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A bully cops his smack down (or throw down)


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THERE are only so many times you can try to turn the other cheek.

A Sydney schoolboy has become an internet sensation after video emerged of him body-slamming another student during a verbal and physical attack.

The year 10 boy - who pleaded with his tormenter to leave him alone - picked up his attacker and slammed him to the ground.

The teenager, said to have been bullied all his school life, was taunted and punched by a younger, smaller boy.

The victim took a hit to the face and then more blows as the year 7 boy goaded him to fight.

Suddenly the boy had had enough. He launched himself at his attacker, picked him up and threw him to the ground.

The younger boy staggered away, stunned and hurt.

Both students were suspended for four days after the incident which took place on Monday



I have found when you face a bully man to man...on their own...with out their cheer squad most of em run away like the little piss weak pugs they are....

IT WAS the moment a bullied, tormented and overweight schoolboy snapped....

"Poor Casey has been bullied his whole high school life and this is what happens when he snaps!!

"But guess who was suspended in this scenario - Casey!!''

Another also claimed Casey was a long term victim of school bullying.

"And in this footage it shows a boy trying to bash him (yesterday, Monday) and him trying to leave the fight.

"The boy starts to punch him in the face and so Casey reacts and hit him him back.

"Now Casey has been suspended and been threatened that he will get kicked out (of school).

"See what happens when kids who are bullied have had enough!!!''



A BULLIED Sydney schoolboy is an internet sensation after body-slamming another student.

Striking back for bullying victims everywhere, the Year 10 boy - who pleaded with his tormenter to leave him alone - picked up his attacker and slammed him to the ground.

The teenager, said to have been bullied all his school life, was backed up against a wall, taunted and punched by a younger, smaller boy.

The victim, identified on Facebook as Casey Heynes, took a hit to the face and then more blows as the Year 7 boy goaded him to fight.

Suddenly Casey had had enough. He launched himself at his attacker, picked him up and threw him to the ground.

The younger boy staggered away, stunned and hurt.



Not only physically hurt but I bet the little shit is humiliated beyond belief....and deservedly so...

Yeah the fat kid..Let this be a lesson to all bullies out there...the bullied can snap.......

Hope the fat kid makes a shit load of money out of his new found internet fame...He needs a good promoter...

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'Casey the punisher' could be the next 'star wars kid'

it was interesting seeing how the facebook community dealt with this, casey the punisher has 16,000 likes. the bully has his name and account released and lots of people couldn't resist this great opertunity to abuse and harass a child bully.

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I used to get picked on by a group of guys in my grade throughout most of high school. They picked me because I couldn't help retaliating. One time I punched one of them in the face (he took the next day off school), another time threw a corncob right in the face of another (he cried), threw a chair at tormentors a couple of times, and threw a lemon across a street which sconned one of them in the head. They really made parts of my childhood miserable as hell, and of course when I finally did complain to our grade "advisor" (my arse) she just told me to ignore it!

That said, I think the humiliation and pain should be enough lesson for the little shit instigating that particular fight. I don't think grown adults should be joining in on tormenting a child. Otherwise we're no better than they.

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thanks hutch i saw that on the news last night but they blacked out the impact, looks like the lil kid got mainly hurt by smashing his foot on the brick wall thingy, you can see why the big kid got suspended also though even though he didnt instigate it and really was the victim, he could have smashed that kids skull open or crippled him for life.

looks that move rampage jackson famously did in the UFC...i bet that bigger kid watches UFC on thurs nights, as a matter of fact i think thats one of the good things about it, it actually teaches kids who may be bully victims that defending yourself isnt just a matter of going and breaking boards in some fake karate class or having a typical box off, wrestling is one of the simplest ways to defend yourself and this big kid simply used his god given natural strengths.

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I used to get picked on by a group of guys in my grade throughout most of high school. They picked me because I couldn't help retaliating. One time I punched one of them in the face (he took the next day off school), another time threw a corncob right in the face of another (he cried), threw a chair at tormentors a couple of times, and threw a lemon across a street which sconned one of them in the head. They really made parts of my childhood miserable as hell, and of course when I finally did complain to our grade "advisor" (my arse) she just told me to ignore it!

