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Whose rued?

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Just wondering whose rued much?

foaf's first time with rue and shrooms the other night was profound to say the least.

After several years with mush, he told me that he just had no idea at the particlar quality of experience that tryptamines would eventually relay to him.

He only dosed 100mg of rue extract with 1g of b+ and 1 sub cap..

but he had an elf take him from the main street of 'the carnival',

to a backalley healer store where he was taught to make majik mental potions.

He also tried on a 'Godsuit' from a paralell future that healed most, if not all of his current physcial complaints.

It was told, that he could hardly believe how grounded the subaeruginosa experience became..

That what may usually be a cascading onslaught of alien entities, gave way to dialogue with one personal guide whom he could converse with in a very lucid manner.

all in all, I just thought i'd ask who else worked with rue and was wondering what specific kind of enhancement it brought to your travels?


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a mate i have has only used rue once but found it to provide one of the most profound, visually stunning and positive experiences he has ever had.

he too tried it with 2.5g of subs. subs had normally provided a rather dark experience. plenty of menacing entities, a feeling of being underground, in caves or deep in dark forests, definitely a warped carnival vibe. lots of dark blues, purples, all rather murky and overgrown (much like the pine forests in which they were found). he would generally find the trips quite depressing with all of his flaws mocked and rubbed in and all of his insecurities amplified...there didn't seem to be much in the way of benevolence and love....he tried them with upmost respect and in a set and setting that he considered perfect. after being put through the mincer a few times he actually decided that the subs weren't that friendly. or maybe just not towards him. still, it was an intriguing and unique place, totally different from cubes.

with the rue he experienced bright tropical visions of waterfalls, rainforests filled with rainbow birds, magical magicians in technicolour cloaks and most importantly all entities were positive, guiding and helpful, offering all sorts of advice and healing and wisdom. the visuals were completely different to standard sub fair and the wisdom imparted is still being felt today. it was probably the most powerful, beneficial, positive experience he has had.

he knew the subs had it in them...they just needed a bit of help from the rue.

it should also be noted that two HBWR seeds were consumed a few hours before the rue and subs..which may have added to the rainbow qualities of the visuals...

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interesting topic. Specially the thoughts around sub's. An old hippy dude told me once that the subs will only tell you what you need to know and leave you with that. If you go back for more or are left with a shitty feeling then that is what you need to work on. Please forgive me for using the word 'you' here... it's just that this dude was telling me this... I'm not implying that 'you' need to do anything!

I believe also that the area from which the subs are picked has something to do with the experience. Sometimes it can be very light - but more often times heavy... this is what I have been told. I do agree that cubes are much more light, up and out than sub's which seem to send one to the ground.

Rue and sub's sounds interesting. I wonder what caapi and subs would be like?


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An old hippy dude told me once that the subs will only tell you what you need to know and leave you with that.

totally. thats the reason you go into the these things...to learn what you need to know. the subs just seem to do it in a very brutal way. it's almost as if they taunt you about things you need to work on when other plants will guide you or offer their advice in a more uplifting manner.

still...brutality is a very handy way of conveying a message and making sure someone listens.

very interested to hear of other peoples reports...

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Well, thats a great start.

Thanks for your replies, guys.

on another note,

Foaf has had a couple of trays of subs recently fruit.

I'll have to let u know if he finds the homegrown vibe is different or not.

2 seeds hey? I must try that. Gotta love the rainbows.

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a mate of mine took a full active dose of rue 14-18g I think from memory he said it was quite profound out of body experience on several occasions , very heavy auditory hallucinations he drank it in glass of oj so not sure if the absorbic acid played a role in the experiuence , cannabis he said gave him amazing visulas off the smallest amounts the down side of rue this way is the guy spewed so much it was unbelievable would have given the digestive oragns a nice cleansing LOL I don't think i have seen anyone spew that many times in my life

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18g? WHoaa!

Any other ruers about?

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smoked spider grass and shooms is similarly potent,very intense and looong lasting.

t s t .

