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The Corroboree

name the rot


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Hi Guys,

I picked up some 'Norma' cuts in the group purchase recently. the ones in the picture developed a funny kind of rot that it pretty hard to cut away. these cuttings were trimmed back to healthy material but then developed pale patches under the skin - the skin starts to pale and the flesh gets soft . I have seen it once before on a cutting. it moves quick too. all this yellowing is probably only 3/4 days old.

when cutting the plant the yellow softness is in pretty deep. certainly one to try an avoid if it can be helped :)

I hacked up the larger cutting and saved about 6 inches of 4 ribs. such a shame!

has anyone else had this one before?





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Geeze thats pretty bad...yeah I noticed some hardcore rot on my cuts and cut it away real quick...it does travel fast that's for sure...and at this time of the year it's difficult to save em...cause you could prolly get away with planting them as logs if it was warm enough and maybe getting some pups that way...I cut an inch off the bottom of mine and it's still coming back in...I'm gunna have to bring them in and sock em up I think to prevent anymore occurring...hope you salvage something out them WT....but yeah she rots real quick and is so slimy it's a strange cactus in that way.


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fuck thats bad man you know i am having trouble too with rot, some bits i am having to hack away i am worried abotu hte cuts i am yet to send out too as i have had a hell of a week, after loosing a baby and what not, its on my mind alot actually, i will send you some more thicker chunks it seems the older the cuts the less chance of rot, but the bits i have hacked off to healthy stuff i have put aside to see what going on with them and they are getting infected, i am not sure waht to do i guess i ill clean up tomorrow what i have with some antifungal stuff and hope for the best

its horrible, its definately strange how some cuts are behaving like that, i hope it is nothing i ahve done i seem to have some pretty bad luck lately.

be keen to hear how other people are going with it if i could i would bring them all inside, but thats not possible cause i got kids and pets and they are sure spikey

i am so sorry i have done the best i possibly can

its not a good tiem of year i guess for cuttings, but i have not seen cuttings behave this way before a pach i took at the same time has not behaved in that way same with the knutianus i took the same day so it is strange

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another thing i am noticing a lot is how quick it moulds up too the cuttings, i dont know if that has anything to do with it, i feel real bad man that this is happening, has this happened to all of the cuts?

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Don't feel bad VS, I honestly think its just the nature of the plant - as far as I can tell you did what anyone would do. the cuttings I got from you were a little messy on the ends but no big deal. I cut them off and they were fine - I have done this with heaps of other cuttings that were worse and had no problems. I'm far from experienced with cacti but I have cut up a fair few and this one has two things which make it different to what I used to.

1: a very tough vascular ring. very hard to cut - I know why you needed the chainsaw!

2: and more slimy than any other cactus I have cut up. after I cut up the healthy bits for drying and storage the slime was thick. it was actually hard to wash off after it dried - kind of weird in that way.

I guess every plant is different and Norma is different too. slimy old grandmother ick! . love it

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Im having trouble on some older PC logs

It seems the older the log the more susceptible it is to this winter type of mold & yellow rot that's setting in as i had no trouble during the heatwave with much older logs

i noticed some pieces the woodier the strands in core the faster the rot spread (like oxidization ? or die back from the core fiber & older tissue being porous when cut) & harder to cut out if you know what im getting at ?

im gonna stop cutting at the cancer & just callous them over & plant them horizontally & see what happens it may just be because of the humidity & dormant stage the older logs are not as healthy in alkaloids ? , chlorophyll ? Auxans (spelling) & everything needed so are more vulnerable than the actively growing fresher tip cuts

Edited by mac
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mine was a gonner when she came to me VS..

i shouldnt be looking a gift horse in the mouth however!!!

ill pick up a cut later when all this rot shenanigans has calmed down.

any bioassays yet?

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If it's a slimey, you'll need a strong stomach that's all I'll say. lol

and before a final reduction, let it sit as that thicker stuff suspends sediment.

Wow, that rot looks nasty and a bad time of year to get it too. The only thing similar I've had had some pinky, orange tinges in it and was a vascular traveller. Only a grafted tip cutting survived in the end.

