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The Corroboree

Cacti & Succulents


  1. Trichocereus Freaks

    A few cactus freaks from my garden

    • Album created by Inyan
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    • 35 images
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    • 35 images
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  2. plantas

    meep meep
    • Album created by trichsyhobbits
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    • 17 images
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  3. Trichocereus scopulicola x Trichocereus terscheckii

    Zelly hybrid
    • Album created by Inyan
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    • 15 images
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  4. some cactus looking nice after the rain

    • Album created by Strontium Dawg
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    • 11 images
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    • 11 images
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  5. cacti 2016 photos

    • Album created by sagiXsagi
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    • 10 images
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    • 10 images
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  6. 1967Ford


    • Album created by 1967Ford
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    • 6 images
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    • 6 images
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  7. Cactaceae Noob

    noobing efforts to grow Cacti, courtesy of Wile E. Peyote 
    ,*-. | | *. | | | |_| | *. `---. |_| | | .--` | | | | :/
    • Album created by absinthium
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    • 6 images
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    • 6 images
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  8. withdrawl clinic

    Eileen and super pedro in small pot, but flowering!
    I had the super pedro 3m tall, and it never flowered, than I planted those cuttings in a pot and the super pedro flowered!!
    my instincts tells me, maybe the super pedro could "feel" Eileen, and as such, produced a flower in hope to produce seeds, just an idea...
    but probably it had planed to flower, when it was still 3m tall.
    all pedros got destroyed,or greatly reduced in size, after the blanket law.

    • Album created by withdrawl clinic
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    • 5 images
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    • 5 images
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  9. My favs

    Some of my nearly 10yr old garden

    • Album created by nagual78
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    • 4 images
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  10. 18.8.2018 freaky tips

    • Album created by Black Rainbow
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  11. Gnomish

    • Album created by fyzygy
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    • 4 images
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  12. Sydney garden

    • Album created by aguacolla
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    • 3 images
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  13. 1967Ford

    Various Ariocarpus. 
    • Album created by 1967Ford
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    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  14. Psycho0 X J1

    Psycho0 x J1

    • Album created by Habanos
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    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  15. curaezipirid

    • Album created by curaezipirid
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    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  16. April 22 - October 28

    • Album created by Black Rainbow
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    • 2 images
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    • 2 images
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  17. Urban tribes Pach #1 X Scop "Juan"

    • Album created by Habanos
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    • 2 images
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  18. T. bridgesii 'Short Spine'

     Found by PD amongst a patch of 'Psycho0' and is most likely a hybrid of.

    • Album created by interbeing
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    • 2 images
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  19. Cacti

    • 1 image
  20. Super Pedro X Scop "Juan"

    • Album created by Habanos
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    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  21. Serra Blue x TPM

    • Album created by Habanos
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    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  22. tassie scott

    • Album created by Tassiescott
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  23. Cacatoos

    • Album created by XavierDass
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    • 1 image
  24. Ungrafted competition

    I think this ladybird deserves a some exotic cacti seeds for her ungrafting efforts, she clearly has a natural ungrafting talent
    • Album created by absinthium
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    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  25. Validus x OP

    • Album created by Habanos
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    • 1 image
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