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deepthroat, mouthfuck

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I didn't think I'd led a sheltered life until recently when I watched a 3D (anaglyph) porno called Reach Out And Touch Me 2. I watched it more for the 3D novetly than the porn value but I was shocked at a scene with "deepthroat, mouthfuck" type goings on. The actors went above and beyond the call of duty for that scene.

I thoroughly recommend checkig out the movie for the 3D aspect. You need the coloured glasses wich can be bought online for next to nothing. Some of you might appreciate it for more thatn just the 3D by the look of this thread lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

how about we move a bit towards sextoys, hehe!

does your wiener fit into the mouth of a plastic milk bottle, and have squeezed the bottle?

have you ever fucked a floaty and what is your favorite lube when attempting such applications?

fucked into a plastic bag well lubed, tightly stuck between some matress and a pillow, or similar?

have you ever checked out the remote controlled clit vibrators?

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how about we move a bit towards sextoys, hehe!

does your wiener fit into the mouth of a plastic milk bottle, and have squeezed the bottle?

have you ever fucked a floaty and what is your favorite lube when attempting such applications?

fucked into a plastic bag well lubed, tightly stuck between some matress and a pillow, or similar?

have you ever checked out the remote controlled clit vibrators?

PH & the deep throat mouth fuck thread rears it ugly heading once again , well just change the topic again

i got a m8 that is obsessed with the female freckle (ass for those not down to the tradie lingo) well im wondering if he has a slight gay tendency when there is a perfectly good vagina a few Cm above the freckle he is fascinated with

(Q) has had his ass lanced once before (the roide) & is younger than me do you think its because he is so fascinated with the freckle that he just cant leave his own alone

:scratchhead::lol::slap: ?????????....................

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does your wiener fit into the mouth of a plastic milk bottle, and have squeezed the bottle?

Anything that reverses the urethral flow direction [even momentarily] is a great recipe for getting NSU and bladder infections [and potentially kidney infections and death if not treated in time]. Not a big deal when real young, but the over 40's should probably be very cautious about stuff like this.

have you ever fucked a floaty and what is your favorite lube when attempting such applications?

geez, I hope you are talking about a blow up swimming toy.....

fucked into a plastic bag well lubed, tightly stuck between some matress and a pillow, or similar?

Those handheld latex vaginas are probably the more handy version of this.

have you ever checked out the remote controlled clit vibrators?

haha, yes, vibrations can be good. As I horny 12 year old I used my mum's fitness belt massager [which like all good fatloss fad toys had been collecting dust in the basement for years]. Just face away from the machine, tuck your pecker against your tummy, lean into belt and ... go.


Another recycled fitness tool is that electro shock excerciser. apply electrodes to THAT muscle [and nearby].

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cmon T u have never replied to me directly in a thread & im not doing the baph & stirring shit, anyhow from your point of view (a gay bloke) seriously my post was legit

do you think a bloke TRADIE who is very homophobic who only talks about the females anatamy is Quote HITTIN EM IN THE FRECKLE Unquote has some froidian or underlining issues ??

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cmon T u have never replied to me directly in a thread

I almost did, but this is a light hearted thread and I didn't want to get heavy with technical details. But here it is....

has had his ass lanced once before (the roide) & is younger than me do you think its because he is so fascinated with the freckle that he just cant leave his own alone ??

Roids are a result of what comes out, not what goes in! ie roids are the result of poor diet, circulatory problems, and a genetic predisposition. Sticking things up there does not cause roids.

anyhow from your point of view (a gay bloke) seriously my post was legit

do you think a bloke TRADIE who is very homophobic who only talks about the females anatamy is Quote HITTIN EM IN THE FRECKLE Unquote has some froidian or underlining issues ??

In my experience and as a general rule, the more homophobic guys are the more homosexual tendencies they have. I guess it's their way of dealing with what they perceive to be a problem with themselves. Also in my experience I have not seen much of a correlation between guys who like anal sex with a woman and their homosexual tendencies. In other words, I think your question went the wrong way. His freckle obsession probably says a lot less about his homosexual tendencies than his homophobic inner struggle does.

