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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/12/12 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Today I have re-listed dozens of plants that were previously listed as out of stock, including favorites such as Tabernanthe iboga, Psychotria viridis, P. viridis "Shipibo" &"Luna", a bunch of Piper and Salvia spp., Aloe vera, Rivea corymbosa, Ilex paraguayensis, Withania somnifera, Coffea arabica, Phalaris arundinacea "Turkey Red" and "Green", Passiflora incarnata and Agave tequilana, as well as a bunch obscure psychoactive and culinary species.
  2. 2 points
    Standard use is two tubes in parallel. about 20-30cm above your cultures Do the urine jars have transparent lids? If not, take them out of the autoclave and close the lids firmly and dry them on a slant. Put your plants in 1/2way down the media slope and rest them at an angle so light can get to your plant You know, I'd start with Acacia seed. Not phlebophylla, but something like obtusifolia, acuminata, floribunda etc. Soak the seed in freshly boiled water overnight, then sterilise for 10min in 1.5% bleach + a drop of unscented detergent. Rinse them three times with sterile water in your flow hood and if you can, let them dry on a paper towel in your cabinet which you saturated with 70% alcohol and let dry. Once the paper towel is un your cabinet and dry of the alcohol it should be sterile and will be a good place to dry off the excess water before you use the forceps to put them in your culture Some acacias can even go from in-vitro cuttings from such sterile seedlings in media without hormones for a few generations, but I'd stick with the home-tek protocol from the UNE link above and include some growth factors like coconut water or banana in the media after the seed has germinated and has 2-3 sets of leaves If you do get replication, you can go for callus from there using the leftovers once replication has given you sufficient numbers and tek confidence. Never tried callus culture with acacia spp
  3. 2 points
    I got that little Medusa off the old fellow I just purchased the nursery from. It is a Medusa and there is a bigger one in the greenhouse flowering now as well as 10-20 other little ones he had ready for the market. He also pointed to one and said that is a monstrose (? if thats how you spell it) one of them. Once the move is complete I will start posting some pics of what he said were extremely rare, very rare, rare, not many in Australia, I think these are the only ones in the country, thats over 100 years old and all those stories. Anyone know a 80 year old Dutch colletor named John who's been collecting since he met his not then wife Helen at 13 after she introduced him to her dad who had also collected for most of his life? I've been buying of John at the markets for years and I'm very proud to take care of his babies.
  4. 2 points
    Yay! At last questions I can answer! First- do a search for tissue culture or micropropagation posts on this forum, there have been a few. One is at: http://www.shaman-au...showtopic=26366 I got started by doing a TAFE course in micropropagation about 25 years ago. There really is no substitute at all for the hands on learning experience. There are a million things that the textbooks don't tell you and some you *might* be able to get a grip on via Youtube re. sterile technique. If you know of anyone who does mushroom culture ask if you can drop round to get tips. Mushroom culture is an excellent start to learning sterile technique for higher species Sorry, your dissection kit is most likely not going to have long enough forceps, which could cause contamination problems Second- do *not* spend any money just yet, unless you're going to buy forceps and a scalpel blade holder or disposable blades and handles. There is absolutely no need to buy a flow hood until you are sure you're going to maintain an ongoing interest, and you don't know that- yet. Flow hoods are a bitch to move around and careless handling or storage can cause seals etc around filters to warp. They can be hard to fit through doors in some cases. Yes they're great, but for small scale work and learning, they're not necessary at all. Owning one will not improve sterile technique if you don't have that yet, and it will piss you off mightily until you actually have good tech, cos you'll be cogniscent as to how much money you've wasted for no results. Reward yourself with one when you are confident Get a perspex tunnel instead of a flow hood, just to start. Don't even bother with a glove box yet til you are good at sterile tech. http://www.shaman-au...showtopic=32095 They rock. You can use small chinese food containers for TC if you sterilise them first, I don't do it with the lids on b/c I've found them to warp- I autoclave ( pressure cook ) lids and containers separately in bags and hot pour the media under sterile conditions, leave to dry and lid. Using a perspex tunnel this could be a bit cramped, use small bottles like 250ml and keep them warm ( and tightly closed! ) in a hot water bath while you're waiting for the other container's media to cool under the tunnel. Ideally you want a good amount of air space in your vessels, no more than 1/3 media to 2/3 air I get my TC supplies from Austratec in Melbourne. But really, give your sterile tech a good workout before you spend $$. That goes for you too Big Red. Try this instead, it uses readily available ingredients and will show you how your technique is progressing: http://web.archive.o...for_home_~1.htm If you give this a go and can establish sterile cultures, post pics here and I will send you some MS basal media, enough for 1L media. Start with something simple like Acacia seed using the above protocol and see how far you get Be prepared to make a lot of mistakes and not