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t st tantra

reconciliation of science and religion

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ditto. can't keep up with all the links lately. looks good though.

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B Alan Wallace has some interesting ideas about the importance and development of contemplative sciences and how Buddhist practices may serve as the foundation, merging with the various branches of neuroscience. His Shamatha Project is amazing and though the first phase is completed it will be fascinating to see the results come out of it once all the analysis is done

see "Principles of a Contemplative Science"

"Toward the First Revolution in the Mind Sciences"

"Cognitive Science Dialogue: Consciousness East and West"


from Buddhist Geeks podcast:

"In our second podcast with Alan Wallace, he presents a new model for "professional" contemplatives. Instead of trying to transplant the monastic model to the West, Dr. Wallace suggests that contemplation become an actual profession.

Just as a neuroscientist would go to school to get a PhD and then spend 40+ hour a week working in their field, so too could we have "contemplative scientists" who devote their time to the exploration and investigation of subjective experience. "


Edited by coin

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Thanks for the links and concepts to ponder, much appreciated.

Agree on Buddhism and science meeting nicely, good for a mental retreat when one wants to take a step back from the intellectualising. Quite like the "Quantum Buddha" take on it all (nice and simple ways of thinking).

Who are we? What are we doing? Where did we come from and where are we going? Why are we here? What is reality? What are thoughts made of? Is everyone a mystery? Is everyone an enigma? How can you continue to see the world as real, if the self who is determining it to be real is intangible?

These questions for the most part have been asked by people all throughout time.

Science - New Thought - Buddhism

These three pinnacles of our culture are now converging to create a coherence of thought:


ONENESS - "We have Connection."

Everything and every single person is One with all things, each other and the very source of existence.

LAW - "We have Potential."

Our Consciousness creates creation. What we think about we bring about.

TRUTH - "We have Purpose."

We all have our unique voice. Our voice is part of a collective song. True happiness will only come when we sing our song for the benefit of others.

PRESENCE - "We have Power."

Presence is present in this very moment. Now is the moment of our being. This is where the power is. When we live in the present moment time melts away and our brilliant essence shines forth in all existence.


There Is One Power, One Presence, One Mind, One Light that Permeates and Penetrates all Existence.

It is Omniscient, Omnipresent & Omnipotent.

This Light of Cosmic Unified Consciousness Surrounds, Flows Through & Is Within Us.

All Things Arise and Return To This Source.


The Supreme State Of Consciousness, operates through a Universal Creative Mind, which is the Law of Attraction/Intention/Karma, and that we are surrounded by the Creative Mind which receives the direct impress of our thoughts and acts upon it.

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."

~ Buddha

"Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draws it.

Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves."

~ Buddha


Our observations, he suggests (John Archibald Wheeler), might actually contribute to the creation of physical reality. To Wheeler we are not simply bystanders on a cosmic stage; we are shapers and creators living in a participatory universe.

Wheeler's hunch is that the universe is built like an enormous feedback loop, a loop in which we contribute to the ongoing creation of not just the present and the future but the past as well.

(John Wheeler: scientist and dreamer, colleague of Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr)


Objects have no reality in themselves but are only seen of the mind and, therefore, are of the nature of Maya and a dream. ~ Buddha

"True self is non-self, the awareness that the self is made only of non-self elements. There’s no separation between self and other, and everything is interconnected. Once you are aware of that you are no longer caught in the idea that you are a separate entity."

~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Our Radiant Resonance

In the discourses of the third turning, taught to a retinue of bodhisattvas, the Buddha went further into his teachings on the ultimate nature of mind. At this time, he taught that the true nature of mind is not merely emptiness, a state of nonexistence. Rather, our fundamental nature of mind is a luminous expanse of awareness that is beyond all conceptual fabrication and completely free from the movement of thoughts. It is the union of emptiness and clarity, of space and radiant awareness that is endowed with supreme and immeasurable qualities. From this basic nature of emptiness everything is expressed; from this everything arises and manifests.

With these teachings on the absolute nature of mind, Buddha introduced the notion of tathagatagarbha, or the buddhanature theory. This declares that the fundamental nature of mind is utterly pure and primordially in the state of buddhahood. It is the absolute buddha. It has never changed from beginningless time. Its essence is wisdom and compassion that is inconceivably profound and vast. The term tathagata is an epithet for the Buddha and refers to one who has “gone beyond” the ordinary world to the state of perfect enlightenment. Garbha is sometimes translated as “womb” or “seed.” Thus, tathagatagarbha points to the enlightened potential that is inherent within all sentient beings.