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actually a dude i know did take it with cid. said visuals and content became more similar to a mushroom trip. e.g he went to 'the place'... no noticable increase in potency or length (though he did have 4 tabs so increases in potency would have been a bit hard to figure)...

surely others have experimented?

anyone had caapi and shrooms that could compare it with rue and shrooms?

similarly anyone had DMT and rue that could compare it with DMT and caapi?

this is the best info i have found on the net:


good ol' gracie and zarkov....i highly recommend reading their notes from the underground. their 'how and why to get off' document was the first thing i ever read about spice. no one told me i was suppossed to take everything they said litterally

you can read the rest of their writings here:http://deoxy.org/gz.htm

sorry to hi jack thread but does anyone know anything else about these two?

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Rue gives me a nice sedate feeling, interesting weird headspace, and strong blue tracers when I turn my head or look up/down.

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Havnt tried rue on its own yet thinking of giving that a go, maybe not 18grms though fuck. ive found doses as low as 2grm of rue to be quite helpfull with setting off visuals and adding longevity to anadenthera seeds. although possible to acheive a good (although a little sick feeling at times) visual trip off anadenthera seeds alone

rue adds motion and feeling to my visions, without it they seem structured, geometric, and lack of any euphoria

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100mg of mesc would usually just give the experimenter a few hours of stimulation BUT 100mg of mesc plus 100mg crude rue extract brought out very slight but noticeable visuals, nice body feelings (very sensual, like stronger mesc doses) and less of the stimulation & jitteriness/adrenaline action.

Both substances seemed to potentiate eachother. Usually the experimenter wouldnt get nausea from doses this low of either substance but walking at the usual fast pace would bring on feelings of queasiness. This was cool though because it forced the experimenter to relax and chill out and live a little slower, at a proper pace - very humbling & intuitive smile.gif an awesome combo, highly recommended. The only downside experienced was an upset stomach.

As a side-note, 250+mg of rue extract would give the experimenter debilitating nausea whenever he tried to get up and walk around. He reported feeling very chilled out though as long as he stayed in the one position without moving his head at all.

Edited by mu!

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Be aware that you need to follow a strict diet whenever on any MAOI (harmine, harmaline) from syrian rue.

If you eat any tyramine-containing foods, like cheese, you will get tyramine poisoning which could be fatal via excessive hypertension.

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Had just a l i t t l e bit too much ayhuasca

and spewed till i broke a rib

had about an hour of seeing the whole world

like it was spray paint rap art

then a really profound ...

because it didn't seem like hallucination

it was unchanging for hours

when I looked at the stars I could see

the spatial relationships between them

I could tell which ones were closer and

further away with as much clarity as

objects in a room

and pretty much a total lack of anything

you would call tripping visuals

like colours or distortion

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Be aware that you need to follow a strict diet whenever on any MAOI (harmine, harmaline) from syrian rue.

If you eat any tyramine-containing foods, like cheese, you will get tyramine poisoning which could be fatal via excessive hypertension.

i thought we had got over this rubbish!

this has been worked out, tested and verified as untrue.

in fact virtually the opposite is true.

please utse!

t s t .

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" Torsten

Warped, please keep in mind that most of the lit you read about MAOI diet etc is copied from medical lit in reference to the long acting MAO-B inhibitors. Caapi and Rue are short acting MAO-A inhibitors. I've posted heaps of this sort of stuff both here and on other forums as I went through a phase of trying it all a few years ago.

I gutsed out on bananas, icecream, yogurt, cheese, etc etc and just about all the 'prohibited' foods without even the tiniest effect. I have also consumed various other drugs with MAOI, however I won't elaborate too much about these as I woudl need to go into A LOT of detail and I don't have the time right now. Some are dangerous others are simply not. But in general the whole MAOI business is full of theoretical bullshit that simply doesn't apply and seems to be proliferated mostly to give people an excuse for when their trip doesn't go well. "I freaked out after too much icecream". yeah right.

No need to push your luck in any of this, so I would stay off the foods in question while on the MAOI and for a couple of hours before it. Other than that don't pollute your mind with the evergrowing MAOI scare tactics. The most damage most of these foods will do is if you start getting worried about them.

