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A chat with ms straightedge

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bored people are generally boring.

i much prefer the label "nang whore" to gas junkie.


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bored people are generally boring.

Well that’s a complete fallacy if I’ve ever heard one before. Entire civilizations have been built and even destroyed from people that are bored, considering boredom is at the end of the day simply an yearning for something more out of life. Without boredom humans would have no desire to better themselves and would be without direction. It’s actually the people who are content just living a mundane life in the suburbs, doing the 9 to 5 and hoarding there petty little materialistic possessions like squirrels preparing for winter, who are boring and holding the human species back from advancing further.

Do you really think people would of mined and shaped slabs of stone averaging 2.5 tons with nothing but copper chisels and rock tools, then carted these rocks up a 150 metre ramp without even the wheel to aid them, if they were not bored and were completely content with life?

Edited by jabez
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How pray are people who work 9-5 jobs holding people and the human species from advancing further? What's wrong with material possessions? I love my car and boat and very soon to buy a sweet ass house. I've worked my ass off for them, and from them I get a sense of pride and satisfaction (amongst many other things). People working 9-5 provide YOUR bread and butter so I'd show a bit of fucking respect for the working class.

Oh the wheel thing? I wouldn't say bored more frustrated. Interesting people go out and make their own fun, DO things, use their creativity, use their social skills to make things happen in their lives. Bored people are usually sitting on their ass feeling sorry for themselves sucking the life out of anything they can get their hands on.

Edited by incognito
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maybe straightedge had a junkie for a boy friend, I tried the oasis site so many women are so picky.

A lot of them think they are all that, be hey darl your on the net so you must be scraping the

bottom of the barrel .


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How pray are people who work 9-5 jobs holding people and the human species from advancing further? What's wrong with material possessions? I love my car and boat and very soon to buy a sweet ass house. I've worked my ass off for them, and from them I get a sense of pride and satisfaction (amongst many other things). People working 9-5 provide YOUR bread and butter so I'd show a bit of fucking respect for the working class.

Oh the wheel thing? I wouldn't say bored more frustrated. Interesting people go out and make their own fun, DO things, use their creativity, use their social skills to make things happen in their lives. Bored people are usually sitting on their ass feeling sorry for themselves sucking the life out of anything they can get their hands on.

i feel that energy man, we're all the working class in that sense, we're all in the mix together, it's not people per se that i have a problem with, it's the fact that as a society we are lost, that i have a problem with, and we all have a problem with. i'm bored by some of your antics cause to me they are just another aspect of all the bullshit i see, but that's not to say you are a boring person or a bad person, we're all sensitive people who deserve love but when there's so much stigma and bullshit attached to every aspect of life then the real person behind the mask gets lost in the mix.

separation is key, being able to recognise a thought but separate from it, when you can't separate from a thought, then that extrapolates to where we find ourselves today, cultures at war with other cultures, us vs them, we pollute the earth because we want the good stuff before someone else can take it away, it's all a complete mess and you feel that and i feel that and everyone feels that, separation is key

Edited by chnt
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Interesting people go out and make their own fun, DO things, use their creativity, use their social skills to make things happen in their lives. Bored people are usually sitting on their ass feeling sorry for themselves sucking the life out of anything they can get their hands on.

Harsh but true :)

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What's wrong with material possessions? I love my car and boat and very soon to buy a sweet ass house. I've worked my ass off for them, and from them I get a sense of pride and satisfaction (amongst many other things).

Because societies obsession with materialism and personal wealth has completely stalled modern civilization, it’s actually a fairly simple concept dude.

People are now only interested in chasing cheap pleasures and entertaining themselves with meaningless gadgets and fancy machinery, without giving a second thought to the shit pile we are creating for future generations. People no longer give a shit about achieving something that may help or inspire future generations, just as long as their petty little minds are entertained here and now.

People have been hoodwinked by corporations and TV commercials with cool looking cars, big arsed flat screen TVs and the idealistic perception that as long as you be good and do what your told, that ‘everyone’ can move though the ranks of class, from middle class to wealthy to filthy rich. It’s the carrot and the stick mate, that’s all it is. It does absolutely nothing to advance the great human journey to discovering who and what we actually are.

People working 9-5 provide YOUR bread and butter so I'd show a bit of fucking respect for the working class.