Source: By Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Cosmic Consciousness:

A blissful experience in which the person becomes aware of the whole universe as a living being.

What is Cosmic Consciousness?

Cosmic Consciousness was coined by the Canadian psychologist Richard M. Bucke, in his book “Cosmic Consciousness” 1902. He describes Cosmic Consciousness as a transpersonal mode of consciousness, an awareness of the universal mind and one's unity with it. Cosmic Consciousness rime characteristic is an awareness of the life and order in the universe.

An individual who at attains the state of Cosmic Consciousness is often described as 'Enlightened' and such a person is also said to have a sense of immortality, not of attaining it but of already having it. Burke saw this state of consciousness as the next stage in human evolution, very much as spiritualists have always seen it.

Bucke argues that during the course of humanity's evolutionary development there are three forms of consciousness.

* Simple Consciousness, our instinctual consciousness.

* Self Consciousness, that self-awareness that allows a human to realize himself as a distinct entity.

* Cosmic Consciousness, a new developing faculty at the pinnacle of our evolution.

Bucke outlines the evolutionary struggle on our planet which has produced self-consciousness and then describes the appearance of a new species that possesses cosmic consciousness, a consciousness that expands to become one with all. Bucke theorizes that, with increasing frequency, persons like Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, Walt Whitman and others are making their appearance on our planet and by their teaching are helping to transform life on this planet. This evolutionary process continues up until today. Bucke studied the lives of these persons that had attained cosmic consciousness and found common characteristics such as:

* intuitive understanding

* elevated moral stature

* loss of sense of sin

* intellectual illumination

* sense of immortality

* no fear of death

* definite moment or period of transformation

"The person who passes through this experience will learn in the few minutes, or even moments, of its continuance more than in months or years of study, and he will learn much that no study every taught or can teach. Especially does he obtain such a conception of *the whole*...Along with moral elevation and intellectual illumination comes what must be called, for want of a better term, a sense of immortality."

From his book he describes how those he interviewed had experienced the state:

"Like a flash there is presented to his consciousness a clear conception (a vision) in outline of the meaning and drift of the universe..He sees and knows that the cosmos...is in fact...in very truth a living presence. He sees that instead of men being, as it were, patches of life scattered through an infinite sea of non-living substance, they are in reality specks of relative death in an infinite ocean of life. He sees that the life which is in man is as immortal as God is; that the universe is so built and ordered that without any peradventure all things work together for the good of each and all; that the foundation principle of the world is what we call love, and that the happiness of every individual is in the long run absolutely certain."


Fritjof Capra on the Unity of All Things, One

The most important characteristic of the Eastern world view - one could almost say the essence of it- is the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experience of all phenomena in the world as manifestations of a basic oneness. All things are seen as interdependent and inseparable parts of this cosmic whole; as different manifestations of the same ultimate reality. (Capra, The Tao of Physics, 1975)

In ordinary life, we are not aware of the unity of all things, but divide the world into separate objects and events. This division is useful and necessary to cope with our everyday environment, but it is not a fundamental feature of reality. It is an abstraction devised by our discriminating and categorising intellect. To believe that our abstract concepts of separate ‘things’ and ‘events’ are realities of nature is an illusion. (Capra, The Tao of Physics, 1975)

The central aim of Eastern mysticism is to experience all the phenomena in the world as manifestations of the same ultimate reality. This reality is seen as the essence of the universe, underlying and unifying the multitude of things and events we observe. The Hindus call it Brahman, The Buddhists Dharmakaya (The Body of Being) or Tathata (Suchness) and the Taoists Tao; each affirming that it transcends our intellectual concepts and defies further explanation. This ultimate essence, however, cannot be separated from its multiple manifestations. It is central to the very nature to manifest itself in myriad forms which come into being and disintegrate, transforming themselves into one another without end. (Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics, p210)


A careful analysis of the process of observation in atomic physics has shown that the subatomic particles have no meaning as isolated entities, but can only be understood as interconnections between the preparation of an experiment and the subsequent measurement. Quantum theory thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe. It shows that we cannot decompose the world into independently existing smallest units. As we penetrate into matter, nature does not show us any isolated ‘basic building blocks’, but rather appears as a complicated web of relations between the various parts of the whole. (Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics, p78)


