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El Presidente Hillbillios

What if 2012 actually does happen?

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It seems to me that something world changing is definitely impending upon us. Wether this happens in 2012, earlier or maybe not even in our life, well i guess we will have to wait and see. Nothing more certain that a massive world changing event is on its way to us, no one really knows when or how though. So my thought is are YOU prepared? Both mentally and physically!

What are you priorities? i have a big collection of heirloom seeds and survival gear packed in my troopy ready to go. Do you have a plan? Have you discussed this plan with your clan?

Even normal people seem to be awakening to the fact that something is on the shift, have you discussed with them?

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Part of me wants to believe this but another part of me feels like it's some humanly archetypal story that's been around since the beginning of time.

Seems like every so often we hear of the impending doom, wouldn't you say?

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Even normal people seem to be awakening to the fact that something is on the shift, have you discussed with them?


Even normal people? I like your distinction. :lol:

My wife and I have been moving to make our life as self-sufficient as possible. Mostly this has nothing to do with 2012, the end of the world, the coming of the zombies or Jesus: The Sequel. It's mostly motivated by a sense of environmental responsibility. That said, there is a slowly rising sense, creeping into our jokes and garden plans, of Being Ready. We never say exactly what we should be ready for, but we like to keep the car with as much petrol as we can, to have matches, knives, a hefty supply of grain and flour and lentils, etc.

It makes me uncomfortable to be this sort of freaked-out family, though. I used to live in the US (during and after the 9/11 hullabaloo) and we saw perfectly intelligent and sensible people go nuts about water-supply, escape routes, etc. Some of my wife's relos had a falling out with their friends after the friends refused to make escape plans, thereby weighing down the relos with the responsibility of taking the friend's children when the terrorists come back for more blood. :rolleyes:

If nothing else, the boy scouts have given humanity a pretty good motto.

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nothing more certain than, if nothing else, eventually a meteorite strike will end humanity as we know it.

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end of the world party?

a free for all looting riot burn the world down party?

I kind of expect that people are so worked up, that if there isn't an apocalypse they will riot in the streets to protest their disappointment

if the world doesn't end, there will be hell to pay

then again, if only 30,000 of us remain on the planet, the future will be a whole lot brighter

maybe things will get really bright to do that, like instant sun burn bright

oh well, wishful thinking

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Fingers crossed for zombie apocalypse! That one I'm ready for.

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+1 zombpocalypse

buy a gun, TENT, and a push bike, THEN all you have to do is ride to town to shoot who ever has the food then ride back to you hideout. with your gun you can shoot who ever tries to come attack you for your stolen food (this has the advantage of eating who you shoot too). if guns worry you, buy a crossbow (reusable ammunition is a bonus).


Edited by qualia

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i have been preparing mentally and physically for the last few years.

not so much of what may or may not occur on 2012 and beyond , but because of the fact i can sense we are all indeed noticing a mass change in consciousness , people are indeed waking up.

what have i done ?

spent a shit load of time understanding law , our rights , constitutional law , history and how i can be prepared in the i hope unlikely event our police do indeed become bullies and go above the law as we know it.

horticulture has been a mjust and even my bonsai trees is no exception.

i have started growing fruit trees , might sound silly to have bonsai stunted fruit trees , but think logically.. i can take them with me where ever i go , for me its a more of a balanced thing , sure you might have a massive orange tree in your yard , but you seriously going to consume the whole tree to survive ?

by doing this it gives me a insane amount of varieties.

i have started by seedlings things that i feel may be banned one day , think acacia and hostiles for a second...

i have become alot less materialistic , even thou i still own 13 arcade machines , namely a few space invaders , a missile command , a few cocktail tables , this is for future investment , it will always have a value since its a time of our past.

i have gotten to know more people spiritually , yes even hippies who do shrooms n shit , to me that make more sense about life and what they know and feel then some big shot businessman in a suit who counts his money daily and has no clue what life really is.

this also includes peeps who use cannabis regularly , i think its very old fashion to look at someone who smokes weed on a daily basis as being someone who is dumb , low IQ , uneducated , unemployed.. to me this is all past propaganda , as a matter of fact some of the most brightest and intellect people i know smoke weed , thats not to say that counts as everyone.

but rest assured they are alot more relaxed and in a nature state of mind and experience much more deeper thoughts.

i continue to this day embarking on this journey and noticing great change , and i sincerely hope this change is a good thing

i gather two possible outcomes...

either the banking elits will win , NWO , have our asses micro chipped , all rights removed or...

we will win our sovereignty and fight to the death to reclaim our freedom and get rid of this bullshit monetary system called money that slaves us all.

