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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Bullit i think its time for you to take some of your own advice and chill out. Your not doing yourself any favours here. Ive seen quite a few offensive posts of yours, wich im pretty sure i have quoted. I dont have a huge personell problem with you or anything but your generall attitude seems, not so awsome ... I do recall a thread from a member seeking help re: a possible overdose. Its hard to forget that, it shows your character, Wtf is your issue man? Im no saint, and im not even that well liked here, but seriously ... you sound like the kids i see in the city with "MONSTER ENERGY" hats on "talkinz boutz getn crunked at d traino aftaz wi rollz dem cuntz fo der shooos". *I will add that im not talking about your spelling either.
  2. 2 points
    If you believe that someone is breaking the rules you should either report the post or message the mod of that forum.
  3. 2 points
    here is another good pic of ellie, looking after my wife when she wasnt well. Dogs really are awesome.
  4. 1 point
    I didn't want to post this straight away in the Seed and Plant Exchange due to limited seed - but here's a seed giveaway combined with a picture thread - if you want to grow any or all of these shoot me a PM with your addy and I'll try and get these seeds out to you. The T. bridgesii v "SS02" x T. pachanoi v. "Mel/vin is seed grown by my friend Mel/vin and given to me years ago - the plant in the pics is the parent plant - longer spines like SS02 but grows a bit fatter like pachanoi. A strangely beautiful and thoroughly groovy plant. The T. peruvianus monstrose (TPM) waffles between regular and monstrose growth, but the monstrose is dominant - columns start out normal and then get super weird - and the freakish qualities certainly came through the other time it was crossed - fortunately this year I have it in more crosses, and got more seed total The T. peruvianus cristata (TPC) is a new addition to the hybrid pool - large freakish peruvianus cristata - even the flower was mutant - I crossed the single fruit with Juules, SS02, and (SS02 x pachanoi) - basically I hit it with all three of those hoping one would take - the seedlings may be any one of those three fathers or a mix of them - I hit it with Juules first, then SS02 a few hours later, and then (SS02 x pachanoi) a few hours after that - maybe Juules got through the most? Who knows.. N1 is a bridgesii that is excellent in all the ways that matter - one of my fav plants and I'm totally stoked about the Psycho0 x N1 cross - those should be some seriously beautiful and badass bridgesii seedlings - probably fatter and longer spined than typical bridgesii as well, based on the parents.. The T. pachanoi "quasi-cristata" (TPQC) is a non-PC pachanoi type that grew crested after an apparent snail attack - maybe it is genetic in there somewhere and the snail attack caused it to come out, or maybe it is purely from the infection - regardless its a beautiful pachanoi though I haven't taken good care of it these past couple years.. T. bridgesii "Psycho0" is, well, Psycho0, and was sent to me by PD a few years ago - strong work m8! Here's the crosses: TPM x N1 TPM x (SS02 x pachanoi v. "Mel/vin") Mel/vin x TPM Psycho0 x N1 Psycho0 x TPM TPQC x TPM N1 x TPQC TPC x Juules, SS02, & Mel/vin Mel/vin x TPC TPM: TPQC: Psycho0: N1: SS02 x pachanoi: TPC: cheers!
  5. 1 point
    So I just came across this awesome image from National Geographic for anyone who hasn't seen it. Obviously the thing is too massive to capture in one shot, so they produced a composite photo of it, shown with humans for reference. I just bought some Giant Redwood seeds so hopefully I can leave at least one of these as some kind of legacy to the world...
  6. 1 point
    planthelper when i lived overseas i only used cuttings from the one strain of pedro that i had as stock for all of my loph grafts (which mostly were clones of the original plant i started with) and a couple of them had produced pups from the top even though they are all genetically identical. I think it must have something to do with how well you have grafted it or something like that because that is really the only variable i had with my grafts
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Less generous = Tighter Strong reverse tactics = Pushing back harder Never heard the New Zealand sheep shagging jokes? Why do Kiwi farmers always shag their sheep at the edge of a cliff? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Because they push back harder.
