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  1. This article gives three (or four) possible explanations (including deliberate user - not dealer - contamination): https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/5/4/17307296/cocaine-opioid-crisis-fentanyl-overdose. A fuller explanation would be ... "all of the above." The following sentence reminded me of SayN's comment: In other words, accidental contamination seems probable, as the EPA seems to be aware: https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters/remediation-fentanyl-contaminated-indoor-environments. Alas, with great power (or potency) comes great responsibility.
    2 points
  2. At present I am learning to make music. Feel free to check out my stuff! https://www.bandlab.com/polejam11 Thank you
    1 point
  3. i'm now 63, learned guitar since i was 14, making music is the single best thing which ever happend to me. i'm lucky, to found again, a person to play with, he plays intuitive lead on the banjo, i play rhythem on my gypsy guitar.
    1 point
  4. Thanks for your responses guys The Panadol thing is pretty standard as far as I'm aware. Might as well call it Coke Zero with how badly most people are getting ripped off. Boric acid and other things have been used, which could cause testicular atrophy. All in the name of $ Using Mortein on cannabis crops is moronic, but at least it make senses in a cause-and-effect sort of way to someone who doesn't care about quality or know much about horticulture. Maybe cutting was a misnomer, I'm just genuinely puzzled how high potency opioids are contaminating a plethora of other recreational drugs the world over. I was just curious if this is a systematic thing that groups of people are doing for a specific purposes or just bad quality control with dealers mixing up cocaine and fentanyl on the same table with same razor type of thing. Part of me thinks there is more to the picture
    1 point
  5. Forever lurking Re: that article and the dude from Honolulu. Frankly, i'm not sure it is a venue's responsibility to carry naloxone and have to train staff in its use for people illegally consuming drugs in their venue. This sounds like a huge liability all round and certainly not something you'd sign up for as (an underpaid) hospitality worker. So much could go wrong. Then again i'm one for personal reponsibility...
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Topic is broad, from growing, importing, distributing, to lobbying, campaigning, anything short of kidnapping and torture. The parlous state of affairs in Oz is beyond woeful -- and beggars belief. I have gardening-related nerve pain, no income, no income support, no access to GP or their Big Pharma opiod prescription racket. One can petition the TGA for changes to kratom's legal status, but the gatekeeping is all done with toxicology and other requirements. I can make a credible humanistic and even medical argument in favour of de-scheduling, but the laboratory/scientific stuff is well beyond me. Who else feels the need to take formal action to make kratom freely available to Australian sufferers of chronic and acute pain? Please PM or post below if you're interested in taking action.
    1 point
  8. I should have yopo seeds late spring. my one is outdoors in the ground and can handle cool winters. I live on the northern rivers, NSW.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. peregrina would be yopo, i never heard of it growing in oz. vilca is very common, grows fast in a big tree. i seriously doubt, it can be grown successfully in a pot and get seeds. vilca started producing seeds after 4 years or so, but it grew so big i had to cull it, it was too much work and took over too much space, and my place is big.... borers attacked the seed pods, so sometimes most pods did not produce. if i were you, i would guerilla farm this tree.
    1 point
  11. I live way further south and will have to grow in a pot. I do not expect seeds, I just want to grow the tree. Maybe it will survive maybe it will not. Maybe I can acclimate it and maybe one day it can be in the ground. Maybe.
    1 point
  12. Hi fellow plant peeps, I'm looking for seed of silene undulata, capensis, aka the African dream herb. Can swop for fresh seed of Hemia salicifolia the sun opener, sun catcher, from my own plants growing in my garden. I'm in New Zealand so may be limited to trades within this country if anyone here still has any. Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  13. The smell of limonene could be sufficient to induce synergistic effects: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274641213_Physiological_and_psychological_effects_of_olfactory_stimulation_with_D-Limonene The use of essential oils and incense is well-known. Rätsch has a section on incense in his psychedelics encyclopaedia. I've come across Syrian Rue in a Persian incense (with other spices and resins), probably for good reason. Brugmansia blossoms are said to be psychoactive, with caution advised.
