them together in groups of three or so with security cable and padlock them up at night.

If they are chopping them then they are armed with a big knife so you probably won't want to confront them.

Another good trick is a strobe light. When the strobe gets triggered they panic and generally hurt themselves in their mad rush to fuck off.

I'd go for a strobe with a capacitor discharge unit like a car coil to really give the cunts a shock and I'd secure the plants with cable.

It would be nice to film them running away after the strobe and electric shock though.

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im pretty sure its illegal to booby trap or 'man trap' your premises, unfortunately, (as in barbed wire behind your fence, etc)

also if an intruder (or visitor) hurts themselves on your property, aren't they still protected by public liability insurance?

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Water pistols filled with blue dye that shoot off when the pot is moved, or random hazards like a hose that has a cleverly placed stoppers in that comes out easily when knocked, thus covering our daring thief with an unexpected cold shower in the dark.

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Thanks for everyones replies... After shopping round and speaking with some diff home security shops, I think I have an answer.. reality is where i need to video could quite possibly fall under "general/public" land, meaning the recording is illegal. I hope to rig up a spotlight, problem is I don't know how or have any knowledge... Wish me luck, and Goodluck to yall also. Please secure your loved ones!!

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Yea whitewinds onto it, sprinklers triggered by a sensor Or a moat or something lol, anything to cause discomfort or 'unintentional pain'. Put a sign up, You steal my plants, your going home cold, motherfucker

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the strobe light idea sounds great. normal sensor lights i think have been around for ages and crims know about them and aren't that put off by them. a strobe would be completely unexpected and disorienting. especially if you can hook up some kind of noise or siren to go with it (maybe a recording of a dog barking even), but just the strobe itself would be cool.

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im pretty sure its illegal to booby trap or 'man trap' your premises, unfortunately, (as in barbed wire behind your fence, etc)

also if an intruder (or visitor) hurts themselves on your property, aren't they still protected by public liability insurance?


Because they're cacti - you could claim "I put the barbed wire there to make them feel like they were surrounded by their spikey brothers..."

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