Mind you, it cold be a lot more complex too. Homophobia is almost always a sign of insecurity [of some sort]. A guy penetrating a woman anally is often a major power trip for the guy. Maybe this friend managed to hit a home run once and now can't let go of the idea. ie he is using the mental image as a way to subjugate. There's a big difference between what guys say and what guys do.

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Although being totally hetero, I agree that active, explicit, expressive homophobic behaviour is strong indication of their own homosexual tendencies. Not that I regard this as a rule, not that some macho hetero dick cannot be homophobic for other reasons.... in any case, it's not difficult to figure out: if he has had gayish fantasies [which he propably supressed] it's another very strong this time indication..

how about we move a bit towards sextoys, hehe!

does your wiener fit into the mouth of a plastic milk bottle, and have squeezed the bottle?

have you ever fucked a floaty and what is your favorite lube when attempting such applications?

fucked into a plastic bag well lubed, tightly stuck between some matress and a pillow, or similar?

have you ever checked out the remote controlled clit vibrators?

PH, I got a report from a friend, in the old times when we were still at school, note this is really a friends story, I just happen to love it.. Anyways I remember he telling us how he once masturbated by putting his weener [sorry dont know much words for dick in english] inbetween the slices of the heat radiator - I guess the radiator was not on :)

the same guy told us once he had reached a record in masturbations / day : 16!

Has anyone got a bigger score?

anyway, all psychedelic pioneers got to love this thread, independent if we dig/hate all , part or none of the perversions and fixations shared here... :worship::lol:B):P:)

There's a big difference between what guys say and what guys do.

you can say that again mr garisson!

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i've got a mate who is homophobic (same as me) because we're just sick of gay guys hitting on us.

I know exactly how that hot chick feels, who has had a total gut full of the sleazy dudes at the bar..

because in my experience 'gay' guys are even worse than straight ones. Overcrossing the boundaries, being pushy-

and its that skincrawling, hair stand on end feeling that I get before they even approach-

(or worse) finally reveal that they are gay, and interested, and this is the only reason they're speaking to us.

The only cock I will ever love, is my own.

I think the latent tendency rationale is just bullshit pop-psyhcology for the insecure and politically correct who haven't delved real deep yet. In reality theres probably heaps more going on.

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i got a m8 that is obsessed with the female freckle (ass for those not down to the tradie lingo) well im wondering if he has a slight gay tendency when there is a perfectly good vagina a few Cm above the freckle he is fascinated with

You're not obsessed with the "female freckle", and you think he is gay? :P


i've got a mate who is homophobic (same as me) because we're just sick of gay guys hitting on us.

I know exactly how that hot chick feels, who has had a total gut full of the sleazy dudes at the bar..

because in my experience gay guys are even worse than straight ones. Overcrossing the boundaries, being pushy-

and its that skincrawling, hair stand on end feeling that I get before they even approach-

(or worse) finally reveal that they are gay, and interested, and this is the only reason they're speaking to us.

The only cock I will ever love, is my own.

I think the latent tendency rationale is just bullshit pop-psyhcology for the insecure and politically correct who haven't delved real deep yet. In reality theres probably heaps more going on.

Maybe you should stop hanging around in gay bars :lol::wink:

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soooo ur a homophobe GP???

man those years of shamanism and meditation really have evolved you into great guy!!

me i think ur full of horseshit about gay guys hitting on you, and are just out to stir up T. Gay guys usually have pretty high standards!!!

man your so shallow your see through.

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I've noticed that many guys who err on the side of homophobia always think they're disgusted at the thought of another man touching them because they think they're so shit-hot that EVERY single gay guy wants to pork swordfight with them. WTF get the fuck over yourself. Not every woman wants to hit on you either. I told this to a friend's boyfriend.