    1 point
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/11/a-raft-of-unanswered-questions-remain-as-australias-first-psychedelic-therapy-clinic-opens You've no idea how fucking furious I am at Mind Medicine Australia, the TGA, et al. In a SMH article today, the doctors are gloating that they've got the pure MDMA, the implication being, they're fine with ravers dying from impure ecstasy - "we've got the pure stuff, and we're not sharing" - there has to be some kind of organised revolt against the monopolisation of psychedelic experience. MMA has even roped in Gabor Mate as one of its course instructors, wallowing as they are in $15M of taxpayers' money, and laughing all the way to the bank. Absolutely fucking obscene.
    1 point
  15. Makes total sense from a Western perspective but it is actually a nonstarter despite the very rational sanity that exists in your suggestion. For the vastly largest part NAC members do not view or use mescaline or mescaline containing plants as their sacrament. They use peyote. That might sound like I am merely splitting hairs but San Pedro has different effects, a different taste and a different personality. This is a religious activity for them and it is not regarded to be a drug experience. For you and me such substitution would no doubt pose no problem as Western reductionism is valid in Western ideology. This subject goes far beyond what we are talking about there as a rather large portion of the NAC is still strongly opposed to cultivation even if done within the NAC itself due to their belief that it shows a lack of faith in the ability of the peyote to protect itself. Instead harvesting for users north of the border increased in Mexico. Thankfully this is now slowly in the process of changing or at least NAC people who do not object to cultivation have openly begun cultivation activities as of 7-8 years ago. It has been going on quietly for some time but I also know of one chapter which stopped growing around 12 years ago when their supplier threatened to cut them off of their peyote supply if they did not cease cultivating peyote. Cultivation within the NAC would likely be much more widespread if not for the pressure against it that became very vocal in the early 1990s. This is all an internal matter for the NAC to work through and resolve as no outsiders have the right or the wisdom to tell other people how to practice their religion. Spokespeople from the NAC have repeatedly stated to legislators and to the press that mescaline is not their medicine and San Pedro is not their medicine so have boxed themselves into a corner should their minds someday change. Only in the last several years have we heard claim being laid over them and that has been entirely in the context of decrim efforts and a desire to keep mescaline from being decriminalized. There has been a lot of effort directed at keeping not just peyote but mescaline out of DN proposals. It has in a growing number of cases been successful in omitting mescaline and any mescaline containing cacti and in others has only kept peyote and mescaline derived from peyote excluded. In far fewer instances peyote HAS been included in the decriminalization initiatives that were passed. One more bit of subtlety is that *only* the 'nondrug use' of peyote is viewed by DEA as having protection. Not only is there no guarantee that respect would be extended to the NAC for using other mescaline containing cacti or mescaline but since that would be based on recognizing they the same active drug, and therefore are drug use, it might actually go against them. Saying "peyote is not a drug" is more than just words for them, in DEA's eyes it is their legal defence for being able to use it in ceremony. One element to bear in mind is the NAC is not a homogenous organization in thought or beliefs. It is actually not an organization. It is a loose affiliation of around 170 chapters; each of which have their own charter and can write their own bylaws and membership rules. Most of them are formally incorporated. Many are fundamentalist Christians, some still have their original religion and are not Christianized and many are somewhere in between. Similarly many chapters strictly preclude others from participating (65 or so percent) and others welcome anyone who is sincere. This is easily missed if hearing the most vocal rhetoric appearing in the press. I know a very tiny number of NAC people who do use San Pedro. I know far more who absolutely reject it. I have never met any NAC member who would accept synthetic mescaline as a sacrament. There certainly may be someone out there but I have not met them and far more members would protest against the idea rather loudly. The discussions referenced at chacruna are generally about the concern for protecting peyote populations by insisting that only synthetic mescaline should be used for therapeutic applications rather than peyote or mescaline that has been extracted from peyote. There are at least five psychedelic start-ups based around the use of mescaline so that is a great idea. As was mentioned earlier, one can also find this notion being embraced in a number of the Decrim Nature initiatives. The thing which would go farthest to resolve the dilemma with the least complexity would be repealing the controlled substances act and also declaring peyote to be a federally listed endangered species. Congress gave all people in the USA who qualify for federal aid by virtue of being recognized as a member of any indigenous entity (group, tribe, pueblo, etcetera) the right to harvest, possess, transport, and consume peyote and to cultivate it in a regulated manner so adding that layer of protection to peyote would not affect NAC peyote access or use.
    1 point
  16. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378874120331986 in rodents, at least.
    1 point
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