The impermanence of all forms is the starting point of Buddhism. The Buddha taught that ‘all compounded things are impermanent’, and that all suffering in the world arises from our trying to cling to fixed forms - objects, people or ideas - instead of accepting the world as it moves and changes. (Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics, p211)

The Eastern mystics see the universe as an inseparable web, whose interconnections are dynamic and not static. The cosmic web is alive; it moves and grows and changes continually. Modern physics, too, has come to conceive of the universe as such a web of relations and, like Eastern mysticism, has recognized that this web is intrinsically dynamic. The dynamic aspect of matter arises in quantum theory as a consequence of the wave-nature of subatomic particles, and is even more essential in relativity theory, where the unification of space and time implies that the being of matter cannot be separated from its activity. The properties of subatomic particles can therefore only be understood in a dynamic context; in terms of movement, interaction and transformation. (Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics)

According to quantum theory, matter is thus never quiescent, but always in a state of motion. (Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics, p215)

Modern physics then, pictures matter not at all as passive and inert, but being in a continuous dancing and vibrating motion whose rhythmic patterns are determined by the molecular, atomic and nuclear structures. This is also the way in which the Eastern mystics see the material world. They all emphasise that the universe has to be grasped dynamically, as it moves, vibrates and dances; that nature is not a static but dynamic equilibrium. (Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics, P216)


Life is there awaiting us to give meaning to it. To fill it with purpose. For us to become co-creators of creation which we must choose to become. That is free will. It binds us in perfection.

The beginning/big bang was a supreme moment of expansion. Even in our death our energies facilitate in the growth of the ever expanding universe. Our task is to become a conscious part of that process. For it is the very nature of our being.

Source: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=53251137925 Edited by Alchemica

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Thats an amazing site tantra I have always admired ideas and concepts which attempt to reconcile these age old adverseries, I have always thought of buddhism as a philosophy instead of a religion I cannot lump it into the same category as traditional christianity, judaism or Islam. Possibly why it reconciles better with science then the other 3 I mentioned. Reading this thread made me think about the second order that Crowley started these ideas put forward on the site reconcile quite well with many underlysing concepts of A:.A:.

definitely bookmarked for further reading

the aim of religion through the method of science :)

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part of my issues with science are to do with its non recognition of the science status of ayuraveda[sp?] and the various yogas etc.

thousands of years of experiment and experiential exploration.....what the yogas say about consciousness is incredibly well defined.

one of science's biggest problems seems its attempts to refind an ether......i see references to structure of the vacuum etc.

t s t .

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my high school education made me sus of science......

we have the scientific method,theory verified by experient,so we cant be wrong!

then we were taught the history of science....one theory replacing another again and again!

just looked like another religion,another false god to me as a teenager!

but you will see from my posts i am quite interested in science and try to use it to further my understanding of spirituality etc......my issue with the dogma maybe?

t s t .

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The only way to reconcile loaves and fishes is with Sardines on toast.

LOL! very funny.

we have the scientific method,theory verified by experient,so we cant be wrong!

then we were taught the history of science....one theory replacing another again and again!

just looked like another religion,another false god to me as a teenager


Oh tst, the difference between "another religion"-or any religion, and science is precisely that it DOES and MUST change it's theory in regard to experiment, which is the whole organic growing beauty of the enterprise. This is why science can GROW whereas religion can't, except in the sense that angel-group theory can articulate the dances of angels on pins.

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[i look for the common denominators that suggest we are ALL the same underneath the veneer.

Different veneers defined by the predominant cultural beliefs.]


Thats the new enlightened socialist approach for athestic or agnostic college students.

Since are angels, fallen angels, demons, God exist, etc; what is the article but a attempt to give science as physics as a apology for religion walfare.

So saying only science can discover any test, as if they knew anything between a black hole of their butt and the brain, but for makes for a more neutral and tolerable socialist outlook and supposedly more stable national state.

Not communist as you would be rounded up and executed if not worshipping the state.

Can always talk to the commies now or in the past [internet]alot of experience there as in dogmatic political state existence.

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heard on the radio today,didnt catch the author.....

'science is imagination in a straight jacket'

t s t .

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