Please GP I'm not suggesting anything of yourself because I don't know you as well as most of the other guys I've heard say that :)

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soooo ur a homophobe GP???

man those years of shamanism and meditation really have evolved you into great guy!!

me i think ur full of horseshit about gay guys hitting on you, and are just out to stir up T. Gay guys usually have pretty high standards!!!

man your so shallow your see through.


I really enjoy being aware of the 'self' that I project into the world.

I'm also very happy to be conscious of my shortcomings.. part of the process, yes?

What are you neglecting to see in yourself, that you hurl at me, incognito?

Maybe shamanism is meant to make me happy with the grime of others fantasies projected onto me?

Tell me what you know about this? Keep projecting your reality onto others- the mirror will show u everything, hey!

Is T gay? Not meaning to stir up anyone, except maybe yourself ..

Pushin buttons..

is something I like to do :P

-Deep transverse frictions

-freezing/burning a wart off

-eliciting a state, before re-engineering it

re-initating a healing response-> Its a common technique to stimulate the injury, before applying the remedy. In your case I wouldn't know where to start.


"Maybe you should stop hanging around in gay bars"

Yeah, I gotta admit- I thought gay bars would be alternative enough to allow everyone to just be themselves. Instead, (admitedly) that is where one of the pushiest ever guys to ever hit on me- sure he was drunk, and simply didnt want to hear that I was straight, but u know how it is. Once a person 'comes out'.. I mis-measured this had something to do with emotional and intellectual freedom.. instead, im afraid it appears to me as testament to their confusions- and a neon sign to their facades.

Ah well, im a very good looking dude who has an open heart. Yes, fags hit on me all the time- not a problem when people have their shit together- but I find most gays guys tend to have an unbalanced polarity field that makes them very hungry to balance their shit out with more of what they don't have.

Homophobe on that! lol

and still, to each their own- gotta love the differences!

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phobia is fear right? i don't buy into the "homophobic males are actually gay" idea either, and i don't think homophobia has to do with latent tendancies, fantasies, or insecurity about ones own sexuality. maybe some closet-gays act homophobic to throw people off the scent, and don't forget some people are just idiots who speak shit and have no idea what's going on.

it's just fear IMHO. if you aren't a little bit scared by your fellow man then you must have missed the plot. i'm sure a lot of guys fall into the same category as me, which is they have only known a handful of gays and never encountered problems from that, but still holds some UNCERTAINTY in their mind.... and that's what fear is. uncertainty whether the lion wants to eat you makes you fear the lion.

well, i am uncertain what any person will do. i am uncertain if a gay guy is going to put me in some uncomfortable scenario. i have had a dodgy look guy hit on me while i was taking a break out the front of a city building at night, nobody else around, and he was fucking persistent. i was 17 so maybe a bit too young to defend against a grown man and guess what? i was uncertain what he would do, therefore i did not feel safe. i had some fear of him, moreso because he was gay = homophobia = fear of unknown.

it's nothing to be ashamed of. as long as you are attached to this body you will fear, and sadly fear invokes violence in some folk so homophobia has really come to mean "hatred of homosexuals". how messed up is that? fear may lead to hatred but hatred is....... something so much uglier!

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I had no idea homo-phobia could mean hatred of gay people. An interesting process how some can jump onto words and ideas as if they're inherently real.

Its funny, I hate that I can't really deal with those who are too limpwristed to meet my gaze.. or match my tone of voice- hardly that I would/could ever hate another..

What delusion!

And I do appreciate that not all gay men are hollywood bitchtalkers either. I suppose its mainly the whole 'act/social mask' that annoys me.

To clarify, I simply dont like the 'vibe' I get from a lot gay guys- gay women are fine, completely different ime.

But anyway, for me I choose balance inside myself- this lends to sexuality with the universe-with nature, not simply one limited and desirous expression of that sexuality.

Harmony through collapsing polarity- true healing, and not just satisfying symptoms of causes- but re-uniting with cause :)

What a wonderful game.

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I really enjoy being aware of the 'self' that I project into the world.

