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Yawning Man

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Hello all

I'm happy to have people shake their head at me when they read this, as long as it scares/reminds some of you to look after your teeth. It's been about a year since i was last at the dentist and in that time i formed two cavaties.....THAT I KNEW ABOUT! At the dentist this morning and discovered i had 3 others i couldn't see.

It was also the first time in my life where got in shit from the dentist, but fair enough. What scared me the most was the cavatie on one of my front bottom tooths. The dentist (a really nice lady) basically said if i had left it any longer it would have killed the nerve resulting in a Root canal (upwards of $2000) or worse, me loosing the tooth altogether.

As of today i will never be drinking soft drink of any kind again and other sugery drinks like juice on rare occasions. I'm also making a commitment to have regular checkups. Surely, $80 for a checkup vs $200 for a filling will win any day.

If YOU care about your teeth go and get regular checkups and brush and floss daily. I think most of us would take our teeth for granted, untill we lose them. If that doesn't motivate you then maybe this will. Today cost $200 and i have another appointment to take care of the other cavaties that was estimated at around $475. Money i DON'T have.

Look after your babies, they're all you have.


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I've totally been thinking about this recently. My teeth aren't bad, but I haven't had them checked in years and years. I've never needed a filling or any work done either, so it's probably gonna be about time.

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it's funny that you posted this. last night i decided that to book a dentist appointment, cos when i eat hard things i get an odd feeling from one of my teeth.

my sorry ass is broke too. but you gotta accept a small cost now, or potentially pay a fuck load later.

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Hi Peaceful! I know what it means if you lack the money to pay the necessary medical bills! Man, thats reminds me of a very bad phase in my life and i was so unhappy when my teeth werent in order!! Its such a shitty feeling if you cant chew anymore! Suddenly, you feel 15 years older! Take good care of them man! bye Eg

Edited by Evil Genius
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I found a dentist who was spot on (I distrust most of them like used car salesmen or pollies) anyway I hadn't been to the dentist for 18 years and after a quick look and an X-ray she told me there was nothing wrong with my teeth and sent me on my way.

A friend had a baby recently and had bitten down a bit hard on the nitrous dispenser and hurt one of her teeth, she told me her dentist said she would need a root canal. I told her to go to my dentist who checked her out, the verdict was nerve aggrivation from biting down too hard, the remedy was to eat plenty of soft foods and take it easy as there was actually nothing wrong with her teeth. A second opinion saved her an unnecessary $2000 painful root canal.

I believe the ratio of dodgy dentists to dodgy mechanics to dodgy pollies 1:1:1

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lol you're probably right man. And this dentist i found was very upfront and honest and actually taught me some things about my teeth. And thanks EG my teeth are right up there with my health both mental and physical.


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My teeth are terrible. Diet early on in my youth but genetics mostly. I have been to the dentist so many times. I went to the dentist about a month ago for the first time in 7 years and had three fillings at quite a cost. Then I was told I had to have some wisdom teeth out. Before that could happen they were yanking out a tooth near the front that had a root canal years back. Now I have a hole. When they pulled the tooth out it came attached to a gross sack of infected tissue (an abcess). Now I realise just how much discomfort that tooth had been giving me for a few years. I declined to have the wisdom tooth out after that as chewing has been hard enough. The cost of getting a bridge to replace the tooth is $3,500! I'm just leaving the hole for a while but this is not a long-term solution.

I agree, bad teeth can be a real bitch. When I had my tooth taken out I was, like EG said, feeling about 15 years older. Now I'm trying to love the hole! But, the work will need to be done eventually.

So yeah, look after your teeth. But genetics may just get you too. Finding a great dentist is hard as fenris mentioned and I always wonder if I have.

Secondly, for general dentistry, GET PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE. I didn't, but if I did it would have saved me hundreds of dollars as it covers extractions, fillings, cleanings and check ups, and is only $30 a month for extras cover.

Most importantly, keep smiling!

