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MSS Signing Off

M S Smith

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1 hour ago, ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ said:

how do we know he's not just a fall guy for higher profer in his dept of state /mandatory trust enforcement?

Let me see... he admitted to downloading child porn and deleting child porn. 800 pictures of child porn were found.... Seems pretty open and shut to me.




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over here i read they trade pics and contacts and all sorts of grizzly details ... just researching now after looking up that girl I mentioned's dad.


maybe the layout works differently on my tightly packed little island but I guess two can play at the info about their targets since fortunately folk hunt these predators too and I'm fortunate enough to be fairly close to one of them too..

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so it was purely images and nothing else ? not saying images is all fine and dandy but ya know if the damage stays within the vessel without contaminating an innocent vessel kinda thinking

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Hope he wasn't TAKING the pics... Man, I'm still finding this whole mss revelation hard to deal with.


So Zelly, how did you come by that news article anyway? Was it a random coincidence or did you hear about smith from someone else?



Edited by Halcyon Daze
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It's a point of contention whether interest = intent. After the recent shit that went down with ben mccormack the judge didn't seem think so or even that he was was a threat to the public but the judge is a grown man who wears dress for a living so the answer is not so clear cut.


I just hope they don't find my collection of midget porn. As the head of the Australian dwarf throwing association, I dare say they they'd see it as breach of trust. I'd never be able to show my face around those little bastards ever again.



Edited by Sallubrious
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11 hours ago, Halcyon Daze said:

So Zelly, how did you come by that news article anyway? Was it a random coincidence or did you hear about smith from someone else?


i saw some discussion on fb & queried one of the posters....he  pm'd me the link. 


If you carefully read the info at the link, it suggests mss was 'discovered' by a researcher on the other side of the state who was researching some case info and came across a file sharing app linked to mss computer. 


Ask yourself HOW did the pics get on mss computer?



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2 hours ago, solaritea said:

He downloaded them. 

MSS admits to downloading them. 800+ pedophile loving pictures were downloaded. Now, I'm no expert, but one might be a mistake. 800+ pictures though goes beyond mistake and into the realm of genuine interest. Seems cacti was not the only thing MSS was an expert at identifying. 

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Having more than 800 pics goes well past a casual interest in anything in my book, that's getting into the realms of obsession. It's hard be believe that someone so obsessed with any topic would be happy just look at pictures and not take it any further.


Maybe he's one of those new wave ethical peadophiles with higher morals more than the garden variety rock spider.


They have a special place for rock spiders in Australian prisons, one can only hope it's the same in the US.

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I wonder why the agency declined to comment ... I'm pretty sure most defense lawyers tell their clients to say no comment and these bastages have their own legal teams that break the law in court and out alll the fkn time ..every damned day here they lie through their teeth ... to the point one of my judges said and I quote " do you actually expect me to believe what is reported just because the social services say so?" and they dared to appeal too .. not that they got anywhere but then they pulled lies out of the bag and threatened and bribed my kids ...


mss was one of these types no?


for me it's not the images that cuts so deep its like that's the symptom .. it's the abuse of state and state sponsored child abuse and all the other rock spiders still hiding under the rock .. which is more likely the cause of said images too

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This discussion is pretty depressing.

The truth is that no one here knows exactly what happened.


And Inyan frankly your comments are pretty disgusting.

Are you giving up grafting to be judge, jury, and executioner now?



Now, I'm no expert, but one might be a mistake. 800+ pictures though goes beyond mistake and into the realm of genuine interest.

It's really not that hard to imagine several scenarios where one could end up in this situation. Download a misnamed or ambiguously named archive, unpack it and realize what it is, and proceed to delete it and you too could have 800+ pictures of a criminal nature on forensic analysis of your hard drive. Or download a torrent with multiple folders and a folder containing such images.


If all they found was 800 images that were not self-produced  on forensic recovery without any additional evidence of harm or another stash, I would be inclined to give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

Edited by mira
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I'm not familiar enough with how Pennsylvania keeps its court records, so this is all I could find:




TLDR: Charges of dissemination and criminal use of a communications facility were dropped, Smith pled guilty to possession of the images, and was sentenced to 5 years probation - has to ask permission to travel etc., and has to continue treatment. That's all we can say for sure. Whatever happened, any speculation without evidence to back it up is unlikely to provide anything useful. Ironically & in contravention of the previous sentence, I'm not sure that knowing the truth of this case would make anyone much happier or wiser. 

