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Love this thread! Here's just a few..

the same plant 6 months ago, and now. From seed.

Sorry if the pic is sideways, the uploaders acting up on me...

post-13622-0-83992500-1435133761_thumb.j post-13622-0-84486300-1435133812_thumb.j

Also from seed, same age


And here is a detail of possibly my favourite twisty guy...














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zelly was right in something he was saying .. regarding prices and all... which is how some big grower might have sold you the X product , and then you see him selling the same or bigger specimen for half the price in ebay.... or shit like this... becuase he might have decided to both sell-out his stock in ebay, and both take advantage of some dude who buys with the current price for a collective cactus...

besides, why the heck are those "rare" strains, crests , rare at all?? they are slow to grow, slow to propagate and root, and not so common... but its already more thatwhat has to be said about this... I dont want to be a merchant, I am a grower and have to be this - a seller - as well... and I have sold pach crest and penis for 'pennies' to friends or good re-occuring customers... but never fucking up the price up on ebay...

sellers, people who are involved in this more than hobbistically should not opportunistically fuck up prices in the biggest picture...

unless a said market floods with some product and that changes inevitably the price....

that is, if I am really strong on penis or pach crest this year, or some years in a row , I should not fuck up current ebay price and sell 3~5 branched specimens for 5 euros each.,.. and pach crests for 8 euros.... what I could do to a friend, or a regular customer off ebay is another thing...

if you get my going... I am trying to sell my shit about at the price I got it it the first place... relatively...

I have managed this for some shit I have sold

it is also a craft to learn how to propagate cristatas... let alone saying how awesomely interesting it is, now that we have a known enemy , lol....

It is indeed a challenge , whether grafting could get some of these monsters propagation going faster... I am usually prone to trying own roots when dealing with "fast growers" , which , for cacti, every columnar could be such - but... NO!

Stetsonia seems to be very slow like the grower told me

Pilosocereus/Azuerocereus crest is also very slow growing, but I managed to root a cutting.

Eulychnia is EXTRA slow growing... hence so many try to graft

Polaskia I already lost a cut I did during cold weather.... dunno If I should attempt another...

TBMCs seems to root somewhat later than regular TBMs, but it seems they root easier than I initially thought...

Myrtillocacti monsters like really warm weather to root, so take your cuttings in warm weather... otherwise it might take 6 months for a cutting to root.

In the past I had awesome results with grafting the mini-mid- crest monster monvillea monstrosa...

I wonder how one could speed things up with graftin Eulychnia .. and maybe other slower cresties...

. Grafting TBMC works wonders, in my case it was bridgesii stock...

we will see how the rooting of the cuttings go, I have already rooted a couple penises off TBMC, incl. a areole-less one, yeah, thats one of my utopian projects, where I still think this creature might make an areole from the root system if needed... or even more impressively sprout from the urethra .... we will see...


I am keeping an eye and spraying with bio stuffs for the creatures that would like but will not eat off the wavy crests of my pach-crests and rest of trichs, and possibly a variety of other cacti and plants.... that wont happen like last year ( I thought it was spider mite and shit , stupid me)

Old scars cannot heal , at least not completely, but cacti are hard mofos...

PS: euro (and whatever) SABers , there are some scarred pachanoi crests for sale, in community prices, if ya like ;) ... all kinds of sizes avail... limited edition offer for sabbers who read the growing section....

Edited by mutant
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...


2 small echinopsis seynesii crests and azurocereus/plosocereus crest were cut and rooted by me.

not fast like trichocereus, but pretty doable. actually the echinopsis , when I received it as a gift to some other order, there where two parts of it that should be buried, in order to pot it up. I refused to do this, I cut the 2 parts, let callous for some time, and rooted them and now I got 3 of them!


another brand of echnopsis, crest and slightly variegata..


one would think so small cuttings (also done by me) would be impossible to root and rather wither and die...

well, it seems not! (note this is after they have taken a bit, so they were pretty smaller when potted


Nice shits from a columnar pachanoi monstrosa specimen (main column has terminated some time ago so all growth is boosted in those pups)

https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://s2.postimg.org/9hz8u1d3p/P1130810.jpg&key=7ba7cf151608ea815b28b2918967bb43fd3521dec7025ad0efa2ca5b87515443 https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://s2.postimg.org/ch65h5ml1/P1130811.jpg&key=edcebd4f18d92b4b0b223eb1a9085cfda1adbcd6572214b7ff06e496e1e04595[/url]

Stenocereus marginatus crest, going normal... This is a very handsome specimen at this point, at least the left one...

I have no big experience with crests that go normal.. Its usually suggested to cut them normal parts... Have people cut and rerooted the column parts, to perhaps see the column reverting some time afterwards?

I remember cutting the first column off a pachanoi crest, but this clone (see above) pertains the monstrosity in column form, as it alternates between normal and monster appearance, or terminates at some point.

But I have had this marginatus crest strain for less than a year so I dont really know whats the score.

I could use some knowledge or opinions, as I have more than one paradigms I could use this on.

I also bought an azureocereus/pilosocereus crest with a part normal growth, now cut this off and rooting.. Should be also interesting to help ID the species, if it doesn't go crest


a lot with the real myrtillocactus geometrizans crest (melty type)

the other blue crest supposed being myrti has also produced some thinny columns. I rooted that , it started pupping like crazy, but still no monstrosity. I cut the new little columns, for rooting , again... obviously I am hoping the culumns might revert to crest at some point...

Edited by mutant
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not sure if its genetic or environmental but freaky none the less. the main column is about 3m and only this pup has shown the variegation.



is this the same plant that produced your scopulicola x cuzco-peru Coromandel seeds..?

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  • 2 weeks later...

havent noticed this on mine at all.. but mine are full sun year long alomst

how long has it been grafted? have you seen real myrti-geometrizans spines?

I still have two strains of it i assumed they're the same, but they could well not be.

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I purchased it already grafted from a private collector only a year or 2 ago, hasnt grown much in that time.

Its labelled M geometrizans 'red form' but that trait only shows when it gets cold enough although now its warming up and its showing more then a couple months ago when it was colder.. i think the red will be gone by summer but well see

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