mind. It happens to all of us The protocol above is a very very general protocol and may not work for your species. If you want more specific protocols for your species, use google. Those protocols mightn't work either, but you'll need to establish that before you can proceed any further, and any failures can give a good idea of what to try next. Plants can be very very specific in their response to TC, the fact that there is a protocol published just shows that it's possible- it doesn't mean that media will necessarily apply to your particular population. But it gives you a starting point and that's important Don't use all your starting plant material in your first experiment. Divide it into three, that way if something goes wrong or needs to be changed you have more material to start afresh When you're a learner it's best to only have one piece of plant material per container. That way if one contaminates, it won't take the rest of your hard work with it. If you're starting with plants from a greenhouse ( instead of say, seed ) you can expect a 70% contamination rate, but that's cool, the other 30% will be the stock you get to replicate and you won't miss the initial loss after a while once the plants start to replicate And if you're starting from plant material, pretreatment of the parent plant prior to cutting it up and bleaching it is a really critical point for success. Tell me if you're doing this and need advice on it, there are another few paragraphs outlining that which mightn't be relevant for your situation Post pics of culture contaminants here as soon as they're visible- what they are and where they form on the media is an excellent guide to how they got there and how not to let it happen again Take good notes, You simply can't include too much detail when you're starting out, you'll learn to weed out stuff that isn't important later. Even notes on your emotional state ( I have a few old pages headed Hangover ) or doubts you had on media components or things you thought you might have done wrong can be incredibly helpful, especially if you follow them up later with more notes ( ie, the container I mentioned earlier I thought I'd contaminated actually is still sterile! ) they're your notes, not a contender for the Man Booker Prize. Fill yer boots. And take pictures, phone cameras are a beautiful thing if you can keep them stable at higher zoom Don't run too many experiments at the beginning, no matter how keen you are. It can take 10 days-6 weeks for you to get any discernable result and you need to establish what works for you during this time. Running ten experiments in six weeks ( unless it's your full-time learning thing ) is *not* going to give you time to check the results and change them so you get success the next time, and you risk getting disillusioned in the meantime Ah- bleach. It's not just bleach you know. You want the unscented stuff. And you want it reasonably fresh. Bleach from a 4yo bottle just isn't going to be as strong as it says on the pack. Most plant sterilising protocols use 1.5% bleach ( you can add a teeny drop of unscented detergent to it ). That's *final* concentration, not 1.5% of the bleach you get out of the bottle.So if your bleach is 4.2% when you open the bottle ( check the label )you'll want to use a bit more than 1/3 of it to 2/3 volume water Coolwhite fluorescent tubes are the standard for TC lighting, but they need to be changed about every 3 months as a part of the spectrum that we're not usually attentive to does degrade after a bit and effects plant growth. Lots of people forget this, it effects some species more than others Mmm. sterile water for rinsing bleach off your initial cultures, you can't have enough of it. If you're initiating new cultures make sure you sterilise it well in advance of your culture work so it's room temp when you start to sterilise. If you don't, and autoclave it with the rest of your media, you'll be waiting ages for the rinse water to cool, which is time where your work is potentially becoming harder- media sitting round etc. When you sterilise water for storage, seal the lid supertight by stretching ( clean, not from the garage ) electrical tape around the lid so no bugs can get it. And keep it in a temperature constant room if you can, temp changes cause things made from different materials ( like bottles and lids ) to expand and contract at different rates, which is how bugs get in If you or Big Red give this a go and can establish sterile cultures, post pics here and I will send you some MS basal media, enough for 1L media ( 10ml media good for 30ml tubes x 100, or approx 40 petri dishes, it can go a long way when you're starting ). My last words for this post. Do not spend too much money right now. Get your technique right first, you can do that on the cheap. Buying spendy gear will not increase your chances of success one whit. But taking time to get your technique right will do far more for your success than all the shiny toys ever made OK, I've raved on enough, hopefully you'll find this useful
  5. 1 point
    For all the Aspie number watchers here, today's the last time in our lifetimes that we'll see day, month and year matching. And so far there's been no apocalypse! [Edit: ah, use Full editor...]
  6. 1 point
    copper is also good, they don't seem to touch it. i think it causes electrolysis with their mucus. all you need to do is strip the insulation off some electrical wire and wrap it around the pot or put it on the soil as a ring around your plants. not just one strand but a bunch. if it doesn't work twist some more wire into the bunch. or you could cut copper sheet into strips for around the pots but that could get a bit pricey.
  7. 1 point
    Good to see you've got your priorities straight Bullit, smelly children are easier to cope with than dead daturas lol.