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20 hours ago, mira said:

This discussion is pretty depressing.

The truth is that no one here knows exactly what happened.


It's really not that hard to imagine several scenarios where one could end up in this situation. Download a misnamed or ambiguously named archive, unpack it and realize what it is, and proceed to delete it and you too could have 800+ pictures of a criminal nature on forensic analysis of your hard drive. Or download a torrent with multiple folders and a folder containing such images.


If all they found was 800 images that were not self-produced  on forensic recovery without any additional evidence of harm or another stash, I would be inclined to give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

first thing , sorry man , some kinda instinct being a parent kicks in with the dual vision of knowing the parent's eye view and child's eye view simultaneously .. but no intention to add to any depressedivities mate


second , I think he had some very high quantity of awesome cactus photographs that I never came across in all my years of hunting on the net and i think one bunch was posted as a downloadable of many scorching tricho pics on here a while back, i think mainly location shots and from memory a lot of terscheckiis and pasacanas but its been a while and a couple of computers ago and my hemiplegia screws my memory as it is ..


I didnt find any non cactical pics or I would've known about it at the time and i think i was enthusiastic at the time enough to check every single one but now you raise that point we already knew he had access to large volumes of downloadable cacti shots in some kinda funny file that you needed another software to unpack.


and they were in large numbers of images ... only took one click to download it tho.


Also feels weird .. because people lie, people are coerced into confessions, people neglect to mention, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's lived and witnessed the aforementioned ...

combined with even more abuse of state at every level means a real true path to justice is gna be one blue moon in a month of sundays event ..

along with : some people are cleared and aquitted/proven innocent after a life in jail if they make it that far.


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there is a police file available on the internet too, there is a relevant detail here, apparently he worked in a school. soo its fuking twisted... lesson learnt : never trust a cactus expert again.

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I went to jail for growing weed and playing with my chemistry set .My girlfriend when she was 15 was locked in the house for 6 months and raped by her father .I got a bigger jail term than he did and it really pisses me off as soon as he got bail (how the fuck does one get bail I didn't ) on such a serious charge .So during the time she was held hostage he fed her heroin and when he was on bail he abused her again .A crime that he was not charged for .I keep saying please have him charged again .But he probably won't get much more than a slap on the wrist .He ruined her and he got 2 years for something that still haunts her till this day .Yes my drugs did some damage but not as much damage he did to her and probably heaps of other girls .He is a vile piece of work and to be given such a small sentence I doubt it was a deterrent . when this was happening she was to scared to tell me as I would of done some biblical shit to him .This Micheal pedo won't get any real  jail  



Why do pedo's get such short jail terms it makes me sick  

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That's insane Bigred, so ridiculously unjust! And a scary story about your gf.


A cousin of mine was victim of years of abuse, and I only just found out the full extent of it at the recent Christmas party. That kinda thing chills me to the bone.


How could someone do it repeatedly. It's just so immoral and evil.



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Random sab member "I have to log off might not be back for a while "



The Sab Crew "must be a pedo "

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On 12/24/2017 at 2:33 AM, Halcyon Daze said:

What I wanna know is can pedos officially seek help anywhere

Hes american, so no, they cant.

Its a very taboo crime here. Its prosecuted more harshly than premeditated multiple homicide in some instances, especially in cases where there was any real world contact with kids, but even people who just download can go to prison longer than a murderer. People are killed just for downloading pics here. Only an imbecile would turn himself in in MSS's country, even if it were to seek 'help'. In my state there is actually an island prison where they are shipped to, the guards main job is to make sure people dont come in and murder the inmates.


Another thing about being american, our laws defining 'child' are very screwey. In 5/6ths of america girls can be old enough to legally have sex with and yet any picture of them is prosecuted as child porn and can send you to prison [pornography laws were made at the federal level, so set to the highest age of consent- 18, sex laws are state level, in 2/3 the country the legal age for sex is 16 and in 1/6th of the country its 17]. In some cases the girls could even be fully clothed. The girls you bed legally in australia could be in the same 'child' age range in the US.


