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The Corroboree

Evil Genius

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awesome! can wait to see the finished product.

the big question is what are you planning on putting in there?

I'll take a wild guess and say cacttttttttttttttttttttttttuusss.

Am i close EG?


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Yes, this will be exclusively for young cactus seedlings and the greenhouse basically increases my growth season by three to four months. I usually start in Winter so I can already bring them into the greenhouse in late march. So yeah, looking really forward to it.

But it´s currently a total mess. The soil is extremely uneven and I really suck at doing stuff like this. In the middle of trying to get everything at the same level.

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Build yourself a water level EG. Go for the type with a reservoir, not the type that is just a clear hose with water in it.

All you need is a drum with water in it, some clear plastic tubing and a stick or a large ruler to attach the tube to.


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wooohooo!! awesome EG

I was trying to envisage when I finally get to this point which you have reached

so thank you for sharing and I look forward to seeing it grow and flourish for you !!

[and probably learning a great deal spectatively]

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Yes, this will be exclusively for young cactus seedlings and the greenhouse basically increases my growth season by three to four months. I usually start in Winter so I can already bring them into the greenhouse in late march. So yeah, looking really forward to it.

But it´s currently a total mess. The soil is extremely uneven and I really suck at doing stuff like this. In the middle of trying to get everything at the same level.

awesome! i used to be a building labourer for many years and this was one of my jobs! pain in the ass but i found if you work down to sides then back between it makes it a bit easier. just a metal rake and a shovel metal rake works both ways tho, the flat side can be used as a leveler ;)

I'll take a wild guess and say cacttttttttttttttttttttttttuusss.

well of course

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Thank you all guys! Totally appreciate all this positive feedback! I´ve had this greenhouse for years now and I was always frustrated I wasnt able to put it together earlier. But you know, I just felt like this is the time I won´t allow me to not pull through this time. Some family friends come over on Saturday to help me putting together the greenhouse and until then, I want to be done with the base.

I have a special pvc foil that I want to use as the bottom protection layer. Then, I´ll put some iron grid on top of the foil and cover everything with gravel and maybe some bricks as the final bottom layer. But you know, what I am doing right now is the most problematic part for me.

brooa, thanks for the tips. The area is basically a flat area directly beside a hillside. And the flat area goes down a little so it will be really hard to get everything even. Still in the middle of digging a canal for the base (which will be filled with cement to keep it on the ground). As soon as I have the base in position, I´ll try to get it evened out. I have a water level but it´s really not a good one.

Yeah and as soon as the base is on an even level, I have hopes to do the same with the "floor" in the middle. Will post some more pics in the next few days.

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Hey Guys, new update. Spent the day trying to turn the jungle into an even area. Well, it´s still greatly uneven but I am slowly getting there. Will try to get the area a little bit more even tomorrow. Also anchored the base with concrete. It has six anchor posts in total and so far, I cemented four of them. It looks better every day.









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Be sure to put down some form of synthetic (non biodegradable) weed block on the soil before adding anything else.....just because you've whacked the vegetation doesnt mean you've killed the roots, seeds and whatever else may be popping up in the future.

'Nother idea, while its 'still in the rough' look into incorporating a rocket stove design for green house heating including the flooring area.

here's one of many utube videos on the subject


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Hi Guys, thanks for the input. Yes, I want to use two different types of foil used in construction as the ground layer. Then, I´ll add some of those special wire frames on top of that. Then, I´ll add all the gravel and after that, I´ll probably use brick stones as flooring. The area is still very uneven and it will probably take me a day to get everything leveled. Hope everything works out. This is totally new to me; but I really liked the whole cementing process. I was never really good at building things and this helps me to getting used to it. Have a whole lot more things to repair after that and as the cementing work was the least problematic so far, I am really optimistic.

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Hi Guys, a small update...I spent the day cementing the six posts and I am done with that part of the job now. I used like 100 kilos of concrete just for the posts and I am pretty positive that the posts will probably survive nuclear fallout. In like 100000 million years when the earth will be cooked by the sun, the posts will probably still be there standing like true badasses. Who knows, well, maybe not but they look pretty solid.

Now I am still trying to get everything leveled. It´s harder than I thought it is because the whole greenhouse sits on a slope and I have doubts that I will ever get everything on the same level. That being said...we´re slowly getting there.

I also realized that I do not have enough bricks for the floor. The 11m² doesnt sound like a lot, but I probably have to spend 150 Euro Zloty just for the bricks. I will probably start with the ones I have and buy some more next time I have some more money to spend.

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a couple of questions:

did you check to make sure the frame was square (measure the diagonals) before pouring the concrete?

what is your game plan on inhibiting rust on the galvanized steel framing members? (yes, galvanized steel will rust, especially if in contact with the ground or moisture) what gage of galv steel did you use?

before attempting leveling, i would strongly recommend installing some cross members between the two shorter sides and level the frame as a 'platform' instead of trying to level one side of the frame with the other 3 sides.

I recently installed a clear span (18' wide) deck over my swimming pool using 14ga galv steel 12"-14" on centers, but construction is second nature for me.

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"if your cement sticks to your pals when you flick it , it means it's just the right consistency x]" this made me laugh.

To stop rust, could you use some block of sacrificial metal? such as zinc? bolted on.

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I done much work in building fields, Such "treatments" dont last long. I have seen many failures of such in less than 4 years. I'm sure the method here will be electro-chemical.

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Yeah I'd go with Ghostly's idea EG.

If you take a few minutes to fit some sacrificial anodes to the structure it could extend its life significantly. Zinc washers are a cheap way to do it, but some places sell zinc anodes made specifically for an installation like yours EG - wherever a steel structure contacts the ground.

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