I'm also very happy to be conscious of my shortcomings.. part of the process, yes?

sometimes GP you come off as haughty. that's got something to do with that button pushing you like to do. i think you're similar to baph in some ways but i'm much more interested in what you've got to say. an abrasiveness comes through but i put that down to your style and try not to be annoyed.

could you elucidate on this 'polarity field' please? which polarity? in which way are they unbalanced? i might be offended if you had generalised but this was just your observation and i would like to know what you mean.

yes torsten seems to be openly gay, so does about 20% of this forum sometimes.

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Thanks again ThunderIdeal,

I really appreciate your tone.

With me, I am probably pretty abrasive- I've just started back smashing granite again. The function seems to be followed by a form (both physically and psychologically) that i'm doing my best to transmute- I also wield a very sharp and heavy object. Curiously enough..


my understanding of sex, and sexuality is as the dual/polarity of death/creation itself. Sex is life, and death aswell. "Kether in malkuth".. and all that.

Im an empath (whatever others may determine that to mean) and I feel things directly. Forgive my words that hazard to represent what I feel..

Because, what I feel- in only maybe 10 of a dozen gay men that i've known and exchanged with,

is something (extra) to do with polarity.

I believe that there is attraction, when there is 'polarity'. Its also scientifically observable- like poles repel, and opposites attract.

So what does this mean for those who choose same sex relationships?

Please, I only say 'choose' insofar that an infant that dies of cotdeath also 'chose'- nothing to scream at me about: this is what i liken to the creators perspective, and my limited ability to convey my understanding from the larger chunks of this reality framing.


Where there is 'attraction' there is obviously a 'polar opposite' being expressed in the form of the 'other'.

Its nether good nor bad to my mind,

Simply an interesting observation of 'imprint stage' psychological development- sometimes

coupled with the presenting 'body structure' (which lends to whatever kind of energy flow/imbalance).

Iv seen many times, a deficiency in the yang meridians of gay men- (which I myself have experienced as a result of paradigm surfing, estrogen stimulating substances, and depleting my ching chi) Curiosuly, i'v also experienced a loose anus and leaking yin lines which I have observed will reliably 'attract' gay men. The anus 'challenge', was from severe lower back and tailbone injury.. many such space/time 'occurences' that have been presented to me during heavy initiations.

None of this really matters at all, unless a person seeks to achieve harmony within themselves->

It's just that I can't handle black&white attributions of homosexuality as being inherently 'natural', when my unbiased intuitions present me with such overwhelming information and pattern recognition to the contrary.

understanding 'causes and conditions'.. eventually lead to awareness that births choices

What just

REALLY makes me wonder.. is what would happen if those people who identify as 'straight' suddenly smoke to much hydro, tore their adductors and blew a wad 30+ times per day..

after staring at the moon..


what might happen, if a gay guy-

held the urn, or stood like a tree (balancing his yin and yang lines)

Hypnotically 'timelined' a different relationship to men and women in his formative years

and did a little inner sexual alchemy with himself- connecting the heart channel, with the sex center meridians.

Inner imbalance, will be expressed outward:

My apparent 'judgement' of either can be independently tested with kinesiology and a basic psychological profiling. Im simply proposing postulates, based on my experiences.

Maybe its just not all so fixed after all, you know.

Please.. dont shoot the messenger!


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A lot of pretty words and some I just don't understand what you're saying, but I don't get how another person's choice of sexual partner makes them something to fear. Any more than their choice in car, career, reading material, hair style... There's a helluva lot of persistent hetero males out there who are a lot more demanding than I think some gay guys may be - though I'm not doubting their existence. Maybe it has something to do with the feeling of inferiority if a male is being sexually predatory on him? He doesn't like feeling like a female in the same shoes? I wonder if I would feel unfeminine and maybe fear if a "lipstick" lesbian were to try and seduce me? I guess I probably would, but I'd hope that it didn't programme my brain into accepting that every lesbian is going to make me feel the same because that's patently untrue.

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As a homosexual i would like to add that around 80% of my sexual encounters have been with straight guys What the?................... yes belive it or not as a homosexual you are more likley to encounter a confused staight man putting it on you next to you at the urinal in a public toilet. this makes me feel quite uncomfertable so its not just straight guys who get a little frightend or feel insecure.