  9. 1 point
    there was a pretty nice one in nat geo a few years back of a different redwood.. or was it a sequoia? can't remember.. but the contrast of the snow in the latest one is pretty damn beautiful
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Yea, they're great for kinda circumventing U.S anti online online gambling laws and such as well that it's pretty much instantaneous winnings. Just a reminder, I'm not a professional investor or anything, I just hold a strong opinion on the potential value of this idea. By 2020, they'll have been around for 11 years by this time I'd imagine there to be quite a bit of ironing out of issues, more user friendly interfaces and services to less tech inclined people (Bitcoin right now is like Netscape...we're a while off seeing some real 'browsers' like modern days fireFox and Chrome)...So providing they're not placed under some sort of worldwide regulation (which wouldn't kill Bitcoin, but would hinder it's progress) ...I know this is a bit of a wishy washy statement, but 2020 they'll be either worth a lot (500+) or very little (<20)... Unlikley to stay inbetween due to them now having a far longer presense in the public eeye and no longer being a foreign, untrusted and untested idea. in the eyes of many. Finnaly it'll have a bit of a track record to demonstrate it's long term viability (went from <from $2 to 32 then back to $2....then another climb to >200 down to <50 and back to >100) While it shows how wildly it can fluctuate, yet still not be affected long term from such drastic changes in price...You know, it gives new buyers a chance to get buy them at a comparatively cheaper price during dips. So many people thought 30 was overvalued...then when it hit 80 they're like ok when they crash down to 40 I'll buy them...then they hit 100 ok when they crash 80 I'll buy em... I'm ranting now. 1.1ghs miner is... still profitable if you're electricity isn't too expensive... I think at the current difficulty you'd get about .05 btc per day ... so $5-6 a day. Some people use their mining rigs as heaters during winter instead of running their real one. They're getting superseded pretty quickly though with butterflylabs miners, avalon asics ..might be some other companies producing dedicated miners (So I'd turn it into cash if I were you) The future is easy to make a prediction on, but near impossible to get it 100% right...Too many factors . anyway yeahhh
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    check this guy out hes probably one of my favourite comedians on youtube. his username is shooterwilliamson and has a few other funny videos aswell
  14. 1 point
    Can everyone keep in mind that Myco is in the midst of a legal battle and people should be careful of what they say in this thread about him, his collection and cacti in general. Please avoid adding anything that could be used against him or used by the prosecution in their favour. This very thread could be raised in court as evidence, if that is the case then even verbal slander or disrespect of the authorities would be unhelpful to his plight.
  15. 1 point
    Well another month has passed & I could not be happier with my entry's , they are growing well & the Tricho Juuls/Huancabamba cross is putting on some very weird growth , in my last post I was thinking it had reverted back to being normal, I was very wrong!! Here are some photos taken today. Juuls X Huancabamba My beautiful Albino Lumberjack X Juuls Thanks for looking, I will update in a month. Cheers jox
  16. 1 point
    Hasn't this been covered / debated here already... http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=26177&st=0 Who cares, as long as your dog is your mate , it doesn't matter what breed it is.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Cheetos Balls vs. the real thing. The accuracy is disturbing
  20. 1 point
    Check this pic out. Basically, when I sowed all these hybrids nothing germinated for over a month, and I was pretty devastated because I thought I'd screwed up the seed somehow by fertilizing the cacti heavily during fruiting - I was really very upset though after a nice mild tea journey I got more acceptance around it. The only hybrid seed that germinated during that 6 week period was the (SS02 x pachanoi) x TPM - and only a couple of the 40 or so seeds germinated. So I figured they were viable, but only a small percentage - so I sowed a whole bunch more figuring I'd get maybe 15 seedlings - much to my surprise and delight I checked them one day to find they were germinating like mad, and soon after that all the other hybrids started germinating as well. I think I just planted them too soon out of the fruit pod - the built-in mechanism that keeps them from germinating in the fruit pod was still active - I have since taken to refrigerating freshly harvested seed for a few days and this seems to lead to quick germination. Anyhow, here's a whole bunch of (SS02 x pachanoi) x TPM seedlings - I'm not sure what to do with them, they are way crowded and the smaller ones are basically getting trampled underfoot the bigger ones - there used to be like twice as many of them when they were little - quality problem though for sure - I'll likely pluck out the weird looking one's and graft them
  21. 1 point
    thanks for the great words my brother, i'm really humbled by your words and all your gifts and in all honesty words can not do you any justice
  22. 1 point
    I'm stoked you got those seeds in Philo! Philocacti has been my dear brother from another continent for some years now - was bummed to hear the seeds hadn't made it.. My seedlings are getting big enough now that I can see the ones that have clear crest/monstrose characteristics, and am plucking them out to graft.. My first round of grafts though was just luck of the draw since they all just looked about like Philocacti's seedlings above - couple weeks old and that.. I've noticed that the TPC x and TPM x N1 crosses start out normal, and then get weird - whereas I'm seeing the TPMx(SS02 x pachanoi) going weird right off the bat more often..
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    This guy is showing some weird growth. The top is almost flat and looks like no other tricho I have grafted. It recently popped out these three pups. Anxious to see what this turns into. Thanks again Nitrogen!
  25. 1 point
    Thx for the kind words - glad y'all like! Let's hope we get good germination rates on these. The TPC is the one that freaks out houseguests - they're like "WTF is that??" Stillman - my climate is in the southwestern USA - basically pretty dry and sunny a lot - not quite desert but in that direction - only rains maybe 10 days a year, and only during the winter. I had not been fertilizing these cacti much this past couple years, and only using organics when I did - being rootbound in pots and a bit stressed seems to lead to flowering - my guess is they think they better do so since their own existence is in jeopardy. Midway through the fruiting though I hit all my cacti with a couple pretty strong does of 20-20-20 Miracle grow - wow, that stuff gets them growing! Hope it affects the seed germination favorably as well