That said, I think the humiliation and pain should be enough lesson for the little shit instigating that particular fight. I don't think grown adults should be joining in on tormenting a child. Otherwise we're no better than they.


Agree with that...but admit when I first saw the clip I wanted to laugh at him....and I wanted him to know I was laughing but I cooled down...he is just a kid...

I too were bullied badly as a kid until I was about 16....Also made my life hell...I wagged so much school I blew any chance I had of becoming a scientist.......

One day I got just like the big kid...couldn't take it any more and I exploded...I don't remember anything about the fight but by the time the teacher had pulled me off him he had lost most of his front teeth, his nose was bent up one side of his face and he was bleeding badly from the mouth, forehead and cheeks.. apparently I had him by the hair with two hand and was smashing his face into the concrete...to this day I can't remember doing it...I got expelled for 3 months and all they did to him was take him to hospital and fix him up...No suspension, no nothing...mind you he was in hospital for about 3 days off memory..No body ever picked on me again...well not to my face anyway....hence I didn't go to uni and I joined the army

Bullying has such long lasting effects on the victims and has left a little scar on me. I can't help but be very intolerable to anyone who uses their superior strength to stand over and intimidate the weaker person... not only a stronger person physically but those who use superior intelligence to bully others. It is one of the easiest ways to shut down any debate...think about when you were a kid and you were getting bullied. When you saw another being bullied instead of you I bet you did nothing. Well I didn't....too scared to get involved and pleased they were leaving me alone...Not our fault, thats just how it works.....I know there are people on this forum who have avoided certain subjects for fear of the consequences...

Things changed after that fight but too late.....damage was done but mind you I looked much better in the end of school photo than him...and he developed a dribble....

Thank you for sharing your story....

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I first saw this video when a friend of the kids father posted it on his facebook wall / my newsfeed, the cops had it taken down within the day and next thing I knew it was on the news and stuff. There are a couple of other videos from that group of bullies online as well.

Casey had been picked on by this group of kids for quite a few years now, I dont blame him for loosing it at all, shame he didnt loose it on the ring leader though (that tall kid).

That said, the small kid and his family have had to pack up house and move due to death threats which isnt very cool.

Edited by AndyAmine.
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The Productivity Commission in 2010 reported that the cost to the Australian economy of bullying and its close relative, harassment, was $14.8 billion per annum, excluding the cost of hiring and retraining staff who leave. This does not measure the quality of life of bullying victims or that of their colleagues, children, spouses and other family.


Thats just the dollar cost....how many wrecked lives, how many destinies that were altered because of the unfair influence of another....and what of those who turn a blind eye to bullying who could and should have done something about it?

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Im still frustratingly meek and timid in the face of intimidation due to excessive bullying as a kid (despite my concious brain saying I should act differently) so I can personaly testify that it can really fuck a person up long term in all kinds of expected and unexpected ways,..

On the flip side I think a situation of zero tollerance on bullying can be just as harmful by not preparing a kid for the adult world where bullying and intimidation are a part of life in a lot of work and social settings,

Yeah my head says hey, it was when you were young and now you're a man so its time to leave those childish hang ups behind and build a bridge already.. yeah, I'd love to but its just not as easy as that and is very much subconcious.

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bullying worked in reverse for me.

my best school mate was the strongest and biggest kid in school already 100+ kgs in year 8, deep down he was the most sensitive and cry baby jerk you could ever meet but simply cos of his size and mental insecurities used to take it out on the lesser body's.

now the advantage and disadvantage of being a bully's bitch is probably much like a scenario on that prison show OZ. i went to a really rough high school and there were predators everywhere. i was pretty small back then and probably would have been beaten up regulary like others in my year. however nobody dare touch me as i was considered property so to speak. unfortunately i was beaten to an inch within my life by my so called bully best mate in forced after school play fights so i probably would have been better off fighting high school bogans instead.

the story goes deeper than that but basically my best mate the bully became a fat cunt peaking at over a 160kgs(apologies to heavy ppl out there i only mean in context to my friend), did his back in...couldnt even play with his kids so he started mentally abusing his wife and beating his dogs, im sure he probably beat his wife and kids too...........even though i showed him great loyalty he ended up playing a sick sick prank on me out of his repressed need to bully and i just decided to piss him off forever.

it hurt a great deal but i think every man has a friendship breakup that defines there future, no longer am i subjected to his sick brain.......the last i heard he was 180kgs, his wife had left him......he had a successful business but no friends. time catches up with everybody eventually..............some sooner than later.