Torrent was a good point, a mistaken download could very easily happen. When a major blockbuster film came out a friend of mine downloaded a cam recording of the movie from a P2P site, or she thought she did, what she actually got was a movie length dutch bestiality video.

In the digital age 800 pics doesnt even get someone counted as a collector, and internet cache counts in prosecutions. Read the news, collectors are busted with hundreds of thousands of images and videos. This isnt 1970.

If its true he was given probation he must have been so minor that the prosecutor didnt even see him as a pedo, his prosecution may have just been a technicality for christ sake. And yet his supposed friends here condemn him.


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kinda knew cops over there were bad after being told/walked through a setup of theirs over "drug bust by handcuff after money exchange/selling it to the poor guy themselves" ... but dang!


and yeah was kinda treated a bit weird by some us pals once after internetting an 18 yr old grl there until they explained they thunk only 21+ was ok and had explained... legal age is 16 here but most of us started at 13 and hadnt known any different which didnt make them feel any better ...

but looks to be work in the shadows to make it even lower in uk !!


sounds like a legal quagmire

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6 hours ago, Auxin said:

Hes american, so no, they cant.

Its a very taboo crime here. Its prosecuted more harshly than premeditated multiple homicide in some instances, especially in cases where there was any real world contact with kids, but even people who just download can go to prison longer than a murderer. People are killed just for downloading pics here. Only an imbecile would turn himself in in MSS's country, even if it were to seek 'help'. In my state there is actually an island prison where they are shipped to, the guards main job is to make sure people dont come in and murder the inmates.


Another thing about being american, our laws defining 'child' are very screwey. In 5/6ths of america girls can be old enough to legally have sex with and yet any picture of them is prosecuted as child porn and can send you to prison [pornography laws were made at the federal level, so set to the highest age of consent- 18, sex laws are state level, in 2/3 the country the legal age for sex is 16 and in 1/6th of the country its 17]. In some cases the girls could even be fully clothed. The girls you bed legally in australia could be in the same 'child' age range in the US.


Torrent was a good point, a mistaken download could very easily happen. When a major blockbuster film came out a friend of mine downloaded a cam recording of the movie from a P2P site, or she thought she did, what she actually got was a movie length dutch bestiality video.

In the digital age 800 pics doesnt even get someone counted as a collector, and internet cache counts in prosecutions. Read the news, collectors are busted with hundreds of thousands of images and videos. This isnt 1970.

If its true he was given probation he must have been so minor that the prosecutor didnt even see him as a pedo, his prosecution may have just been a technicality for christ sake. And yet his supposed friends here condemn him.



Hey do you have a link perhaps to that dutch bestiality video?

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:lol: I just checked and there are still zoophiles on winmx [the old movies and music P2P where it happened], so if that is what tickles your tapioca and its legal there just install winmx and video search for 'bestiality' or 'horse' or whatever. [Those videos actually are legal in quite a few places]

Dont be tricked into paying anything, the connecting patch is free just like the program.


Anyway, what I really dont get in all of this is why our cultures brainwash us into being so conceited that we think its our duty to run around judging people on stuff that is clearly none of our business. Unless one of you wants to put the information out there its none of my business what race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, political inclination, hedonic proclivities, etc. you ascribe to. Just because I have a 'right' to have an opinion doesnt mean its my duty to shove my nose into your life and have an opinion by force about everything you do. So it really is not my place to puff up my ego commenting on what it is any of you look at while stroking your boy salami or rubbing your girl bacon. Unless I'm right beside you, helping you stroke it, its really none of my business.

This is a forum about plants. MSS is a nice guy who helped lots of people with plants. If hes ever brave enough to return, I wont be mentioning this incident.

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i respect your insight and far far from the first time but what if you were the kinda person who wanted to ask to clarify from the horses mouth and see what their side of the story is?

ya know all sorts of things happen and sometimes the unbelievable becomes unlocked since so much damned shit is possible that we often miss as humans .. as far as i see anyways ..


if i were to imagine being in those shoes and innocent i sure would want the opportunity to clear my name .. which reminds me of a dude i think called matthew kelly a famous at the time uk tv presenter that last i heard cleared his name but it was too late and destroyed his career well due to the view of the public eye being so set in from the hysteria ... so defo see what your saying but glad to know flaws in my view if seen for a bettering n all

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