In the last year or so i have been making a conciouse effort to date other gay guys befor that i used to have a lot of one offs and secrete affairs with staight guys. no these men arent homosexuals alot of them only ever felt curious about me (or so they said) guys id had friendships with for a while and curiosity got the better of them. sadly often leading to the end of our friendship (usually because i got attached and couldnt understand why they wouldnt be with me)

I strongly agree with G*P statment that homosexuals have a polar imbalence however i belive this is not somthing you can or should try to correct my theory is that homosexuality is leaning toward evolution, that the male race will eventually die off and females will evolve into A-sexual beings so balanced they are not in need of the yin-yang paradigm.

lets face it homosexuality is on the increase just look around your local shoping centres at the youth of today even the straight boys are wearing eye liner walking on tip toes with there chests stuck out fliping their prettey hair off there faces listening to emo music, clothes shopping with there bros and talking about there feelings

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Im not sure a person will understand what im saying until they stop fumbling through their own meanings and attributions- and to become even clearer on mine, and what im meaning to say.

I have since clarified..

Now, it is simply that I dislike the projections that gay men place onto me. I am in control of my response. My response is that I move away from that hunger, and the perversion that often undresses me as I am speaking.

Men do it to women all the time. Men also do this with men- it makes me feel yukky, and I dont much like it.

Yeah Lofty,

I agree that it is an aspect evolution aswell.

It doesnt need to be healed, as much has a straight person doesnt need to be healed.

I think they're just different expressions and permutations of polarity seeking balance.

But me,

yeh.. I was born a man and i like to dissolve my excess in the females recess- lol

Even despite having a very feminine essence, with outwardly overt masculinity.

And, I also reserve the right to express my sexuality however I choose- this could one day mean homosexuality, but its really not important. I dont really care. The other right I reserve, if im ever interested in sex with men, is that of not projecting my fantasies energetically or otherwise onto them. This is the KEY for me. RESPECT, and courtesy coupled with honesty.

So, you're saying youve had plenty of encounter with straight men? I'd bet youre not alone either.

This is perhaps what pisses me off (homophobically speaking) that a silently gay guy, silently knows or waits, or subtly steers an otherwise 'normal' encounter into a direction that is exciting for him.

anyway, yeh- it happens in all directions hey?! creating fears..

But, its either guys or fat chicks who are doing it isnt it!



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Thanks for the responses everyone iv been pondering this one for sometime now

My apologies for starting this debate i meant no malice or shit stirring but it seems this subject has gone the way most political & religious discussions go i was just curious & with such a wide & sometimes open minded group your always going to get a difference of opinions

[A] i used to think he just grew up with different influences that contributed to either his confusion coming to terms with his normal sexuality that everyone gos through & is still unsure about his own but overcompensates because he is a TRADIE

or B] he is just a asshole who is scared to accept that some people are gay but it dose not make them any better or inferior to himself or the rest of the population

Im leaning towards B because i have to put up with him when i have to work with him & have known him for some time now

You're not obsessed with the "female freckle", and you think he is gay?

lol no im not obsessed with feminine frekle but hey if thats what they are into & its clean & offered i wont knock it back :innocent_n:

Anyhow enough about Ass back to the Deepthroat Mouthfuck :slap: ohhhh & that SQUID :lol:

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I know i have scared guys, as well as guys have scared me, also some women can be quite overbearing (to the point my experiences with them have bordered on rape) as a teenager i used to make a lot of unwanted advances towards other guys alought i could tell they were unwanted i was often suprisingly succesfull it was somthing i used to pride myself on but now look back upon and regrete as it contributed to a not so nice reputation (i cant have male friends without roumors arising they there givin it to me)

i no longer intentionaly project anything remotley sexual anymore (im very much the bitch) and assert no sexual dominence whatsoever and thats when the strange bathroom encounters began so fellow fags out there reading this is you want male attention stop looking for it LOL

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