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Yeah this cactus appears to have an unusually high water content which is whats making it troublesome...particularly at this time of the year...I don't know how it will be regarding taste but I don't get a good vibe from it in that regards...hope I'm wrong but either ways she is a looker, just a pity about it's vulnerability to rot.


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Most of my had alot of rot in them too. Luckily the tip seems to far fared the best - with none of that orangey yellow stuff that then turns to brown mush on it. I also cut away what I could in the hope that it would callaous up.. however the rot is persistant. I sprayed the rot with some sulphur and am hoping for the best... I have just finished putting them all in pots and soil in the hope they throw out some roots and grow on from there...

With another Pach I had it had all those scaley bits norma seems to have... the ones that can be picked off like scabs. It had it's own roots but hardly grew for almost a year. I figured it was a goner but left it in a pot - eventually it pupped from the base and is now a very happy pach. Wondering if the rot has anything to do with those scaley bits?

Anyhow, whatever, I'm sure some will pull through and thats okay with me. I also have all of mine inside in the sunniest window I have.

Don't stress about mine tho V.S you have enough on your plate and it's just the luck of the draw sometimes.

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had similar looking cuts...

put them in a hot environment, near a heater or something or other in a pot... do not water...

should put out roots in a month or so and then you can bring some watering up to em... if you keep em warm, dryish, you should be able to get them to recover without having to turf precious cactus... if there is actual mycellial growth coming from some rot patches it might be time to dispose of....

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IMO I think its probabaly from being stressed (or the bacteria/fungus/etc. activated) by the heatwave melbourne had, may also explain the slimyness?

Or maybe it was something from the chainsaw? did Yowie wash it with metho or something before hand?

Hmm, hope my cuts are doing OK?

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i honestly dont think it had anything to do with the chainsaw, the thick bases have had no signs of rot, but the younger growth shows greater signs of mould bacteria, i think it has something to do with the slime, checked the cuts i have today had to remove two small bits but the rest are doing ok.

they all will be posted this week as i no longer want to be holding onto them anymore, i have enough stress in my life without worrying about cactus

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meh hebs what ever you do dont stress over these cacti!!!

i think everyone should be very patient regarding this one.(by the way its just a cactus)

VS is the MOST reliable ,honest , trustworthy member/trader here on SAB. and one of the best contributers.

Lets just drop this until Hebs is through his tough times. If ANYONE deserves a lil respect and understanding here its VS.

I Love you VS and i can honestly say that, your family has my thoughts and best wishes, always.

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thanks jono mate you a good friend, but no i got a car this week to borrow so i am going to get them out, and can rest that it isnt something that i have to do.

but thanks jono for thinking

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In my opinion for those who might put their cuts into pots just be really careful if this is a rot prone cactus. It really depends where you live but if these cuttings have just been cut up and they're dormant then potting them will increase the chances of rot. I don't think you will get roots any quicker if you pot them up now or if you do in the middle of spring.

If someone wants to pot them up anyway then make sure they are calloused properly (you shouldn't be able to push your finger through the callous) and also as Mr Stay Puft said, to keep them dry until they start showing signs of waking up.

Just a tip for those who are unsure.

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I wonder if putting them in an oven that had been heated to low/200 and then turned off to dehydrate will help? Or some other sort of dehydration like the other person said about heaters?

lol... I had actually thought of that as it is almost in desperation to save the plant to give it some dry conditions....I have found a spot in my garden that gets maximum amount of sun time per winter day and face the small bit's of rot on the cactus straight at the sun to try somewhat and help them dry out...a hair dryer on medium heat for half an hour might help as well...I have even considered some talc powder to help make the cut where some rot is dryer...inside is the only other alternative keep on top of fridge etc...have also considered burying the whole cactus in dry perlite to help with any water absorption...desperate measures or what.


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i would just keep the cuts/pots with cuts inside in a window near a heater... doesnt even have to be in a window, i have cactus cuts litteraly in every room in my house and they have been there for months... they just etoilate and go a little white... if you shade em in early spring when they go outside they'll green up...

Or... buy a hps and root under that... definately warm enough to prevent moisture problems... BUT... be careful because the warm conditions can promote fungi if you over water and feed...

Edited by Mr Stay Puft
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i once salveged a bunch of frozen center cuts by putting them in a closet with de-humidifyer until they popped roots, 3 months

damp rid should work well if done right!

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