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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by rottenjonny

  1. It's good that the article mentions that there is certification programs that can assure consumers about the quality of products however I think the jury is still out on things such as abermectin (possibly your sheep dip) and whether its actually a concern. My concern is that australia being formative in its industry does not have these assurances and becomes a dumping ground for poor product from overseas. Looking at you biocann...
  2. You should buy this book
  3. so a real fixxer-upper hey. A repairable or statutory write off. I'll send you a message.
  4. There is also the concept of a "zine" which could be fun for immanuel to explore. Writings and thoughts, pictures and cutouts etc
  5. Got anything you want to sell?
  6. I would assume the consequences are 1. They lose their vote on the next issue. So that leaves the party less likely to be able to pass legislation. 2. They are penalised financially, either a fine or that week/month salary 3. They go on a public register. This could then be used to assess their character by the electorate come next election cycle. Failing that you could simply criminalise drinking or drug decision making in the same way it is for driving.
  7. They should develop true tests of impairment that can be used roadside and during parliament. Maybe when it affects them personally the path to reasonable drug reform will become a little more clear.
  8. I'll go as far as to say that this is insane and goes against everything we've been told about mushroom cultivation. But if its stupid and it works I suppose its not stupid. brb going to the farmers market for some oysters
  9. I'm regularly making both kombucha and milk kefir. Are we saying I can throw things in there and create superdrinks?
  10. I'm not sure if we are allowed to send from east to west coast? Otherwise I can offer both
  11. You would just ask here https://www.righttoknow.org.au/ They will most likely ask you for $30 though. I paid the money for my police file. was interesting reading.
  12. Great experimentation! it becomes actual science if you write it down. Why is direct propagation of mycelium not more common practice? - I think because its more advantageous to have a culture that is "clean". There might also be mixed mycelium in there from another species (just guessing). It isn't totally unheard of and pretty common for people trying to grow woodloving species like subs Is their anything I can do to help it along or speed it up. - It has just been sitting in a dimly lit garage for a few months on a shelf. Simply ignored for the most part. - Get it into a purpose built bed I was planning once I got enough mass of mycelium to relocate it into the garden. Or maybe getting a large shallow tub and filling it with sterile eucalyptus mulch and seeing if the mycelium will eventually fruit. Keen to find out what I have been growing all this time. - For the benefit of science why not do both. Keep us updated, sounds like fun
  13. once you star talking about 100% of something does the grading really matter?
  14. I'd split postage on some seeds if you want to try it
  15. It's not impossible. They like humidity/heat but I've seen them growing well in the right environment in Sydney. Mine lasted a year or so then died in the Hunter.
  16. Currently being spoken about on ABC news. They threw ayuahuasca in there as also dangerous and pointed to the facts that it took a long time for ambulances to be called. I guess that is what happens when you criminalise these things.
  17. rottenjonny


    Anyone have experience of this plant trichopus zeylanicus?
  18. spyra is a $140 water pistol but for some reason I'm still intrigued
  19. Haha, I love it. The Council has been doing this through woodchip dispersal for years!
  20. My maidenii trunk has certainly become more rough with age
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