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i have been busy sacrificing virgins for the last 12months so i do believe that the gods are appeased and will spare me. but the rest of you are all fucked.

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that's right, no better insurance against smiting than dead women, gods love that shit

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what if?

What if 2011 happens?

What if 2013 happens?

I could think of nothing more personally rewarding then just living your life.

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One Advantage of getting older is that you´ve already heard stories like this every other ten years or so. I just dont give a shit anymore as i know that all´s gona be like the times before. Also its wrong that the mayan calendar ends in 2012. They calculated in Blocks and in 2012, one block ends and another one begins. Also there is no other ancient culture whose calendar ends 2012. This is plain made up bs and people only buy it because they are too lazy to read about ancient calendars themselves. Its true that there is a certain pattern in meteoritical activity what could mean there is a giant star/planet somewhere in our orbit that (maybe) pulls in meteorites into the direction of the earth everytime it crosses our way but that has nothing to do with the year 2012. Its a made up bullshit. We would have seen a large object like this decades ago. Like i said, its likeley there will be plenty of meteorites hitting the earth again in the future as this is just the way it always was but we´re talking of every 25 million years or so. Maybe earlier if people keep on angering the mighty Asteroid god Thorald Analhammer with stories like this. :lol: bye EG

Edited by Evil Genius
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we all survive just like last time

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Actuallly had the car in a the green hornet TV series which was Bruce lee as the loyal driver of the car.

I think a Bruce lee alittle serious for that.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Repo Man - What You Got In The Trunk?

]In the midst of all this Charlie Sheen madness, poor Emilio Estevez still can't win. Internet jokes like THIS one, THIS one, or THIS one prove that no matter how insane or out of control Charlie becomes, Emilio will always live in his shadow. But there is one movie that shoots Emilio past his younger brother in the cult classic category, no...... not Judgment Night, I'm talking about the 1984 film Repo Man.

Call it what you want, a satire, a punk film, a black comedy, or an anti-society film. This film spoke to a whole generation during the Regan era and can still be relevant in today's society of war,]


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Repo Man - What You Got In The Trunk?

]In the midst of all this Charlie Sheen madness, poor Emilio Estevez still can't win. Internet jokes like THIS one, THIS one, or THIS one prove that no matter how insane or out of control Charlie becomes, Emilio will always live in his shadow. But there is one movie that shoots Emilio past his younger brother in the cult classic category, no...... not Judgment Night, I'm talking about the 1984 film Repo Man.

Call it what you want, a satire, a punk film, a black comedy, or an anti-society film. This film spoke to a whole generation during the Regan era and can still be relevant in today's society of war,]



That was a good film - and cool soundtrack

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zombiepocalypse would be awesome,.... first you get kill them,... and if you get bitten,... you get to try and kill and eat the mortals....... win win situation! ;-)

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While I am certainly not someone who buys into the 2012 thing, I think it would be arrogant to think that our civilisation is immune to cataclysmic events and processes. That is exactly what has brought down all previous great civilisations - the belief that the civilisation was so powerful and smart that it could solve any problem and deal with any threat. And [in case this hasn't sunk in] all previous civilisations weren't immune, which is why they are not around anymore. Political empires like the romans, turks, mongols, etc all failed because they got too big to maintain thorough control. Cultural empires like the aztecs failed because they ran out of vital resources which they believed their gods would provide. The anglo american colonial empire has many similarities to both of these which si why I believe we are seeing the slow collapse of it right now. Those living in the cities earnign their money from things that create no value will probably fare badly and will take down a whole lot around them. people in the country who actually create true tangible values will probably fare much better as they will have access to food and other essential resources.

I am pretty sure we are going to see some major shifts in our lifetimes and I think some of those will be difficult for many people who have no back up plan. I mean, just look at what happened to civilisation in the USA when Katrina deprived a city of food for 3 days. Those with guns started using them for their own gain [including police who were convicted of executing individuals]. Those without food stole from those with food. And as soon as it became apparent that there was no authority in charge, many people made the most of it by raping and bashing others. And that was just 3 days!! Imagine what happens after 3 weeks. So no, I don't have much hope for this civilisation in the face of adversity and I don't think it will take much to bring things to chaos.

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What Torsten said.

And speaking of sayings, Plato is reputed to have said that a society is "just a few meals away from barbarism".

Alexander Dumas, Trotsky, and Larry Niven (in Lucifer's Hammer) have all been attributed with permutations of:

Any society is only three square meals away from revolution.

