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The Corroboree

Strontium Dawg

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About Strontium Dawg

  • Birthday 10/10/1973

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    33 degrees south o' the 'quator

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  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/s/GefAhuGBHu Apologies for the reddit link, I searched the NSW health page and it's terrible, couldn't find this alert, only older ones. Anyway, TLDR: punisher, SpongeBob and MyBrand stamped tabs around containing 217mg so be careful if you're in the habit of dropping multiple pies. You know what would help this situation NSW Government? Pill testing. You know, like all the recommendations from experts?
  2. Benefits of being mates with the Bangladeshi guys at work...we were talking about paan yesterday and today I turned up to find a bag of betel nuts on my desk. Need to find some way to return the favour in kind...
  3. Nice work. I don't seem to have too many problems getting them to germinate, but keeping them alive past 3 months has been challenging here. Giving them another try soon.
  4. It's a good way to tell is your an "aphant" like me. I tried this stuff so many times and get nothing, some of us don't have the wiring for this to work.
  5. Hi folks,. I have fresh cuts of vine available for propagation. $120/kg including postage anywhere within Australia. Nice thick lengths showing classic cross section. Send me a pm if you're interested. Peace and blessings.
  6. Some varieties are much more cold tolerant than others. The red vein seems pretty sensitive.
  7. If you think these things have been under the radar in the last 10 years you've been living under a rock.
  8. I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with Liam and Fahim anyday, mates are mates despite some shitty journalism casting aspersions.
  9. I was on some antidepressants in the 90s, didn't realize at the time that they were MAOI class, not SSRIs. I drank some ephedra tea and that sent me into 12 hours of the most intense migraine like headaches and nausea. And I imagine my trial was mild compared to what could have happened. At no point did the prescribing doctor tell me the medication was an MAOI or to watch my diet etc. I was well aware of MAOI interactions at this time, I just didn't make the connection with what happened to me until years later.
  10. The strength of kava comes with the age of the plant. Generally, 3-5 years in the absolute minimum age before you'd even think of harvesting roots. 6-7 years is fantastic but not many commercial growers can afford to wait that long. Also, there are so many chemotypes, some are more "heady" and some are more "heavy" in the mix of kavalactones. Generally speaking, Hawaiian "awa" or kava is considered to be weaker than most Vanuatu and Fijian varieties, but again, age of the roots is the biggest factor in potency.
  11. It would be interesting to see a comparison of your experience if you'd just gone off SSRIs without going straight onto Kanna. You might be feeling some of these effects simply as a rebound from the SSRIs...?
  12. The problem with a lot of these kinds of people who set themselves up as facilitators is they don't believe in traditional medicine so they thought they knew better than to call an ambulance. Nothing a little guitar playing and chanting can't fix... Criminally negligent not to be prepared for a medical emergency and act fast.
  13. It can help reduce some of the nausea, and it adds a slight euphoria.
  14. Personally, I like 4 datura stramonium seeds per person added to my brew. But I don't do it without people's permission because it's not everyone's preference and some folks are downright scared of tropanes. But yeah if it's my brew for me, that's how I make cimora. The thing with making a brew, is you can't do it if you're not in a good headspace. You have to put all the love and good vibes in, sing it songs, blow some incence over it, ring some gongs or tingshas over it...
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