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The Corroboree

John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. John Smith

    New Perth Entheo store promotion sale

    Thanks for the info. We need more action in Perth. I will check it out too. The "Mr Whippy" type idea sounds great.
  2. John Smith

    Links to drug related federal and state laws

    Torsten I am surprised that there are not more members as enthusiastic as me about what you started here. There is something I am specifically interested in and I'd really appreciate your opinion, especially given your comments in the salvia topic about having hired barristers in the past. That was actually an idea that had crossed my mind but I'd wondered if they would actually know... I recall reading comments along the lines that WA does not have an analogues law (or any other legislation?) that prohibits possession of tryptamine compounds. I love to know if this is true and if it is, are there any specific tryptamine compounds that are prohibited. I do realise that they cannot be imported. Many thanks in advance.
  3. John Smith

    Importing Kava to Oz

    I think it is time to overthrow the governement. They do that a lot in Fiji don't they?
  4. I hear Perth people are really smart
  5. John Smith

    Current Blotters

    Um, any ideas on the possibly toxicity of the ink in ones printer???I hear that unprinted unperforated blotters are around. Not convenient but awfully sneaky...
  6. John Smith

    Perscription Cannabis

    Synthetic cannabinoids are prescibed in some countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoids CP-55940 isn't one of them but is around the place I'm told.
  7. John Smith

    Marijuana Water Pipe and Vaporizer Study

    Damn, no delete. Sorry, wrong topic!
  8. John Smith

    190 proof

    In most states in the US they sell Everclear in liquor stores. Grain alcohol (for drinking), 95% alcohol in 750ml bottles for about US$15. I have tried and tried to find a stote that will ship to Aus but no luck
  9. John Smith

    Vote for your favourite dissociative?

    Lucky bastard.
  10. John Smith

    Do Ionisers work?

    I can't answer the question and have often wondered myself. I recall reading that they don't do anything positive healthwise, however, I have also read that pine needles are one of the largest natural source of negative ions. On several occasions when I have spent at least a few hours in a pine foorrest I have quite felt refreshed afterwards. Maybe just my imagination..who knows.
  11. John Smith

    Vote for your favourite dissociative?

    I didn't vote because so far I have only tried PCP and Nitrous. Nitrous is great but doesn't last long enough and so PCP hasn't done anything for me except make pot taste like shit. I think next time I shall eact a measured dose. I intend to try K soon and from what I have read it will probably be my favorite. I'l like to try DXM but I am not drinking cough syrup (it works out quite expensive that way too). If I could get DXM powder I'd have a go. Ironically, I know of places to get just about anything, but not even a sniff of DXM which I think is legal. Salvia is on my wish list but given it's illegal staus I don't imagine I'll ever get my hands on some. Oh how nice it would be to have a plant...
  12. John Smith

    woolies products dissapearing

    I have flexible principles - often when it suits me I will do what is best for me. Most of the expensive stuff I have is made in China but I draw the line at buying Woolworths or Coles brand stuff. They fuck suppliers up the arse and in the long run they will fuck all of us up the arse. Groceries, liquor, petrol already, what tomorrow? I hear Wesfarmers (Bunnings) are looking to buy Coles. We will be well and truly fucked up the arse if that happens. Does the government pay attention to these things???
  13. John Smith

    Current Blotters

    I'm not sure if you were joking but I have read quite a lot about dextromethorphan (DXM) - the stuff in some cough syrups. I haven't tried it but apparantly it is a very potent psychadelic, well regarded by many. The only "suitable" source I know of is Benadryl Dry Forte which costs $20 odd for a big bottle (can't recall mls?) which contains 600mg of DXM. You'd have to drink most of the bottle to achieve the desired affects and I am assured that it tastes like shit and is difficult to keep in your stomach. Should anyone contemplate trying this, do your homework first. Other cough syrups that contain DXM also contain other active ingredients which can be very harmful if you drink a whole bottle.
  14. John Smith

    Current Blotters

    I've never even heard of liquid around these parts but people I talk to overseas tell me it is abundant!
  15. John Smith

    Current Blotters

    Thunderdude, you are a champ - I looked everywhere for a link to the picture (even on Alex Gray's own site) but had no luck. That is indeed the picture.
  16. Yeah the insitu generation almost sounds like the perpetual motion scenario. Without knowing the maths, it seems hard to believe that PV cells on a vehicle could generate enough electricity to produce enough hydrogen to presumably burn in an internal combustion engine (?) to propel said vehicle (even with some battery assistance) EDIT: Sorry, just realised you said "photanodes". Don't know what they are but the concept still sounds hard to believe...
  17. John Smith

    Current Blotters

    A friend recently got some blotters direct from Amsterdam. They had a reported dose of 175-200 micrgrams per blotter and each 25 (i.e. 5 x 5) blotters made a full picture of a psychadelic portrait of Hoffman painted by Alex Gray for Hoffman's 100th birthday. The artwork was so awsome my friend was very reluctant to cut them up, but he said the subsequent experience was exceptional and eased his concerns about having destroyed the artwork.
  18. John Smith

    Urine Spontaneously Produces GHB After Six Months

    So...has anyone got an extraction tek for this? I have already begun stocpiling supplies in anticipation
  19. John Smith

    Hemp Farming in Oz

    One aspect that could suck a little if this became widespread is potential contaminantion of breeding stock for those illegally growing pot the old fashioned way (y'know, with seeds & all).
  20. John Smith

    Ecstasy Report

    Doesn't that just show how inappropriate some of the laws of prohibition really are huh?
  21. John Smith

    WA to hold drug summit

    IllegalBrain I agree with your comment. A potential problem though with this sort of thing is the "drugs are bad m'kay" mentality. I've watched (and loved!) South Park since it started but I have only come to understand the meaning of this line in the past few years.
  22. John Smith

    Aussie politicians could face drug tests

    "So they f*cking should!" was my first thought upon seeing this topic. It was also my 2nd, 3rd and final thoughts on the subject. They are the ill informed and/or ignorant people responsible for prohibition (and all the harm it causes) so the very least they should do is set an example.
  23. John Smith

    Should newbies shut up and listen

    This n00b thought morg's guidlines sounded pretty spot on. It is worth remembering however that the types of people that wouldn't think of the common sense things morg mentioned probably lack some social skills in real life and this thread won't change that. Another obvious point is that some topics invite frivoulous responses. Some n00bs are also respected "senior" members of others forums. In some cases these may be forums that you wouldn't have heard of and won't stumble across. Now, would anyone like a cactus ID?
  24. Hehe, me too. Must be a Perth thing, although I didn't see any mention of NaOH...and somewho I don't think that is what they were talking about. Great trick for anyone who hasn't tried it. Aluminium filings, caustic soda & water. Condesnse gast thru water to remove steam and fill ballons, condosms, shopping bags. Many fun uses including attaching a wick and and letting them go at night C'mon hydrogen! - it is the way of the future.
  25. John Smith

    Glass particle contamination in Cannabis

    Yep, yet another consequence of prohibition. Not only would the victims likely be wasting taxpayers money if they end up in hospital, but many probably would be taxpayers themeselves.