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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/09/11 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Source. Couldn't agree more with the points made in this article.
  2. 1 point
    Hi all, I have a tray of VERY well established cuttings, P alba/carth, probably 15 plants. A couple of years old now, very pot bound, some stems 1cm thick now etc. They need a good fertilise too. But a good way to start your own plantation. FREE TO A GOOD HOME! Or else they're going into the bin. I put them up for sale about a year ago here but the sale fell through. Being a rather lazy bastard I have not re-advertised them. Having a clean up, need them gone. Strictly pickup only, at Newcastle not too far from the uni. First to express interest in this thread can have them. Then PM me. To be picked up by Thursday otherwise they're going into green waste. cheers N. Edit: I'll chuck in a 50cm Eileen cutting and some rooted red broad and white (or was it pink?) broad rooted catha cuttings too. The rest of my non-ethno cuttings my mum said she'd have. Need them gone, the landscaping is finished (well as finished as it ever is lol ) have no room! Edit 2: A bit droopy as they are thirsty. Some leaves sunburned too. But given they have had no fert for over a year, they are doing ok. Some food and getting them out of the VERY potbound little pots and they should take off over summer:
  3. 1 point
    A couple of months ago I received a Miracle Fruit plant by mail (Synsepalum dulcificum). It had 2 droped 8cm leafs and I decided to put them in water to see if they developed roots. I know that only very few (I don't know any oher besides Psychotria) have this ability and this is the first time I've tryied this. But hey, a couple of plants are growing out of one leaf. In the end the plant I received didn't make it but the leaf did:) Nature works wanders...
  4. 1 point
    Are people not animals to these people?
  5. 1 point
    Yeah it does sound like one of those things you look back on after a decade or 2 and think to yourself "I cant believe we actually did that" People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals And here i was thinkin PETA stood for People Eating Tasty Animals
  6. 1 point
    hi kilika i had my first transcendental experience when i was around 11 or 12 years old , i know what your talking about. the very thought of trying to comprehend what if there is no universe , then whats there ? the term nothingless is just a perception we cannot truly understand. but if there is nothing and we dont exist and the universe doesnt exist... then is that it ? the end of the fabric of any existence at all ? while trailing this very thought it is indeed very unimaginable , and if you take the thoughts deep enough as a child.. it can indeed be a scary experience. that thought must have stuck into my head for months , i mean its natural for a child to have these thoughts when they stop asking where they came from ,stop asking where they are going and somewhere along the way begin to ponder our very existence. to suggest or imply that if there is nothingness is therefore just blackness of no physical or sound or matter cannot be correct , because the field of blackness itself is a color. so we cannot suggest nothingness is just a black field of nothing. naturally we grow up , have spiritual experience either natural , drug use we already conclude there is more to reality then what we can perceive. this is when consciousness comes into view which doesnt seam to material in any place within the universe itself.. so there must be a damn lot more going on in the non physical world , dimensions , or how ever you wish to term this. the soul , energies , other realm of existences and so on.
  7. 1 point
    I'm sad to say that all of my areole grafts have now failed. Even the ones that looked as though they had fused to the stock - they just started to dry out and lose their color, and when I removed them, they had gone black and red on the inside. I'm thinking that - in addition to my lack of experience - these failures are probably due to the following causes: 1) The areoles may have still been infected, despite looking healthy. If you look at the first picture I posted, you can see that something very nasty had gotten into the cutting. My remaining areoles that looked healthy have since gone moldy. 2) Temperature - I did these grafts just as spring was starting. However, it was quite cold still, and the stock plant had not yet come out of its winter dormancy. Despite all this, I'm pretty sure that two of the grafts (the ones that I accidentally knocked off) had taken. When I knocked them off, the flesh of the scions looked very healthy, and they seemed to be fully fused with the stock. I say this because there were bits of the stock attached to the middle of the cut surface of the scion when they were ripped off. I did one other areole graft, onto a T Pachanoi that belongs to a friend of mine. I have'nt yet asked him if this graft was successful (it was done about 3 weeks ago). I'll update this topic when I know how it went.
  8. 1 point
    I can - without hesitation - guarantee, 100%, no doubt, that one of these dolls would look a thousand time better than me in a miniskirt or a bikini.