I gotta be honest here, I really don’t see how I was being disrespectful to the good people who work hard in the fields all day to provide me and the rest of society with our grains and protein. In fact, I fully understand these people would be one of the most vital members of any society that’s purpose is to advance the human race by working as one to achieve the seemingly impossible (like building the pyramids without the aid of modern tools or machinery, for example). Or even to just make a better world for future generations, rather than just looking after our own desires without giving a thought to anything else.

What I did say is that (paraphrasing) the whole mentality of thinking life’s just about looking after your own immediate desires, kicking it up in the suburbs and doing the 9 to 5 is very boring and a journey that leads nowhere and helps no one in the long-term. I just think we are selling ourselves short and truly believe the human species is capable of so much more, we could easily create our own utopia if we put our minds to it and worked as one and could even advance ourselves to become a significant force within the universe.

Oh the wheel thing? I wouldn't say bored more frustrated. Interesting people go out and make their own fun, DO things, use their creativity, use their social skills to make things happen in their lives. Bored people are usually sitting on their ass feeling sorry for themselves sucking the life out of anything they can get their hands on.

Oh right, its frustration not boredom, lets start nit picking, where the fucks that dictionary!?! Doesn't really matter what terminology you want to use, the fact remains with the current little feeble minded mentality of you and your little '9 to 5' friends, society has no chance of achieving anything close to what the Egyptians did, In comparison to our current technology.

Seriously dude, you put people down to make yourself feel superior and act like you know it all, but you don’t know shit about shit, none of us do. You’re just a petty little bitch who likes to take shots at people you perceive as vulnerable in an attempt to hide your own insecurities and feel significant. But you ain’t!

That one’s just cause I love being under your skin incognito!

Edited by jabez
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dont flatter yourself mun, your not, nor have you ever been under my skin. I actually pity you man. Honestly.

I gotta be honest here, I really don’t see how I was being disrespectful to the good people who work hard in the fields all day to provide me and the rest of society with our grains and protein. In fact, I fully understand these people would be one of the most vital members of any society that’s purpose is to advance the human race by working as one to achieve the seemingly impossible (like building the pyramids without the aid of modern tools or machinery, for example). Or even to just make a better world for future generations, rather than just looking after our own desires without giving a thought to anything else.

What I did say is that (paraphrasing) the whole mentality of thinking life’s just about looking after your own immediate desires, kicking it up in the suburbs and doing the 9 to 5 is very boring and a journey that leads nowhere and helps no one in the long-term

how do u think that wheat from the field comes to you??? 9-5'ers in the suburbs. I smell hypocrisy, or dont you really see how a product ends on yor plate keeping you alive?? hmm that would be people who have jobs.

Seriously dude, you put people down to make yourself feel superior and act like you know it all, but you don’t know shit about shit, none of us do. You’re just a petty little bitch who likes to take shots at people you perceive as vulnerable in an attempt to hide your own insecurities and feel significant. But you ain’t!

hmm putting people down to make myself feel superior let me respond--- first your a hypocrite in the put down department, as is chnt. I seriously dont feel superior or inferior to anyone. You seem to feel superior to society, that is people who work, especially those people who work 9-5 occupy some kind of hedonistic category?? . that includes most of my friends and family, who i would never view as inferior to you. They provide for their families. They are community minded people. They actually contribute to the community around them. But the people who work in the fields with grain are okay. Guess your fine with me afterall ;)

I would happily disagree with you on all your points, and add this final thought, i believe its the complacent, welfare dependant, lazy ass doleys that are making this country so weak as piss. Australia it seems is fostering more and more a false sense of entitlement amongst its citizens- i blame the welfare system. Im all for supporting those who genuinely cant support themselves, and to assist other australians become self-sustaining, im happy that my tax dollar goes there, i really am, and im proud to be an australian because we do that. My big beef are with australian citizens that take there dole check so eagerly then write of the system and people that give it to them. Those people make me want to spew chunks. seriously. I reiterate- im all for supporting those that cant support themselves, but im sick to the bones of those people who CAN provide for themselves, but wont, and suck out our a portion of our tax dollar.

I mean if this where an actual real primitive tribe those people would be necked, or starve to death.

Edited by incognito

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you're so closed man, i pity that aspect of you in one way but at a much deeper level i have so much empathy for you.

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Well that’s a complete fallacy if I’ve ever heard one before. Entire civilizations have been built and even destroyed from people that are bored, considering boredom is at the end of the day simply an yearning for something more out of life. Without boredom humans would have no desire to better themselves and would be without direction. It’s actually the people who are content just living a mundane life in the suburbs, doing the 9 to 5 and hoarding there petty little materialistic possessions like squirrels preparing for winter, who are boring and holding the human species back from advancing further.

