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Kava heads


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Ok. I've been experimenting with Kava lately(root powder, traditional prep) for relaxation/anxylotic effects. The benefits are wonderful! After getting off the billies(when I was young I wasn't learned enough to know that the sacred herbs/plants souldn't be abused ) this is something that has really allowed me to experince that calm, enjoyable state which I haven't had for a long time. I experiance a lovely relaxed state, slightly spiritual also, which feels necessary and nourishing. An internal smile thats a great release. The question in my mind is whether Kava is addictive or if it's ok for daily use. over the last couple years i've been doing relaxation meditation and q-gong which i'm more than sure is the way for me to really get grounded and train my nervous system to relax. I could imagine Kava being a great aid to that(not at the same time but just for extra relaxation in the arvo for example)

I'd like to hear from anyone that has used/ uses Kava regularly and there opinion on wether it's habit forming and stuff like that.

I would imagine using it everyday might be abusing it. A couple time a week would be great though. It's such a lovely substance. Great relaxation and happiness but without messing the head much!

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Kava is great. I don't know what the issue is with banning it. I'm under the effects now BTw. Thats probably why I'm not writing a page full of angry protest.

Anys, don't be disheartened too much though. I've heard on the grapevine of a way that may make it possible to still get Kava legally. I'll post when I know more and have permission from this particular supplier(very reliable supplier btw.) This sacred plant is too helpful and wonderful to lose.

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maybe a little off topic but did you ever try injesting mj as opposed to just being resigned to smoking it or not touching it at all?

i got into kava a while back and enjoyed it thoroughly, i dont think it is addictive physically but if it is lulling you into that state that mj used to deliver and nothing else seems to work as well then i suppose you may need to be aware of possible dependence.

i think the trance or hypnosis feeling that you may attain via either of the aformentioned substances can be achieved by other means like excercise, drumming, dancing, loving etc, i guess the notable difference is the effort involved and the duration/strength.


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i think the trance or hypnosis feeling that you may attain via either of the aformentioned substances can be achieved by other means like excercise, drumming, dancing, loving etc, i guess the notable difference is the effort involved and the duration/strength.

High on life

Kava came up at uni yesterday. Some people agreed with the scheduling because it has some negative effects apparently (vitamin deficiencies leading to possible eye problems and pigmentation issues), I haven't looked into it...but lets review the negative health effects of alcohol (not even going to go into smoking), which often leads to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies itself (can't remember if it is a primary or secondary effect from the poor nutrition that some alcoholics suffer from.


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i think the trance or hypnosis feeling that you may attain via either of the aformentioned substances can be achieved by other means like excercise, drumming, dancing, loving etc, i guess the notable difference is the effort involved and the duration/strength.
Buying kava is pretty darned safe... buying some loving has been linked to potential health problems <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png


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maybe a little off topic but did you ever try injesting mj as opposed to just being resigned to smoking it or not touching it at all?

i got into kava a while back and enjoyed it thoroughly, i dont think it is addictive physically but if it is lulling you into that state that mj used to deliver and nothing else seems to work as well then i suppose you may need to be aware of possible dependence.

Yeah I have ingested it before. In hindsight it would have definately been better if I didn't go as hard with it. Ingested or smoked.

Yeah i'm really enjoying a bit of Kava but have decided not too use it too often. I think if I use it everday or something like that, it's too much for me.

It's great to really unwind and enjoy everynow and then.

Buying kava is pretty darned safe... buying some loving has been linked to potential health problems

Ha Ha! True

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In regards to the scheduling, if I wanted to make an order would I be OK as long as it was shipped by the 1st or is that the date it needs to come into the hands of customs?

Also, in reality do they clamp down the day it starts or is there usually a bit of leeway?(sp)

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I use Kava most nights and have noticed no problems, other than if I have a second brew too late / too close to sleep, I may wake up a little lethargic.

I was drinking far too much alcohol to relax after work, since substituting the alcohol with Kava, I feel Kava has greatly lifted my quality of life and am very grateful for this. It sickens me to see Australia scheduling this wonderful herb, if that was to happen here I would have no choice but to become a criminal rather than poison my body and mind with ethanol.

I mix 50grams in a blender with Lecithin and water, allow to sit before straining and drinking.

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am i wrong to think that the NT intervention led to the kava ban?

there is talk here that alcohol abuse has already increased. certainly from what i can see, the problem isn't that aboriginals are pre-destined substance abusers... they just live in bad conditions (mostly what you would literally call camps around here, can't imagine further from town) and have no education or employment prospects. there is potential but they need some help like any developing nation (that's what arnhem land is by the look of it). just improving the road in would probably make a huge difference. from what i gather the NT government doesn't do a great deal for arnhem.

oh, i had something to say. do others experience a hangover, like a miniature booze hangover?

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problems are claimed up north with indiginous use of both kava and alcohol.

alcohol they place bans on bringing it into those comunities.

kava they stop the whole country having it without a prescription.

seems the milder product has the greater restriction?

some studies on the current patterns of usage of various psychoactive plants in their traditional cultures would be interesting...........no problems,no studies?

t s t .

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I heard a story on JJJ hack about kava use up north, one of the interviewers went up there and was speaking to people etc.

One of the interesting things was a side effect they called 'crocodile skin', where heavy users get a cronic skin condition that causes scaling and heavy dermatitis etc.

Dont knwo if its true or not but interesting none the less.

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I heard a story on JJJ hack about kava use up north, one of the interviewers went up there and was speaking to people etc.

One of the interesting things was a side effect they called 'crocodile skin', where heavy users get a cronic skin condition that causes scaling and heavy dermatitis etc.

Dont knwo if its true or not but interesting none the less.

It may be a side effect, but, as you said, a side effect of HEAVY use. It's a good example of what can happen when you abuse nature. Things like this always happen when natures substances are not respected. It can obviously be a wonderful substance when used respectfully. (this sin't directed at you AndyAmine. Just my response to the report of the skin condition!)

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I totally agree with you, basically anything used in high enough doses or too often will present nasty side effects, even common foods and drinks etc.

From memory I think they said these people were using huge amounts daily and it probably wasn't the best quality kava contaminated with aerial plant parts and whatever else.

Unfortunately they were using this as a bit of a scare tactic in the story and Ive seen it in the papers since as well.

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the aboriginals here (yolngu) have an interesting history if anyone is interested.

short article

they've petitioned to change the date of the kava ban (presumably for their community, not everyone)

not much on that link.....its a year old too......

surely there are a number of useful plants growing in their area?

t s t .

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a year old? sorry bad habit of mine assuming that articles are current. i also should have said the yolngu have an interesting RECENT history, as i'm only aware of the last century. they fought in world war two and their bushcraft would have been helpful. in '63 they sent a bark petition to canberra protesting the mine being built on their land (it was built but the petition had important impacts).

i've only heard about sucking the base of a pandanus leaf for a panadol like effect, although a mate looked it up and pandan had some other medicinal attributes. gorgeous stems on these things (the leaf scars twist around like a screw)

"Professor Janice Reid is a medical anthropologist who studied traditional Yolgnu medicine in the 1970s and 80s.

PROF JANICE REID: Yolgnu medicine in our terms is like a combination of physiotherapy, naturopathy, physiotherapy, psychology, it's an indivisible whole and it's so powerful because of that."

the area hasn't been studied very much, but the yolngu are said to have retained excellent knowledge of flora and fauna.

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