  9. 1 point
    Yep, and she thinks I'm a nutjob. I asked her whether - if I got a doll - I could watch her go down on it...she wasn't that impressed
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Dont feel like talking that much about someone who doesnt seem to be here right now. We´ll see as soon as he´s around. You know, at the times you are talking about we had the feeling that every forum was bashing him and we didnt feel like going down the same path. Would have been like beating a dead horse. We try to give everyone a chance; and a place where even the troubled ones are accepted no matter how fucked up their private lifes are. I think that one of the biggest problems in nowadays society is that most people lack a place they can feel home at and thats one of the things we try offer to EVERY Member. As long as they respect this place and its rules, they are very welcome. And one thing you could never say about Teotz is that he didnt respect this place. And everytime he did something wrong, he was moderated or suspended just like anybody else. So i dont think he got special treatment. And Booting people doesnt solve the problem as they just register again using a diffrent name and the more often they get booted, the more bitter they become. I try to help people finding their path in life...if i have the feeling they are only making trouble because they feel misunderstood. You know, its very easy to get lost sometimes. Some members need more attention than others, thats in the nature of things. Its a diffrent approach and most of the times, its working. That being said, people need to honor their trades and we´ll get this sorted out. No matter what. bye EG
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    i am attempting to make one now, so far i have a bin, some silver foil, some water balloons, a tin can, some polony, a remote control car, a tape recorder....i think i have a ex girl friends bra somewhere and i might have a life size head picture in a stick magazine somewhere, hey - at least its a start.
  14. 1 point
    So the only people to die are innocent farmers and children in a distant nation? Bush Sr.'s war against iraq never ended, you know, that was a myth americans could believe in only because no troops were on the ground- we bombed that nation non-stop from the 'end' of the war all the way through the clinton administration, and into the shrub administration until the 'new' war started. Most americans didnt care enough to even know about that because 'our' troops werent at risk. Whats a few thousand rag heads ay?We've been bombing pakistan for a decade, with the permission of pakistan since we're helping to kill off a race they perceive as 'inconvenient', americans are barely aware of it- it exists on the edge of our consciousness only because the paki government feels they must grumble now and then so their own people dont depose them. But whats a few thousand rag heads ay? No, we should not be bombing other nations with impunity, gleefully blind to the carnage because 'our boys' arent in danger. We're killing untold tens of thousands of innocent people and making 3/4 of the planet our enemy, and for what? To keep nations destabilized so corporations can engourge themselves on the riches of the land by buying the pathetic remnants of those countries governments? I propose that as a frantic young culture blinded by our own ego and rampant hedonism- greed, anger, and pride are our values.Look at our economic ideals. Not fair and equal trade but 'profit'. A system that invariably tries to exploit others to gain an unfair trade balance in all business dealings. Thats greed. Look at the response america had to 9/11, americans were crying for blood before they even knew IF they were attacked, much less given a flimsy story about who might have done it. As soon as the second plane hit I heard people demanding we go to war with 'someone' and the usual assortment of AM radio bigots were saying we should attack iran because 'even if they werent involved they probably enjoyed it'. Closer to daily experience just watch people on the street, the slightest offence and americans are likely to respond with instant hostility, you cant go from contented to hostile in 1 second flat, you can only overtly express hostility that fast if you ave a running interior monologue of hostility. Thats anger. Look at the voluminous writings on the 'myth of american exceptionalism' if your curious about pride. No, people get angry at us because we as a nation do wrong. The cure for that is not simply paying kids from the ghetto, peruvians that want american citizenship, and other 'invisible' people to do the wrong where we ourselves cant see it. That just perpetuates the unbalanced and destructive habit. That would be a horror.We would once again wrap ourselves in the delusion of our own moral superiority and rightness while casually continuing the system that murders more innocent people starting at the stroke of midnight and continuing for another 364 days while saying to ourselves 'why do people hate us? we're so enlightened we had a peace day! They must hate peace.' Peace wont be brought about by a march or a speech or a day when we all hug fellow cocooned citizens and sing kum by ya on a grassy hill we 'liberated' by infecting its previous owners with smallpox. It'll only come one of two ways: either by fundamentally changing our cultures relationship to the world or by being so fully and completely defeated that we loose all memory of our cheeseburgers, SUV's, blind nationalism, and the myth we've been raised with saying we are the good guys and whoever attacked us was bad. Neither will happen any time soon.
  15. 1 point
    i like to think the last one is Nietzsche
  16. -1 points
    That's what I thought. A single plane ticket to somewhere exotic, a bottle of wine, my trusty hand and a healthy imagination would be just as satisfying. You could introduce the hotel room pillow for some 'hang on & pump' action.
  17. -1 points