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first order of business, change the title of prime minister to ceo

second, fire the workforce and shift operations offshore

"Professor Clive palmer, CEO Australia"

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A swag of right-wing micro-parties running Senate and House of Representatives candidates at the forthcoming federal election have been exposed as being controlled by the same cabal of fringe-dwelling acolytes.


i was just thinking how many shitty right wing parties there are on the senate ballot

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Used to be of the opinion that I didn't want to "support their system" by voting. Later realised I was a part of the system whether I liked it or not. Now I'm of the opinion that getting to vote was historically important, but that representative democracy really isn't the shit hot egalitarian system it's cracked up to be. Still, things can be slightly better or much worse with each election, and although it feels a bit futile to engage with politics by voting (there are other, equally frustrating, but maybe more useful ways to do so, also), reform is meaningful and it's a waste to ignore your right to vote (however insignificant that right may turn out to be). Started researching the candidates in my local a little while ago and it's looking pretty fucking grim. Racist party, racist party, racism and business party, sexist party, business party, greens, guy whose policy is expressed through memes on his facebook page. At least the memes are decent, I spose. Things are only marginally better at the national level.

Here's old-and-still-gold Noam on why reform is important and can actually lead to revolution (as the two are often characterised as opposed). I think his points about the way in our lifetimes the attitude towards and rights for women, lgbtq, animals has changed significantly, and for the better through reform. Also some tidbits that might appeal to those who believe in spiritual transformation preceding social transformation:


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Time for some real democracy: I propose, as a member of our society, that we change our method of electing leaders.

I propose that come election day, we throw all the politicians in a lake, and the one's that sink obviously don't get to be PM. The one's that float? They're witches! :devil:

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Low quality of candidates this year. If Jaymes Diaz gets elected then the electorate of Greenway will deserve what it gets.

And the senate ballot! WTF!? Apart from the size have you had a look at the the conservative, brain-dead numb-nuts on that thing? I was on http://www.belowtheline.org.au/ trying to pre-plan my preferences so that I didn't screw up my vote and I seriously could not work out who to put last. I mean, I am no fan of Pauline H, but fuck-knuckles like the Rise Up Australia party make One Nation seem sane by comparison.

My only hope is that the rise of instant-gratification-I-deserve-shiny-everything-NOW-(and OMG it's hard to make ends meet on $100K p/a)-culture has made people so fickle that they will turn on Tony within a year or two.

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Now the evil greedy entity known as Clive Palmer is using a mnemonic subconscious hook designed to endear the stupid mases to his brand of deception. His latest ad starts with.

"Don't you know we're talking 'bout a revolution"

Stolen directly from the Tracy Chapman song - the song depicts the struggle of poor people oppressed by their evil overlords and the intrinsic desire to fight for justice.

I know that collectively Aussies are a gullible mob that is easily led but.......

Fair Dinkum.

I can almost feel him picking my pocket as he assures me he's going to fix everything.

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gee our PM is brave! he's still baying for the blood of the innocent in Syria (this morning on free to air tv), despite now massive international condemnation.

the man is desperate to see some baby blood and he could barely hide it this morning.

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Fuck Murdock too.

He's gone to America permanently so he should stick to meddling with their political abomination and leave ours alone. How fucking greedy can one man get.

Newspapers have always been one sided when it comes elections but now it's getting way out of hand. His trashy rags fall just short of picturing Rudd a pitchfork ands horns on his head and abbott with a fucking halo.


Avaaz has a fund raiser to get the add played on free to air TV


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i find all this "labor will be wiped out in a double dissolution" talk quite amusing,

seems most people forget that the quote is a full senate election is only ~8%, meaning a greater chance of minor parties being elected,

i'd love to see that, i seriously hope it happens,,

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Fuck Murdock too.

He's gone to America permanently so he should stick to meddling with their political abomination and leave ours alone. How fucking greedy can one man get.

Newspapers have always been one sided when it comes elections but now it's getting way out of hand. His trashy rags fall just short of picturing Rudd a pitchfork ands horns on his head and abbott with a fucking halo.


Avaaz has a fund raiser to get the add played on free to air TV


Slam, dunk. Fuck that cunt. Words fail to describe how much I approve of that video.

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I knew it was going to be a big victory for LNP but that's just bullshit. Facebook was inundated last night with people screaming in disbelief. I've got to wonder how many of those whinging voted on top of the line and voted LNP by incompetence/ignorance.

I saw last night that Bob Katter & Clive palmer have some serious gipes about the way the election was manipulated.

Bob Katter is pissed off because murdoch ran articles in his newspapers stating that a vote for Katters' party would be a vote for labour - which is simply not true they didn't have a preference deal with labour at all.

Palmer is pissed off because the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) was broadcasting that the election had been won after early counting in the eastern states started to indicate that it had been. His gripe is that the ballots were still open in Western Australia and the announcement by the AEC had an adverse effect on his support over there. He said last night he intends to sue the AEC and he wants the results in the state nullified.

People have raised that very issue several times in the past, it's about time someone with the money can take them on.

Now we will have liberal governments across the board at state and federal level. Yin without yang = darkness

Sieg Heil :wave-finger:

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Time for some real democracy: I propose, as a member of our society, that we change our method of electing leaders.

I propose that come election day, we throw all the politicians in a lake, and the one's that sink obviously don't get to be PM. The one's that float? They're witches! :devil:

I propose we piss off all the pollies entirely & instead every registered voter use their phone or whatever device to vote on each piece of legislation individually, or not if you dont like it. The ppl couldn't possibly do a worse job than the parasites we have been suffering.

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