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Should newbies shut up and listen


Should newbies shut up and listen  

61 members have voted

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Yeah bloody noobs shit me to Fing tears, delete the lot of them, then we can sit in our stagnant little pond of security without the fear someone new strange different should come along & actualy want to voice there opinion, experience, advice on a public forum.

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i dunno jack.

i was reading for 2 months before i felt copletly lost in what i was doing wif me cacti.

so after reading the forum for 2 months i never registered only until i really needed to, post a q.

its preatty dawnting to come into this forum i thought at first coz there is some really great minds here.

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A shut mouth catches no flies. Newbies should definately not make mushroom ID`s as there are very similar lookalikes to psilocybes. But they can start to ID Cacti. If a noob gives a wrong Cactus ID to someone, nothing happens. There aren´t any toxic cacti why i have few Problems with an incorrect ID. There are enough people around who recognize it if someone is talking nonsense. But any newbie should point out that he isn´t sure if he isn´t . And we should keep an eye on this as we don´t need spam filled ID Forums with dozens of wrong ID`s. I want to keep the good standard that we have atm.

bye Eg

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"Newbies should definately not make mushroom ID`s as there are very similar lookalikes to psilocybes."

Yeah mayb but when ur hunting cubes at least round here there aint nothing that looks like a cube & growing off shit.

"If a noob gives a wrong Cactus ID to someone, nothing happens. There aren´t any toxic cacti why i have few Problems with an incorrect ID. "

Cactus I.D is a tenuitive one & noone can give a cactus I.D 100% u can only give ur opinion.

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What defines a "newbie?" Surely not post count or join date. There are many more aspects to life experience than internet profiles. I believe it is up to every individual to judge anothers response based on its merit, not the amount of time they spend staring at a computer screen. I, however, also feel that there more self-control should be exercised by various individuals when responding to eliminate things like, "I don't know, but that's a good question," and other lame-ass posts. Just two cents from someone whose internet profile reads "newbie," but whose life experience is anything but.

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Whatever happened to encouragement and welcoming, Jack?

If you see someone unintentionally contributing misinformation then why not politely correct them?

I dunno if this poll really helps the whole situation.

Edited by apothecary
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A "newbie" may be a phd ethnobotanist or have remarkable knowledge of entheogens, pharmacology, philosophy, home remedies for belly button fungus, etc, whatever is in their area of interest. I have over 1,900 posts and I still couldnt tell a tasmanian cubensis from a shitake because its not my area. And we were all n00bs once <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

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I still couldnt tell a tasmanian cubensis from a shitake because its not my area.

and, because there is none :)also mods, this is the 2nd poll that i have merely viewed... but has then told me that I have already voted in this poll.

Edited by shroomytoonos
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Tasmanian cubensis

I had to double check to see if you were right, if you had been it would have made my point better than anything <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

Your not poking the 'View Results' button are you? That nulls vote, like an abstention so you can see results.

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A "newbie" may be a phd ethnobotanist or have remarkable knowledge of entheogens, pharmacology, philosophy, home remedies for belly button fungus, etc, whatever is in their area of interest. I have over 1,900 posts and I still couldnt tell a tasmanian cubensis from a shitake because its not my area. And we were all n00bs once

Couldnt agree more. Plus, where the hell do you expect to learn anything without contributing? I spent close to 6 months just reading threads and getting a feel of this place before even signing up. I dont know everything, but I'm sure I know how to help out a few people new to various things such as the theory of mushroom cultivation, cacti cultivation and various other topics. I only learnt by asking questions and making mistakes myself - why deny someone else of that?

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Tasmanian cubensis

I had to double check to see if you were right, if you had been it would have made my point better than anything

Your not poking the 'View Results' button are you? That nulls vote, like an abstention so you can see results.

I was going by this compilation by obtuse... which doesnt seem to include this species, unless under a different name.


Yes, I am pushing the view button, thanks auxin.

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Maybe the poll wasnt such a good idea, and some people seem to have taken offence.. When I refer to newbies, I am not necessarily refering to new users to this forum but to those who are inexperienced. All I am trying to do is get a message accross. I feel in general that the standard has dropped on the forums, now this could be due to any number of things, but one of them being that so many responses are based on theory and not experience.

Why give advise if you are repeating somthing you have read and not had great experience in. Surely information from those who have done it befor is more valuable.

I have no problem with newbies in general and welcome everyone to this community. I dont really want them to shut up like the poll question states, but I really think it would benefit not only them but the entire community if they waited and listened to others.

Keep on smiling


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Guest homoGenius
Maybe the poll wasnt such a good idea, and some people seem to have taken offence.. When I refer to newbies, I am not necessarily refering to new users to this forum but to those who are inexperienced. All I am trying to do is get a message accross. I feel in general that the standard has dropped on the forums, now this could be due to any number of things, but one of them being that so many responses are based on theory and not experience.