Edited by santiago
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While I feel sorry for the kid if he really has been bullied by that little shit and his mates, i can't help but think that violence is never the answer...

Pity the bullying couldn't have been stopped some other way.

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I was bullied badly in years 1-4 and felt completely helpless. Even suicidal a lot of the time. parents just felt I needed to stand up for myself, but it just wasn't that simple. Judo classes were about as useless as pink socks. Then I was suddenly taller than all of them... or maybe it was the fact I snapped one day and in desperation while pinned to the ground getting pummelled I slammed a pencil about 5cm into the bully's leg calf muscle. Ouch! I got suspended, but it was worth it. y5 and 6 were OK, but a school change in y7 meant new people and [being a green lefty] I ended up at the receiving end of a neonazi group in my class. I failed my grades because most days my homework got trashed, by books got trashed, or I was too scared to go near my classroom. The teachers were powerless because the bully's father was influential. After a particularly vicious SS-styled attack the story made the state and national papers, but not the local ones - again because of the father's influence. My parents had no choice but to put me into a private [these are VERY rare in germany] montessori school some 30km away where I picked up my grades, but just didn't recover psychologically from the previous experiences.

2 years later we migrated to australia and I had a whole new set of social integration problems, but I decided that I'd never let bully's gain any ground with me again. I realised that even if I can't win the fight, simply standing up for myself was enough to put bullies off. Being the tallest in my class helped. Deciding that any part of a bully's anatomy was fair game was probably the best decision I ever made cos most bullies value their nuts more than their heads. Dspite several attempts, highschool was largely trouble free and I thought I'd never have to deal with that again.

Sadly that wasn't to be. As a city boy at a rural university I became the target at my first year of uni. Wearing white socks was enough of a reason to get beaten up as it turned out. These guys were way bigger than me and I could not win a physical fight as I had no fighting experience and at 195cm weighed just 65kg. I decided that just the way they were using their strongest assets to make my life difficult I would do the same. My strongest asset was my head. After being thrown off the footbridge into the campus pond in the middle of winter [in ballarat at near freezing temps] I'd had enough. Within 48h I ruined one guy's new monaro, deleted 6 months worth of assessable work from the mainframe for the second, and got the third guy thrown out of uni for plagiarism . the rest of the year was peaceful for everyone. Even the bullies in the other faculties stopped.

So yeah, have had my fair share of bullying and it has certainly left its mark. I am certainly not the victim anymore and while i still avoid physical confrontation, at 105kg it hurts when I let fly. When I see bullying it brings back all those memories and i do not hesitate to step in. Bullying for me just made me stronger and more determined, but only once I reached my teens. before that it was just a constant presence of fear and sadness.

I fully understand the kids that snap as I have done it myself a couple of times. The unpredictability of that affords a great deal of protection in itself as bullies only like predictable and easy targets, but the consequences can also be dire. That ragdoll kid in the clip could have ended up with braindamage or spinal damage. Not that it's not his own fault..... but chances are the bully victim will probably feel guilty for the rest of his life. So I think the outcome of this fight is rather good. Bully humiliated, but not seriously damaged. Good example set for other bullies. perfect outcome.

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Syncro, "the breakfast club" is surely a great film. Now that you reminded me, I haven't seen it for ages. Only that not only Bender offers insight about bullying, mind you, but the athlete character played by Estevez too and even the teacher also seems to be a kind of bully towards the punished students.

As for how to avoid bullying, yeah, I believe in 'word is mightier than sword' too, but I was lucky that I have a way with words and a strong intellect from young age, and also the bullies I came across were never of the hardcore type, not was any of my schools.

