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The Corroboree

Cacti collection


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so many shades of blue :D nice one mate.

Watch those tall bridgeys, had about 6m of about 10yo pach come down recently, the sound and dent in the ground was pretty scary and that was after it took out 2 other cactus and some rose bush, I staked a similar size bridge that luckily made it through, but mate they are scary to work around when at that height, especially with that weight, take care yeah.

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That sucks mate, hope they pull through ok for ya

The tallest of the heard are a couple of psychos and a pachanoi that stand at about 3m, so they should be ok for a little longer plus they're along the fence line witch blocks the wind a bit, but I will keep an eye on them though, cheers.

I'm always worried when I visit places like Dawsons farm, standing under huge ass plants that weigh tons is a bit nerve racking.

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Nice pics mate!

I also had a pachnoi the oldest seed grown plant I have that snapped early this year in the crazy Melb wind. It sucked ass as the plant just started to flower!!

Me likely the mutant bridgesii, where did you get it from? if I may ask

Edited by sharxx101
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  • 2 months later...

Nice collection indeed. How about interbeing interbreeding all the ones you have into one cactus that excretes a golden magic incense sap from its spines.... ;)

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Thanks folks, always got room for more cacti though I've only been collecting for about four years so we'll see how I'm going for room in a couple more. Got a heap of flower buds starting to appear so hopefully get some crazy new sap excreting hybrids in the coming months.

I'll update soon as I get some spare time and decent weather.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy fuck, that is a lot of buds! Congrats on your first Tricho flower mate (and all the ones that are about of burst open soon!).

Awesome update, as one could expect from you. You've got some stunning plants there.

Edit: What's the second cactus in the third row?

Edited by tripsis
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  • 4 months later...

Wholey crap that is a veery impressive collection you have sir!

What species is the 9th one from the bottom in the last set of pics!? I dont know the name of it but I have one that looks almost identical but is a spiral form..?

Kudo's to you mate!


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dude,... offer your hybrid seeds through SAB store!! I would want to buy some for sure!

Edited by woof woof woof
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