However, as best I can figure it, it was Lord Cameron of Dillington who said:

Society is nine meals away from anarchy.

And it's true. Stop the transport of oil or petrol, pull the plug on power, shut the supermarkets, and our very polite society would fall to shit in three or four days. And modern societies are built on a complex tangle of dependencies, with redundancies almost completely eliminated because it isn't "economic". Complex systems with no redundancies fail, especially when they have not evolved to eqilibration with the resources within.

Remember Hurricane Katrina?

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One thing a lot of people don't realise is that supermarkets and similar shops don't have storerooms anymore. They simply have loading bays. Everything is stored centrally at their distribution centres or preferably at their supplier's warehouses near the central distribution centre. I think woolies has them in brisbane and albury for example. We rely on transport [roads, fuel, and drivers] to get everything from far away. If one of those cogs fails then we have nothing. Imagine an epidemic that takes 50% of truckies off the road? Imagine another oil crisis that takes trucks off the road? Our food distribution system is very vulnerable and will let us down eventually, so food is at the top of my list of things to be independent for if the need arises - both short term and long term. I can cope without power and without fuel quite well, but food is kinda essential.

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Yeah, i have to agree food is a big priority, as is being far enough away from civilisation to avoid the looters

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okay so the general populace will go to shit

what about powerful current organisations, eg the army. i think with any such group, many people would prioritise being with their family, but it's even possible for an army to operate with the families of the soldiers in tow.

soldiers or cops might form little gangs that could terrorise an area. would australia end up looking like africa?

what about the big wigs with their bunkers and endless resources?

we could at least hope that a cataclysm destroys existing power structures so it would be a fair struggle for the general population.

don't rule out the rise of large, ethically run groups :)

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From what I understand, the 2012 theory is just a bit of fiction, created by a few completely different ancient beliefs mixed together with the incorrect theory about an undiscovered planet (planet X) and a nearly straight alinement of the planets which  occurs in 2012. Anyone of these stories on there own don't particularly indicate some impending apocalypse, It's only when these stories are combined that they start to indicate the 2012 impending doom.

Having said that, I do truly believe that our modern day civilization is hastily coming to a point in it's history that will either make or break it. It's not a natural disaster that will take us down either, it's the human mind itself that will do that job.

The problem is the human mind is discovering the secrets of it's environment at a incredible rate, but we probably still have far to much primitive aspects of our way of life to be able to handle the power of knowledge.

The whole world economy is completely reliant on constant growth, but the structure of our economy has peaked and can't handle more growth. Besides constant growth is creating constant poverty, since the majority of wealth goes to the minority. Billions of hungry people will eventually get desperate, desperate people get angry and then you have billions of people creating anarchy. 

On top of our flawed economy our staple energy source is running extremely low and people who have the power to deploy nuclear weapons on each other are inevitably going to have to go head to head in the very near future. The US peaked in the 60's there green back is fucked and fairly soon there only measurable wealth will be in 'bombs'. Personally I doubt the US is going to just let china take over as the world power quietly! 

Ironically I think the biblical saying of (paraphrasing) the last being first and the first being last is exactly what will happen. The people of the 3rd world know how to live in constant fear in a war torn environment with no reliable food source. Most westerners would fall apart without electricity and running water.

We are lucky in Australia because we have such a massive land mass with a relatively small population and we produce far more food than we actually need. I always have my backpack in the back of my car, which can hold everything I need to survive in the bush, I also have a decent supply of can foods, grains and 3 day water supply and shit. But it's more incase my car breaks down in the middle of no where more than preparing for the apocalypse.

imho, the best way to prepare for the collapse of society is to get out there and get used to having only a bucket and rag to wash with for weeks at a time, only a hole in the ground to shit in and also teach your body and mind how to hold it together well going hard all day but consuming very little calories and spending long periods completely alone. Basically learn how to handle having nothing.


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Well from a christian prophsey viewpoint it would be first of maybe 7 warnings.

Precious metals and precious alloys are rare metallic elements and alloys such as silver, gold, platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium, rhodium, and ruthenium.

And rare,[noble gases are a group of chemical elements with very similar properties: under standard conditions, they are all odorless, colorless, monatomic gases, with very low chemical reactivity. The six noble gases that occur naturally are helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and the radioactive radon (Rn).

Not much good ir you can't eat it.

Now say a person invested in corn stocks and a problem happened, the stock investor can run to the storage place and show the stocks too the armed guards and say .

Don't think thats going to work in a slow but increasing apparent GLOBAL disasters.

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