I agree with Torsten, that your head and unpredictability are the two golden rules. If you stand for your self is a usual manner, you might get worse afterwards or have no result at all. Being unpredictable is better. But how can you except from 15 year olds to know about politically correctness, spotting the bullies weak spot, creating a situation a la situationist etc???

death to bullies, up the trolls

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I have to say I've had my fair share of that kind of stuff when I was a kid, in the end I snapped too and ended up on the end of police inquiries. After the school basically attempting to remove me from the school instead of those who were responsible, and basically no family support at all during the whole time, I ended up taking it to court at 16 years old, against both the kids involved and the school themselves. I succeeded and the judge was very supporting towards me during the whole process, but it was basically the end of my education, nobody would accept me after that so I began a new life teaching myself how to become a web programmer, now at 26 I'm working full time in my own web development business.

In a way it shaped me for good and bad, the scars still exist no doubt, but it opened a new opportunity to do something I never would have considered before, so I am lucky in a way. That footage is all too familiar for me also, I'm glad this has actually made it to the internet, because it's caused a huge reaction against both the kids who are causing the trouble and the school itself. Without the internet I can imagine the whole thing would still be ongoing and likely nothing much would change.

It does worry me though, that just after this happens I see a news headline like this appear:


It's a bit of a double edged sword in my opinion, but I could imagine it would likely be for the worst. A lot of crimes of this nature become solved and people charged because it goes on the internet, by placing a state ban on it, sites like youtube will likely reject any content of that nature, while possibly destroying the evidence needed to prosecute the offenders. I'm all in favour of people placing charges against anyone who posts such things with the intent to humiliate and cause trouble, but having it as a general criminal law simply for posting could mean incidents like this never become noticed. It could stop innocent bystanders or even victims who manage to film this kind of thing, when they only wanted to lodge it on the internet to start public debate and get action because no other route has worked.

The video above also means the school would likely be forced to change their policies for the better, and possibly even the state education boards. While making others think twice about doing similar things after seeing the aftermath of the whole situation. If the video was banned from going out, it could end up protecting schools and the education system from humiliation.

Edited by TG83
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Agree with that...but admit when I first saw the clip I wanted to laugh at him....and I wanted him to know I was laughing but I cooled down...he is just a kid...


Oh I laughed hard when I saw the video too! And I personally believe he really had it coming. What I meant though, is that he shouldn't continue to be harrassed by adults who should know better; verbally or physically. The mother was on the news or a current affairs show last night actually quite embarrassed and ashamed that her son had bullied another boy. The mother gave the impression she was powerless to control his behaviour.

We all need to ask ourselves this: what is it that actually creates a bully? Although it's just an 80's movie character, I think that Bender (out of The Breakfast Club) gave us some pretty good hints...


In 5th grade there were another couple of boys (always boys who bullied me, I guess I was too much fun retaliating than others were) and when i was walking with my auntie once went past his house where I saw his dad on the front step screaming abuse at the kid who saw me walk past and then hung his head. I never mentioned it to anybody at school and he mostly stopped bullying me; I assumed he didn't want to stop fully as to appear suspicious.

So I've realised back then a lot of the time bullies probably had reasons (not excuses) to be like that. However there was still no way I was going to not strike back despite being a small, scrawny - albeit relatively strong, fast, and knuckly - chick. It would no doubt be different for guys though. The few bitch-fights I'd had in school were usually from other chicks who bullied my best friend. Except one time I was playing netball in school exactly the same way I'd play on weekends; fast, rough, and good. Which clearly irritated the "cool" girls who felt the need to surround my friend and I with the ten or so of them. One of them tripped me, so I got up and pushed her over front-on. Then the bitch teacher who'd seen their intimidation tactics moved in to threaten both of us with suspension. What a mega bitch.

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In grade nine I moved out to the suburbs away from all of my rich kid mates. I myself was far from rich but never went without as my mum was the expert provider. I suddenly went from being a cool drugged out, long haired hippy in the affluent inner suburbs to a deadbeat druggy from the outer suburbs. Now the cool kids had their hair cut short back and sides and were into sport and other strange activities. The kids on drugs where ridiculed as losers by the majority of the school population.