Of all the things I have taken with Syrian Rue, only one gave me a real fright even at tiny dose, and that is yohimbe extract. Much more dangerous than even MDMA (which is quite dangerous).

if you still want to watch your diet carefully, then check for foods that contain or produce tyramine (most of the things on the lists), as this is the substance that gets you into trouble. Your body can't get rid of it and it may build up to a stage where your bloodpressure is affected. Don't freak out, just go to hospital if you get too worried."

maoi diet post

If your doing a search keep in mind to look at the older threads first and work your way to back to the new ones, most the gold is still around in old threads with a bit of effort.

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anyone tried maoi-a + phenethylamine (PEA)

anyone got suprising combos?

I heard a friend's gnomes country cousin did a 1/2 dose of shrooms, which would normally have been almost inactive, turn into a 8+ hour marathon epic. all on a standard dose of maoi-a

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a foaf has had rue a few times now

first time was with 3 1/2 tabs of cid [purple oms]

WOW, created a powerful telepathic effect amongst the group we were out at an old quarry

it was a magical evening.... foaf had used 3grams of rue in a tea

what is the point to having 18grams? i thought u only needed enough for it to be active and anything after that just increased nausea?

at 3 grams i had no substantial discomfort

2nd time was with shrooms and it really does make it 3-4 times stronger if u could even compare like that

foaf has had more entity experience with shrooms and rue than without the rue thats for sure! much more connected

foaf was under the understanding that u should only really avoid stimulants on a maoi foaf has recently discovery the lies going around about the maoi diet

but foaf would avoid mdma and any amphetamines [foaf would avoid them regardless] excluding of course mescaline which foaf has read is a dangerous mix but have been told its perfectly safe but just might make the trip somewhat 'darker'

and the other things foaf has always avoided on rue is alcohol and caffeine!

what is the potential danger with those?

foaf generally has no thirst for alcohol on rue anyway but foaf is more so thinking of before and afterwards

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smoked spider grass and shooms is similarly potent,very intense and looong lasting.

t s t .

spider grass is that a cyperus sp.?TST

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I heard a friend's gnomes country cousin did a 1/2 dose of shrooms, which would normally have been almost inactive, turn into a 8+ hour marathon epic. all on a standard dose of maoi-a

What does your friend's gnome's country cousin consider a "standard dose"?

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I heard a friend's gnomes country cousin did a 1/2 dose of shrooms, which would normally have been almost inactive, turn into a 8+ hour marathon epic. all on a standard dose of maoi-a

Yep this does happen.

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spider grass is that a cyperus sp.?TST

yep,prob cyperus alternifolius but most seem to work ok.couple of cones worth of flowers or root apparently.

i would imagine it is a nicer option than rue.....seems to have a bit of lsa stimulation included,

t s t .

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Rue alone seems to have potential. Never gone above ~400mg IIRC, but plan on trying higher doses in future. Even at that dose though, visuals were apparant. Kind of daydreamy perhaps like very low dose of DXM. Very mellow experience. Physical nausea was non-existent, but vision lagged behind movement, causing something akin to seasickness if the head was moved too quickly or too often. This was non-existent when lying in bed with eyes closed.

With DMT, it was found, contrary to what has been read, that the intensity of the experience was highly dependent on the dose of rue. 320mg of rue extract with 100mg DMT was profoundly different to 150mg extract with 100mg DMT.

Edited by ballzac

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Recently a foaf used 2 grams of rue seed tea twice over 4 nights, a relatively low dose that produced significant effects. It is an extremly potent MAOI (as everyone said) and swim found it to be the MOST effective treatment for depressed moods ever come across. A cure even.

Swim thinks there is something unusual about our culture where we have to go hard, too hard and in some cases disrespect the 'spirit of the plant'. Although Swim is just starting out and would respect those who have developed a deeper understanding of the plant.

This foaf did not expect much, but can now says she sees a vast potential for this overlooked desert weed.

Briefly for interested foaf described nice visuals ie an appreciation for the look of things , how they move, as well as distortions (AT 2 G), a new appreciation for carpet, all things and then all living things. A definite feeling of connection with surrounding plants and beings. Even with god. A new sense of peace which seems to be seeping into everyday life. Which would help swim beyond words.

An extraordinary medicine. no nausea

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