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The Corroboree

Tips on impressing a hot date! haha


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Congratulations, Ashes!

Amazing how quickly things move along these days. A couple of dates, a movie here, a coffee there ... and the next thing you know, you have a beautiful little bundle of joy popping out!

(I'm talking about the cactus pup)

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Postponed till next week ;p

Edit - happy for your brother. Spring good timing <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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hahahah Bento, but then you need to buy those 6 bottles each time you have a date!


Its still cheaper than taking them out on the town

... I would actually have something more constructive to add to this conversation but everyones pretty much covered all the points i would make anyway.

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hahahahah Bento, too true! I wish you all the best with your date this week my brother! Mine went well last night.. she didn't even ask me to stay over, just assumed I was. lol would've been a stupid question anyway if she had've asked!

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If my memory serves me correctly incognito...you said you were sworn off ethno chicks ?! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png But have fun anyway. hey .



i am just curious as to why any 'ethono guy' would swear off 'ethno chicks'?

did they belittle your plant growing abilities?

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Given the strife I've had with non-ethnobot girls in the past I'd be much more likely to go the other way. The trouble is that they're almost non-existent in this part of the world, so I just love my plant collection instead.

And no, not in that way!

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Bog frog to answer your question, I am scatterbrained and detached from reality enough without adding two to the mix ;) hence why I've always ended up with straight-as-a-tack girlfriends throughout my life which oft leads to the relationships demise.

But hey I'm older and wiser now and a lot more grounded, it's a date after all, not a relationship <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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i am just curious as to why any 'ethono guy' would swear off 'ethno chicks'?

did they belittle your plant growing abilities?


Bog frog to answer your question, I am scatterbrained and detached from reality enough without adding two to the mix ;) hence why I've always ended up with straight-as-a-tack girlfriends throughout my life which oft leads to the relationships demise.

But hey I'm older and wiser now and a lot more grounded, it's a date after all, not a relationship <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png


LOL incognito, I remember your excuse being "cause they are crazy !" , but i am pretty sure it was said in jest. And yeah, it was a year ago, so you are older and wiser, teee heee! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png


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I'm yet to meet a "sane" ethnobot to date. AMz ur actually the closest to sanity I've met <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Ethnochicks are unheard of in WA from what I can see on this forum.. I'm yet to meet or see one on here.

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There's more thAn u realise. I believe they keep their sex private, as soo. As they out themselves they get 1000pms from horny ethnomen;)

Unheard of in wa? Pffft ;)

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Hmm I think I'm kinda getting turned off my date hey.. she's practically an alcoholic! And I dont around her so I'm sorta thinking it's a little unfair.. She's against "drugs" yet she's a raging alcoholic..? Gahhh.. not another one of those girls.. damn it!

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Yes! Alot more than I do aswell.. she brought me scotch around last night to drink. I had a couple coz they taste nice but I do not like getting drunk.. She's been flat out on the wine everytime we've met. She says that she's cut back on drinking too and that it used to be worse. Hahah.. aww no.

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But.... Is she hot?

If she gives mad gobbies who gives a hoot <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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She's good looking yeah, larger than I normally go for, but yeah. Nah no mad gobbies either bro

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Is she throwing Scotch Bottles at you or vomits on your shoes? If so, do indeed show the door. If not, just tell her you have to leave the country to do some missionary work in the yemen and you will call her when you get back.

Edited by Evil Genius
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