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The Corroboree

Are you guys sick of my "spam"?

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Sad as it is, some times people just need to be shown up for what they are......I would still like to see a response from gogo ...maybe there are extenuating circumstances...but sometimes there is not...if this is happening to other people then maybe it best that it is in the open....I don't agree with using a PM to abuse or bully someone because you feel it will be safe from scrutiny by other members... reporting is good...but mmm

This has been a prick of a past few months here for me and it is my favorite place........

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Sad as it is, some times people just need to be shown up for what they are......I would still like to see a response from gogo ...maybe there are extenuating circumstances...but sometimes there is not...if this is happening to other people then maybe it best that it is in the open....I don't agree with using a PM to abuse or bully someone because you feel it will be safe from scrutiny by other members... reporting is good...but mmm

This has been a prick of a past few months here for me and it is my favorite place........


If I were Gogo, I'd still be carefully composing my reply, so as to ensure there wasn't a *single* spelling mistake, grammatical error, or badly worded string of text /smirk.. Whatever he says - maybe with the exception of "My wife had an affair, my dog died and my house burnt to the ground" - he's going to get pummelled with attacks, .. damned if he does, damned if he don't :)

Like I said though, maybe he had a reason to be so shitty. Who knows. Who're we to judge right?

True enough as to the bullying, though I never bully personally; just respond to provocation.

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Thank you for the support everyone. It's good to know that my time here hasn't been (completely) wasted. :wink:

you were addressed pretty harshly but i'm not a fan of PMs going public. going to admin is more appropriate.

and i mean, one side of a conversation can really be taken the wrong way. for all we know synchro you were asked politely and then you escalated the profanity.


Neither am I, but what can I say? I was really angry. I had enough stress in my life already before receiving that message.

Oh well, if you don't want to take my word for it that that's the first message I received, then I don't really care. :P

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i never said i didn't believe you, i am saying it doesn't present a full picture.

i think i enjoy your presence synchro, it's hard to be sure because so many people come (and go) and so many posts are made, it's hard to always remember exactly who is who and what they have posted.

i don't make the rules but this would be my approach, but in similar past situations the consensus has been it should have been taken to mods/admin privately first. don't underestimate the folks who run this place. pm several mods and torsten and put 'urgent' as the header if you think it's really that important. give them as much info as you can.

dunno lol, i'm not having a go synchro it's more for future consideration by you and others. making pm's public can be more of a last resort tactic, if working it out between each other and/or involving admin doesn't satisfy you.

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I've been in moods like that, any of us could crack the shits and mis-direct our inner hatefulness at the wrong person; I am full of hatefullness :)

Everyone getting on the 'Hate Gadget' band-wagon is all good and well, but mm who knows why he's cracked-it.. could be his Dog died, or a family member, or maybe he's just had a completely f*cked week.. In any event, everyone ganging-up to hate him isn't really any better than HIM acting like an arse, really, ..

Relaaax, people, you had your fun :)

PS:- I agree btw, that PM's shouldn't be publicised: It's a bit .. snitchy. Though Gatdget wasn't very nice, I would've had it out with him one-on-one, via PMs, not got all my mates to gang-'bash' him


FYI I don't know synchro, so it isn't a case of 'all my mates' - I wouldn't know if I have read any of his posts even, but I beleive that he has a right to post whatever the fuck he likes, as do you and I. If I don't agree with what he posts there is no need to be abusive, look at your posting in my thread, it was all out in the open, I don't agree with you nor you with me - so what, it wasn't a hidden conversation, it wasn't a personal attack, but this is a personal attack on another member by a relative stranger and uncalled for and hidden because they felt portected there, bring all PM's of this nature out into the public I say, because it is just rude tyrannical crap and just wrong.

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And while we're on the topic of sexy women of yesteryear, I'd like to propose a toast to the one and only.


Donald had a really good thing going on here, she was vampy, she was trampy and she wore no knickers. I often like to imagine that I'm a duck, rubbing my ducky bits against her ducky bits. I think this vid was the one that got me the most hot under the collar, especially at 1:14.