Why give advise if you are repeating somthing you have read and not had great experience in. Surely information from those who have done it befor is more valuable.

I have no problem with newbies in general and welcome everyone to this community. I dont really want them to shut up like the poll question states, but I really think it would benefit not only them but the entire community if they waited and listened to others.

Keep on smiling


Hey hey Jack. I tried picking both NO and I don't give a shit but it doesn't work. If there had been an option saying NO I COULDN'T GIVE A RAT'S FANNY ABOUT THAT...... but I chose the couldn't give a shite option. It's as easy to ignore as it is to applaud.

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Jack, I think one of the ways this could be achieved is if the more experienced/informed/long term members would offer thier opinions more often.

I don't mean this in a negative way as I am sure it takes a lot of effort to participate consistantly, especially when the same things are broached over and over.

But if we could isolate the FAQ's within the topics so they are not repeated so often would this then make it more attractive and rewarding for the more experienced members to involve themselves more often?..and hence deliver more reliable information and ID's that are based on experience.

just a thought.


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As AJ said - it would be nice to have more participation by the 'more experienced' members, or have factual threads of relevant and worthy information Pinned or placed in a SubForum of actual info - such as tried and true teks (for legal mushies, cacti cultivation etc) and other important info.

I would be more than happy to collate a few facts every now and then (as I tend to spend most of my days pottering around this place anyway ), and even convert some of the better things to PDF format (as I did with a pereskiopsis grafting tutorial), on the basis that they are stored in a very easily managed thread of teks, or even better, another sub-forum.

Just a though, but I think it would certainly cut down on a lot of mis information and unneccessary questions... Torsten?

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I too spent a fair bit of time reading this site before i registered, and then still took my time to contribute. I still don't contribute often because I know i don't have much experience in most matters. I contribute to discussions when i feel i can by just trying to be helpful. I would think a fair few others would do the same.

It is important that newbies contribute as there is only one way to learn when you are one. If you are corrected when you err, all the better, its all part of the learnign process. In a lot of cases it is also helpful for the more experienced to see how easy it is for some to make errors, and get confused. especially with all the mixed and confusing information that is out there on the net.

In most cases i think it is important that people identify their sources of knowledge. Whether it is from their vast range of knowledge by reading on the net, or whether they have actually gotten their hands dirty by growing the said plants themselves, or if it is info via a friend or someone they know. If i skim through a heap of posts on a topic i will always take more notice of someone who has identified a fact from their own experience.

Anyway my other reason for posting to this thread:

I was only talking about this recently with a friend...

Tasmanian cubensis

I had to double check to see if you were right, if you had been it would have made my point better than anything newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

I was going by this compilation by obtuse... which doesnt seem to include this species, unless under a different name.


These do not come from Tasmania. there are no cubensis here guys. I think someone obvously tagged them with that name to add an element of the exotic / unusual / obscure.

I for one would really like to know the history and background on these, and why they have the name they do.

cheers, Obtuse

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I had been growing entheogenic cacti for atleast 4 and a half years before I joined up here. Does that make me a noob? I really don't think it is a very relevant or important factor. This is sort of an elitist attitude if you ask me. Alot of noobs have valuable information to contribute.

Edited by Phosphene_Dream
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In most cases i think it is important that people identify their sources of knowledge. Whether it is from their vast range of knowledge by reading on the net, or whether they have actually gotten their hands dirty by growing the said plants themselves, or if it is info via a friend or someone they know.
That sure would be nice wouldnt it... good luck with that <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

In a world where people that want to heal with non-state-sanctioned medicines they have to relate everything as an experience hallucinated by an elf riding on a cat owned by some dude in peru. For examples of this taken to a ridiculous extreme I refer you to e-dot where a bioassay on chamomile tea must be given as a SWIM report.

Right now I can say 'yeah I chew ashwagandha root bark- love that horsey goodness' but if the government bans it it'll be instantly put into the group of stuff I just hear about that very overworked peruvian dudes cats elf psychonaught doing while flying to andromeda.

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All these posts and polls are actual retarded. like a few have mentioned it's very elitist, nazi even. If everyone is so angry with the standard of discussions here then provide your own input, that is of such great value. Dissing others for having their own discussions at a level they are capable of and comfortable in is bullshit if you're not prepared to elevate this, and can only knock it down some more by pointing out how 'n00b' it is. We're all learning from each other, by segregating us from ourselves we're cheating everyone out of a fuller life experience. But yeah I agree, anyone that doesn't post something to my liking within the next... say 2 weeks should get auto-banned, n00b has nothing to do with post count, only post quality, which is all subjective, but seeing as we're all into deciding for others, ill decide for all of you that my decision reigns supreme here.

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wow RonnySimulacrum i havnt seen u on these forums before, you joined in 23-July 02!

That is because i am a newbies

Well i still have much to learn anyway

Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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