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The Corroboree

Twisted/Spiral Cereus... what is it?


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Can anyone give me more info on what these are?



Best I can find is Cereus Peruvianus f. Tortuosus, but only because it's growth habit is the same as the C. Hildmannius f. Tortuosus, which looks quite different... whatever it is, I want one.







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According to the literature I am looking at it's Cereus peruvianus 'Spiralis'. That's also what I've always know it as. The cacti world can be a pain in the butt though with all the different names according to different people etc.

Edited by Phosphene_Dream
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Hi Phosphene, i had the same thought today. I was trying to order some Trichocereus Seeds and it took me about half an hour to find them in the seed catalogue. I Had to check out Trichocereus, Helianthocereus, Echinopsis and Lobivia. Thats where i finally found them. bye Eg

Edited by Evil Genius
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Cereus Peruvianus f. Tortuosus

They certainly are. They are a slightly mutant form of Cereus peruvianus that have a spiralling growth habit - common name is Cereus Peruvianus f. Tortuosus, but there have been several different names attributed to it.

If you have some I'd love to do a bit of bargaining - I've been searching for that type for about 18 months now!

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  • 1 year later...

i love these.... https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

if anyone is growing them in australia let us know as i'd be well interested in adding one to the collection


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  • 5 years later...

got a couple of them off ebay, grew them for a couple of years, ended up composting them

Did they keep their spiral form for very long?

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I noticed when driving by that there is a really nice and large specimen at a Masonic building in Pasadena.

I'm betting they would part with a cutting if they were asked (or at least I've never been refused when asking strangers for a cactus cutting)

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