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FYI I don't know synchro, so it isn't a case of 'all my mates' - I wouldn't know if I have read any of his posts even, but I beleive that he has a right to post whatever the fuck he likes, as do you and I. If I don't agree with what he posts there is no need to be abusive, look at your posting in my thread, it was all out in the open, I don't agree with you nor you with me - so what, it wasn't a hidden conversation, it wasn't a personal attack, but this is a personal attack on another member by a relative stranger and uncalled for and hidden because they felt portected there, bring all PM's of this nature out into the public I say, because it is just rude tyrannical crap and just wrong.


I don't remember arguing with you :) All posts sorta blend into one another after a while :)

And I haven't had any objections to anything Synchro's posted to date. Especially the Pic of Audrey Hepburn :)

..just saying, though Gogo sent some *naaaasty*, and perhaps none-to-intelligent PM's to Synchro, shit happens I spose :)


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I was about to make a new thread until I noticed this... it was going to be titled "WTF is with these stupid pics???"

I wanna see PLANTS when I log into the Corroboree, not that bullshit... we should have a rule that uploaded photos must relate to ethnobotany or be relative to some other topic on the forum. Why waste memory uploading crap photos that have nothing to do with this site when people could just google them???

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I was about to make a new thread until I noticed this... it was going to be titled "WTF is with these stupid pics???"

I wanna see PLANTS when I log into the Corroboree, not that bullshit... we should have a rule that uploaded photos must relate to ethnobotany or be relative to some other topic on the forum. Why waste memory uploading crap photos that have nothing to do with this site when people could just google them???


Oh boy, you should be the LAST person to complain about wasted bandwidth!

Yes, this is an ethnobotany forum and the content should mostly reflect this, BUT I don't have a problem with people sharing their hobbies and other things they like.

With pics for the gallery I also require that they are all 'safe for work' because they get posted at the top of the screen.

Let's not go overboard with the bandwidth, but I don't have a problem with a bit of diversity. It's all in the balance of things and maybe synchro is overdoing it a bit now, but it still doesn't justify the language and tone used by gogo.

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well i figured my last response was the end of this fiasco.... but when i returned home i read everybody's reply, and instead of arguing, i'm continuing with my action in that i've said my peace and moving on, i'm not a drama queen, i've explained myself to those that matter, and in ended i do apologize to everybody that had to read this pathetic thread,

ps, in my defense i have had a disagreement with 1 person on ethnobotany, and now synchro, everybody else that has messaged with me has no problem with me, and id appreciate anybody reading this that has had the pleasure of meeting me, let everybody know i'm not as bad as this thread makes me out to be, have a nice week and lets move on to something more interesting.

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I´m fine with Synchromesh´s posting ratio as long as he´s not talking about ways to make my penis grow 3 Inches in one day. :P Posting a lot doesnt necessarily make someone a spammer and i actually enjoyed some of the stuff he posted in chill space. It brings life into the forum. bye Eg

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well i figured my last response was the end of this fiasco.... but when i returned home i read everybody's reply, and instead of arguing, i'm continuing with my action in that i've said my peace and moving on, i'm not a drama queen, i've explained myself to those that matter, and in ended i do apologize to everybody that had to read this pathetic thread,

ps, in my defense i have had a disagreement with 1 person on ethnobotany, and now synchro, everybody else that has messaged with me has no problem with me, and id appreciate anybody reading this that has had the pleasure of meeting me, let everybody know i'm not as bad as this thread makes me out to be, have a nice week and lets move on to something more interesting.

relax boi


i love u

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that saying i've had time to calm down, and in reaction to other posters comments i did feel an apology was in order (somewhat) that being said...


ok, without intervention, i'm apologizing for how i spoke to you, i shouldn't have cussed at you but then you shouldn't have cussed at me....i apologize for being a rude prick, that i was.... but i'm not apologizing for calling you out, i enjoy coming here and seeing corroboree things, i was sure you were trying to piss me off replacing my content (which takes time to post) don't get me wrong it isn't as if i care how long it stays their but it really shits me when i see something completely off context

ps, my mums gay and has been since i was 12, i didn't get the joke and was very offended by it, now ill move on :wink:

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