Do you really think people would of mined and shaped slabs of stone averaging 2.5 tons with nothing but copper chisels and rock tools, then carted these rocks up a 150 metre ramp without even the wheel to aid them, if they were not bored and were completely content with life?

I told myself to stay out of this thread but really this is just to much.

I don't understand how so many so called free thinking people can attack and slag off another persons beliefs, habits and or life style choices.

If some one says that they don't want something in there life then that is a choice that they have made as an adult and it is there right to make that choice.

If I want to work 60 hours a week to provide what I believe is the best for myself and my family then that is my choice and I take offense if some one belittles me because of my lifestyle choice.

Just because some one makes a lifestyle choice whether it is a stance on drugs, alcohol or wearing a tie dyed T shirt that is there decision and as long as they don't try and impose there choices on every one else or harm any one else then they shouldn't be attacked or belittled because of it.

Jabez I think you will find that the people that chipped away making all of those 2.5 ton blocks and and then carted them up the ramps didnt do it becase they were bored. They did all of this because they were slaves. The people that wanted to build these structures might have been bored so they made some one else do it for them under the threat of death.

Most people that are bored will cause more harm than good to property, themselves and others. You don't normally get inspired to do great things when bored.



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read through your own post and try to see where you can separate from certain ideas, there are things you're saying that none of us disagree with but then you can't separate those things from what jabez takes issues with in relation to society at large

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Welfare dollars are insignificant when compared to the amount of money spent on the mighty military machine. Or the amount frittered away by corporations into offshore tax havens. Welfare dollar spending is fuck all, yes I agree that people should input into society, but quite frankly I get sick of the amount of money I don't get for the amount of work I put in, and when I have needed it the welfare just wasn't enough. I don't even like the society I am forced to contribute to, for fucks sake! I would much rather my taxes went elsewhere the vast majority of the time, and what I get back just isn't enough.

Our civilisation ALREADY has housing to go around and food enough to feed everyone, so why the hell there are still so many people suffering is utterly beyond me. That's not civilization, that's a sick society and we shouldn't unquestioningly support it.

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sep ar ate

fo r yo ur o wn we ll be in g

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Ok, to anyone who lacks the basic intelligence to understand my post, look up ‘mentality’ in the dictionary, then well your at it look up ‘metaphor’. As in, I use the term 9 to 5er as a metaphor to describe a class of people with a particular mentality towards life, I’m not talking about anyone who’s got a job when I use the term suburban 9 to 5er. I did explain this in detail in my last post, but obviously some people need a more simple explanation to what is fairly self-explanatory.

I was most certainly not “belittling” anyone who works. I would seriously do anything for a job right now! I got bills pilling up and rent to pay, which I cannot afford, I’m also extremely bored and need something to do, lol. But short of holding a gun to an employers head and demanding work, there’s not much I can do but keep looking.

Anyway, fuck it, I ‘was’ in the realm man, thanks a lot for that incognito. But I suppose bigoted personal attacks (under the pretence of a generalised comment) are a lot easier than an intelligent debate. I wrote out a very long and passionate (probably to passionate) post in response defending myself and my opinions, but I cut it up, lol it would be like shooting myself in the foot I think.

You’re a very petty and mean individual incognito, that’s all I got to say, I’m over it!

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edit- double meh.

Edited by incognito

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Jabez I think you will find that the people that chipped away making all of those 2.5 ton blocks and and then carted them up the ramps didnt do it becase they were bored. They did all of this because they were slaves. The people that wanted to build these structures might have been bored so they made some one else do it for them under the threat of death.

Sorry but I can’t leave this one alone.

Actually, it was most likely not slaves who built the Egyptian pyramids, recent discoveries indicate they were actually paid labourers. I mean there was probably some slave labour involved, but seriously, the incredible skill it clearly took to build is evidence in its self that the workers were highly skilled stone workers and there for would have been highly respected individuals within there community.

No one knows why they were built, but the fact they had just started to perfect agriculture and no longer had to spend there days hunting & gathering for food must have had something to do with it. In other words, whatever there official reasoning behind building them was at the time, essentially they were looking for something to do with all this spare time they suddenly had.

There is no way you can force a human being to achieve the kind of detailed perfection that it took to build them. People should seriously do some research into it, it will blow your mind.