In the first few weeks of arriving I started copping a lot of flack for my long hair with people saying I looked like a girl. This started to affect me after a few days and my mum noticed the change in my behavior. When asking what was wrong I told her of my troubles and she replied with “why don’t you just bash them”. I thought “fuck, I never thought of that, I’ll give it a go”

Next bully I can across was trying to shift me out of my new chair in class. I had been moved so that a boy and girl could sit together, publicly expressing their newly formed relationship. “Fair enough” I thought. The bully didn’t think so and tried to tip me out of the chair. I picked up the chair and whacked him over the head with it and sat back down. Needless to say he no longer wanted the chair and took up residence elsewhere.

After a few more aggressive confrontations my tactics were getting sharper. I had not yet got into a fight as such because I was too quick to take the upper hand, pinning bullies to the wall by their throats and threatening them with violence. Always worked a treat. Until one day I was surrounded by a group of boys and challenged to a fight after school. The guy that wanted to fight me was in the year below me but he had older brothers that loved coming to the school to finish the fights their siblings lost. This little prick was jealous over a girl that liked me and wanted to show everyone how tough he and his brothers where. Considering all these factors I replied “I don’t want to fight you mate”. His response of “I’m not your mate” was met with laughter from his biggest bully mate.

I pointed to the big bully mate and stated “but I’ll fight you”. The big guys face dropped knowing he wouldn’t get the back up of his fuckwit mates older brothers. The crowd dispersed and I never did have to fight everyone after school.

I met that bully again a few years later and went up to him at a party to introduce myself for old times sake. I honestly thought maybe this guy has changed; he could be a good bloke.

“Your that cunt I was going to smash” came his reply.

“How about now then” I challenged him, proceeding to follow him around and keeping an eye on the guy. I noticed him going towards a dark corner of the party and followed him to have a go. The pussy tried to whine his way out of it with me only retreating when the girl he was sneaking into the bushes with started going off her head. I guess most bullies are just pussies at heart and will only fight to win, not for what is right.

I then moved back to my home town, an outback animal town well known for its drinking and domestic violence. This was definitely a scale up, or down depending on how you look at it, from my school days. Their was no hiding here and the weak were destroyed. I soon learnt after a couple of beatings that fighting is the only way out. I was drinking heavy and couldn’t remember half the fights I was in. I was going into berserker typed trances and not coming out until the fight was over. I was losing a lot of the time because I wear glasses and all people had to do was knock them off to get the upper hand. I lost a heap but towards the end I started wearing contact lenses out drinking and was winning heaps of confrontations and most fuckwits were avoiding me.

On one of the numerous times I was double banked I thought fuck this and took my back up to the pub to find the guys. I walked straight up to the previous weeks challenger and said “so is everything now sorted”. Surrounded by his mates with me all alone he was feeling brave and came out with “what do you want another go”.

“No worries”I told him gesturing down to the knife I was holding in my hand “but if your mate jumps in this time he is going to cop this in his fucking neck”.

The guy and all his mates no longer wanted to fight me. I took my knife home, went back to the pub and drank all night without any more hassles. Until next time. That’s the way with fighting, you never win, it goes on and on and everyone involved is the loser.

I’ve since moved away from that shit hole and given up drinking. The closed I’ve come to a fight since then is breaking up a domestic in a shopping mall and stopping a patient from bashing a nurse at the hospital. I guess all that past experience in violence has to come in handy sometimes. I far from like it though and do all I can to avoid it.

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In primary school I was verbally abused occasionally. All because I didn't wear pretty dresses like the other girls ( bit of a tomboy, Levis and jimboots for me). I remember one day ,one of the kids older sister demanded a piece of bubble gum from me, and when I kept saying "NO", she punched me in the head. So i gave 1/2 a piece. I didn't want another bang in the head, but i didn't want to lose completely ( she was much bigger than I).

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always the taller,skinny kid in primary and high school, bullied to hell and back, started martial arts, studied tons of them, now i'm a mean dangerous bastard and dont like the average human.

my daughter is now being bullied at school and the only help i can offer is deemed too violent,bulling sucks big time.

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