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The Corroboree

When I die

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I want to have a C. sativa planted above my head.  I can think of no better sacred park than one created in this manner with sacred plants. And what better way to give back to the environment than to remove a coffin and replace it with a nice eco friendly living organism?

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This to me... is right on track with what I think and feel about how a grave should look. Not that one should have to have the same plants as seen here, but it is as it should be. Full of lifegardengraves.thumb.jpg.9648a9f1f0c09bb2dacadb367f910825.jpggrave3.thumb.JPG.54d18016e1a19507109f94c5d2da42c5.JPGgrave4.thumb.jpg.d5db76eef2a5002f01a6e9599761b857.jpg Now, with that being said, if your out in the desert you might instead have a field of cacti growing over ones grave... but the idea is the same.cannabisgrave.thumb.png.e0b90b90b7689bbb8d6cf2d0498dc7a4.png













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12 minutes ago, Glaukus said:

I guess that would be one way to get the kids to visit your grave!

Personally I still feel burial is a waste of real estate, I want my ashes sprinkled in the ocean.


While I understand and appreciate your sentiment as I feel largely the same way. Especially given how many cemeteries are devoid of life save the grass that is growing over the coffin and the occasional flower that is dropped off that will soon dry up and perish.


However, I do feel that a grave does provide a place for family and friends to come together to mourn the loss of a loved one and even celebrate the good times that were had as well. Graveyards can provide this sacred space for healing. And if that is true, wouldn't it be nice if we were to create grave yards full of life and mystery by making graveyards gardens and forests?



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There's a few cemeteries down here that have become the last bastions for some grassland Flora. It's odd hunting down threatened plants in the dead centres as conservation "islands". 


I wanted to be recycled through the Tas Devils, but the cancer has hammered them, things are scarce now and can't guarantee they don't get scrubbed from the wild....


5 hours ago, DiscoStu said:

What is dead may never die

.... Shit, that may explain a bit

Edited by waterboy 2.0
A don't
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I don't see how the pods are any better than a card board coffin. The mushroom suit is a good idea, but instead of looking at our carcass as a  waste that needs to be decomposed, couldn't we look at it as a resource? Maybe some sort of fertiliser along the lines of Charlie Carp.

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12 hours ago, Crop said:

I don't see how the pods are any better than a card board coffin. The mushroom suit is a good idea, but instead of looking at our carcass as a  waste that needs to be decomposed, couldn't we look at it as a resource? Maybe some sort of fertiliser along the lines of Charlie Carp.


I'm confused. I look at things that need to be decomposed as a resource and a fertilizer or growth medium. Its what inspired me to want to be buried in something like a mycelium suit or a pod. I look at embalming fluid as a poison and most cemeteries as a place to dispose of a carcinogenic chemicals in otherwise perfectly nutritious mediums (our bodies). 


If you embalm yourself, you are essentially poisoning all of those nutrients that should be freely available for other life forms.


A cemetery that utilized the bodies in a more eco-friendly way could still provide a place to come and remember ones loved ones. In my mind, it would be much more healing to visit an old old tree and a Trichocereus under that Oak that I new was being fertilized by the remains of a loved one. Whatever garden or entheogenic plants that were planted in such a sacred forest... I for one would rather visit that place as I would feel more of a connection with the Earth as well as those that have gone before me.

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I've been thinking of turning my corpse into biochar - cooking the remains to pure carbon using a retort kiln so to destroy all chemicals in my body and eliminate pollution from the process, then have the char crushed up and mixed with some good clean organic soil. After being inoculated with the char, an Acacia courtii is grown in said soil then later extracted and smoked or made into aya for my loved ones and friends.


That or just shoot up a nice cocktail then get a mate to kick the corpse into a volcano, depends how motivated i feel.

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I remeber "stranger in a strange land"; the most honourable thing to do with a corpe was consume it and give hearty thanks to the consumed in rememberence of their life, cannibalism as a sacrament. but that came from an imaginary, resourse depleted society that lived on Mars but still....not a bad way to go....

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12 hours ago, freakazoid said:

I remeber "stranger in a strange land"; the most honourable thing to do with a corpe was consume it and give hearty thanks to the consumed in rememberence of their life, cannibalism as a sacrament. but that came from an imaginary, resourse depleted society that lived on Mars but still....not a bad way to go....



As well meaning as this is... and if memory recollects correctly some cultures are cannibals and some eat the ashes of the dead and such... I just don't think I could bring myself to eat the dead without an intermediary in-between. Thus, the sacred entheogen forest, vegetable garden, or such would be my personal preference. Not knocking the other, just not something I could stomach.


Stranger in a strange land was a good book, but I honestly haven't read that book since I was a young teenager. I should probably revisit it.

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On 26/09/2018 at 10:37 AM, Inyan said:

I'm confused

I think the problem is more how cemetery's are run, than what your buried in. I don't know how it works in the U.S. but here your options are limited. However they only embalm your body if you ask for an open coffin funeral. If you want a closed coffin, they just chuck you in a box. If you don't want to wast money or resources, that box can be cardboard. There is still the problem of how deep they bury you, and finding a deep rooted plant that they will allow you to grow in the cemetery.

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I'd like to be recycled the way I've been recycling road kill over the years, no not eating them but if that's what's required....no really I fertilise the fruit trees with them and any pets that have died, just scrape the grass away , sprinkle some lime, put the animal on top of lime, sprinkle some more lime, cover with sawdust at least 150mm then cover with a cage to stop dogs surprising the family with the rotting corpse of Fido . Works a treat.

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Death ceremonies and rituals are something that definitely interest me. And as a cultural views collide it seems more and more interesting options are coming to surface. Fantasy Coffins are another option I like.1938470398_FANTASYCOFFIN3.thumb.jpg.f78b886639719e36d07b55b2996aa692.jpg1275395359_FANTASYCOFFIN2.thumb.jpg.89f270ffa82f2f8852d778bef56bc2b7.jpg182734948_FANTASYCOFFIN.thumb.jpg.ffa8b55b7dacd5216441efc21850ac37.jpg










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I collect skulls, so I wouldnt want mine wasted on a cremation. 

I will be buried up the farm so my skull can join my collection.

Hopefully my yet to be conceived grandson will be a powerful shaman ,called in from the spirit world by my vine,

and he will have the the balls to dig me up.

Here is a private (not to be shared video) of me discussing Tibetan bone culture. 





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1 hour ago, Horus said:

I collect skulls, so I wouldnt want mine wasted on a cremation. 

I will be buried up the farm so my skull can join my collection.

Hopefully my yet to be conceived grandson will be a powerful shaman ,called in from the spirit world by my vine,

and he will have the the balls to dig me up.

Here is a private (not to be shared video) of me discussing Tibetan bone culture. 



Horus, your bones will be worthy of veneration, at least the ones that haven't been replaced by cyborg parts anyway!

I can't get the video to play btw.

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Yeah, took a day to upload, but its not playing propa. oh well, those spirits are still a bit camera shy.


I recently had my hip joint sawed off, and its buried under my vine.

So my DNA is in my ayahausca !!  Along with all my old dogs.

The vine is a complete carnivore, it devours bodies, something that doesent get discussed. 

Maybe a new thread...."what dead things have you fed your vine". 

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  • 1 month later...
On 02/10/2018 at 4:32 PM, Horus said:

I will be buried up the farm

Mate we tried to do this with me mum a few years back, and no one would even talk about the possibility. Do you know what the law is around this?

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