  8. 1 point
    I'll be there this time looking forward to it havent been for a while.
  9. 1 point
    Irie, No leaves are needed, at all!!! In fact you only need a single node. But it sounds cool the way you have it! The leaves usually fall off anyway! New shoots will sprout from the nodes. Respect, Z
  10. 1 point
    “I've never been lonely. I've been in a room -- I've felt suicidal. I've been depressed. I've felt awful -- awful beyond all -- but I never felt that one other person could enter that room and cure what was bothering me...or that any number of people could enter that room. In other words, loneliness is something I've never been bothered with because I've always had this terrible itch for solitude. It's being at a party, or at a stadium full of people cheering for something, that I might feel loneliness. I'll quote Ibsen, "The strongest men are the most alone." I've never thought, "Well, some beautiful blonde will come in here and give me a fuck-job, rub my balls, and I'll feel good." No, that won't help. You know the typical crowd, "Wow, it's Friday night, what are you going to do? Just sit there?" Well, yeah. Because there's nothing out there. It's stupidity. Stupid people mingling with stupid people. Let them stupidify themselves. I've never been bothered with the need to rush out into the night. I hid in bars, because I didn't want to hide in factories. That's all. Sorry for all the millions, but I've never been lonely. I like myself. I'm the best form of entertainment I have. Let's drink more wine!” ― Charles Bukowski.
  11. 1 point
    What is going on around here first it was Gilligan with a boat then its a Bush turkey who is coming in a kayak with a floating garden who is going to shank any one that gets out of line fuck it I might swim there wearing budgie smugglers towing a tractor tube with all of my cacti tied to it. So is that five that have put there hands up so far. Where are the rest of the sandgropers. Come on you lot stand up and be counted Cheers Got
  12. 1 point
    i will be kayakin there. Just look for the floating garden
  13. 1 point
    Yeah otherwise Bush Turkey will shank you prison style.
  14. 1 point
    We had a similar bully by the name of kent facey- nickname cuntface bastard of a human being, hope he's evolved. Again used to pick on the quite nerds but we used to give him a good rumble in the p.e room when we caught him trying to intimidate some defenseless kid. Bullys who picked on people smaller than them or who picked on kids without a bad bone in their body where roughed up by the other lads in the year. The good old days when kids had ethics ;) God I'm sounding old.
  15. 1 point
    hi! viridis plants, 8 available, similar as featured in the pic. caapi plants, 8available, similar as in the pic. some iboga seedlings. pm, me for more details.
  16. 1 point
    you could of got them for free
  17. 1 point
    I think the AMA has played a large role in that dood, they've used a few examples of natural practitioners causing harm so they are regulating the crap out of natural medicine. It's all driven by big pharma/codex. It's hypocritical bullshit, AMA doctors kill thousands every year and natural practitioners kill hardly any.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    meta-psychedelic spiritualism. i like it. easier for the stomach than str8 forward psychedelism [psychedelic theism] in fact take one part psychedelic enthousiasm [or plain enthousiasm] one part self-composition remove any messiah complex describe as if you were talking about a scientific religion or a religious science = success you did it better than many more b4 you
  21. 1 point
    Organise an Auction with SAB then contact Channel 7 and tell them what your doing, get the facebook ,Twitter slut machine Roaring. Use the enemy to tell all the people they can twist it as much as they like its free advertising its GOOD .Contact community Radio they will love this, even ABC radio gardening theirs a lot of old ducks out there that don't want to be perceived as criminals. lol If we can get a enough people to donate some plants, seeds / books etc to auction you will hit that $700 mark your looking for. I'd donate some cacti seedlings and what ever else I could stratch up. This is all very achievable if you need a QLD arm I will give it a push from this end. Get the 4ZZZd crowd interested, but I am sure someone from AEA would be on that?
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    saw this last night on TV. Be sure to watch to the end.
  24. 1 point
    TBMs, as you see I have been propagating like a bitch! pachanoi cristatas
  25. 1 point
    Hey here's a nice update for this photolog, plus some more seedling porn, hope you enjoy! I remind you these were pretty har grown when young and are going quite fast now First one of the bridgesiis then... the terscheckiis two pachanois [6 months younger than the rest batch] and one peruvianus. and now, tatam tatam.... the wendermanianus ... opposed to one seedling grafted for 1 year in pereskiopsis... and now... some seedling porn stenocactus astro myrio epithelanthea melocacti astro asterias this is a strange gymno, got others from this batch and none was bicoloured like this the seeds was cross of Gymno occulta {mom] and Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. friedrichii AKAGymnocalycium friedrichii AKA Gymno stenopleurum. pretty interesting