Edited by jabez

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Paid labourers may have cut the stone, but did they do this in situ or were they moved by slaves into position afterwards? Slavery was incredibly common until the modern age

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That’s the thing, no one even knows for certain how they even managed to cart the stones, little own exactly who did it. But the builders were clearly trying to achieve absolute perfection, even placing the stones in place was an incredibly complex process, which would not be possible to achieve by whipping and threatening half starved slaves.

They weren't just a heap of stones chucked on top of each other; some extreme thought and highly skilled labour was required for every stone laid. It just personally amazes me how absolutely dedicated to the project they had to have been.

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Sorry but I can’t leave this one alone.

Actually, it was most likely not slaves who built the Egyptian pyramids, recent discoveries indicate they were actually paid labourers. I mean there was probably some slave labour involved, but seriously, the incredible skill it clearly took to build is evidence in its self that the workers were highly skilled stone workers and there for would have been highly respected individuals within there community.

No one knows why they were built, but the fact they had just started to perfect agriculture and no longer had to spend there days hunting & gathering for food must have had something to do with it. In other words, whatever there official reasoning behind building them was at the time, essentially they were looking for something to do with all this spare time they suddenly had.

There is no way you can force a human being to achieve the kind of detailed perfection that it took to build them. People should seriously do some research into it, it will blow your mind.

There are plenty of ways you could get a human being to do just such, food for one, then family security... shit, there is a whole lot of values to drive a worker to do such things.... FFs, I am drivin to exactly this today... I dont want to work, who does?? but I feel I have to to meet the needs of the quality of life that me and my family wish to live.... ... It's all blaz'e and normal in this day and age, but its....ahhhh forget it man, it has taken me , I reckon 30 minutes to type this...I am drunk...It was making sense....bah lees....I am out...Hic....

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I dont want to work, who does??

Me! I love working, I just fucking hate people! As long as I’m not just sitting around, I love sweating it out and getting a good work out, actually I thrive off it.

But when you’re 29 and have spent the last 4 years fulfilling your life long dream of travelling alone around Australia and have basically burnt all your bridges with past employers (surprisingly enough I tend to go out with a bang) leaving me with no references and also no recognized qualifications and living in a regional city where unemployment is abnormally high and any unskilled labour job is highly sort after. Well your basically fucked!!! I’ve been checking the net several times a day, checking the papers and asking around at the job agencies very few weeks and have only hooked up one interview as a night fill at woolworths, which I didn’t get and also did that job cleaning bricks for $50 a day for a week.

My point being, screw anyone who tells me I’m not working because I’m lazy!!!

I reckon 30 minutes to type this...I am drunk

Maybe that’s the problem with you guys, you’ve all sunk so much piss into ya selves, that you’ve undone all the positive influences from the mushrooms and mescaline. You’ve poisoned your freethinking minds and have become intolerant and mainstream. Damn shame, so much potential.

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so what makes YOU so different to the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""mainstream"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

what makes you a ""better for the world, nay better for the universe" than the """"""""""""""""""""""""""mainstream"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

for a supposedly openminded person you sure are judgemental of your fellow man.

this" we few cutting edge pioneers against the mainstream flow of sheeple" is what shits me to tears. But i guess i must learn to be more accepting. Its just a tired cliche' man. Its tired, old and boring.

The mainstream is YOU. Its ME, its my family, its my friends and the ones i care about as well as the ones that shit me to tears. We talking seperation here as per chnts posts? ur seperating yourself from the world buddy. how are you or anyone else for that matter going to progress if that is the mindset. If your looking for work and willing to travel i could help you out, honestly and sincerely. I dont not like you guys, im venting and yeah im a dick, im also a pretty decent guy, who isnt.

I truly believe at the end of the day you have to fit into the society in which you live, it doesnt have to fit in with you. thats the brutal truth, have i given up any of my beliefs, views or practices? hell no.

Edited by incognito
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i support her man! she is right, everything is a drug, therefore illegal, if illegal it's obvious it's bad for you. we are, if we only listen to our government folks who are trying to protect us, better off and more healthy for longer happier lives. excuse me please, i have to run off and buy the steam-shark 2000 now. it's like $1.25 off!!!! LOL

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Maybe that’s the problem with you guys, you’ve all sunk so much piss into ya selves, that you’ve undone all the positive influences from the mushrooms and mescaline. You’ve poisoned your freethinking minds and have become intolerant and mainstream. Damn shame, so much potential

I just fucking hate people!

There you go :wacko:

I am done



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