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yeah i had an appointment to get on tooth checked a few years ago, possible root canal, but left it close as possible 3 years later still sensitive as hell, and drilled another 4 teeth on top of that all up it was over $1200, wish i went to the dentist during my teens and such when free dental was available.

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I grew up in england where bad teeth is a matter of national pride.

I had shit loads of fillings up until i finished Uni but have since got everything fixed up

a little bit of advice for anyone not comfortable with going to the dentist - I found it really helped when I found a young hot dentist (think - just out of uni/model academy) I loved the visits after that. I'm sure she did too. she liked to give pain - i liked to take it :D

good times

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my two top wisdom teeth came through sideways and impacted on my rear molars before they fully emerged, shattering them and cracking my molars. was homeless at the time and in NSW dental care aint free (Well there is a free waiting list but my name has been on that since before this started) so i was between a rock and a hard place. i had two options, let them move and fall out themselves or make it happen by attempting to surgically remove them myself. i decided im not that stupid so i let them go themselves.

for the 1st year with letting them move out themselves, after that it had cut my gums so much there were two huge callaces growing over the shards of wisdom teeth. sterilized a pair of scissors and removed the scared tissue and re-exposed the tooth stubs myself so i could continue letting em grow out. had plenty of abcesses and infections throught out the time. i expect to have lost all rear teeth in the next 5 years at the current rate of degeneration. annoying thing is the right one has stopped impacting and moving. so on that side i have quite litterally half a tooth. cross section not down middle.

moral of the story..... dang i dont know, avoid being homeless? i took care of em but the growth is what screwed everything.

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dude that shit is really shit amulte. i hate the thought of having any broken or missing teeth, it makes me feel ill .

watertrade you are a nutter, lol.

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I found it really helped when I found a young hot dentist

lol, that reminds me of the time when i went to an urologist to get the number of his medical secretary! Man, that was an very unpleasant examination too! I did get the number but it wasnt worth it! I felt raped!

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something i've noticed -- people feel more treated like a child and berated when a dentist gives them a "stern talking to" about their dental health (which has more far reaching effects than within the confines of the mouth) than when a doctor sets you straight, and they get really offended and swear they will never see that dentist again (ie they act really childish when they're told their hygiene isn't up to scratch, or "i know what you've been eating/drinking" etc).

also it seems like a lot of people postpone seeing a GP for of what they may find out, but people put off seeing a dentist because they know what the dentist will say ?? what is it about a dentist that engenders less respect and makes people feel like a child? is it simply because people feel that a dentist is not a "real" doctor? is it because you are made to recline and feel vulnerable while someone is standing over you? or are dentists truly more condescending and/or belittling?

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Back in time every one ate fresh fruit which had citric acid.

Which dissolves plaque.

Try a mouthwash of lemon juice and you will see.

Your mate will thank you.

Makes it easy with dental floss.

The way to stop future dental decay is use lemon juice[store bought] in a waterpick.

Won't have a cavity again.

Or can use dilute hydrogen peroxide for gum problems.

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i have an appointment booked for next week, first in 3 years

while we're sharing dental horror stories, my gf has just got an implant 2 weeks ago which she has been saving up for over a year, to date it has cost her over $6000!!!!! it's fucking ridiculous. and when you pay that much you'd expect amazing treatment and service, but a few days ago she had to go back to get some very painful stitches removed, which the dentist had somehow missed when he was meant to remove them a week ago

i'm not looking forward to this...

Back in time every one ate fresh fruit which had citric acid.

Which dissolves plaque.

Try a mouthwash of lemon juice and you will see.

i've been thinking about this too, her dentist told her to stop drinking fruit juice because it destroys the enamel, but i've got more plaque/tartar than her so i've wondered if citrus juices would be good for me.

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I had all mine including top wisdom teeth removed under anesthetic back in about 2003

Bridgestone bought me a set of dentures in 2005 but then my bottom wisdoms came thru and I couldnt wear them anymore, Then I moved back to tassie & just never worried about getting my wisdoms sorted.

Now I am unemployed, I am stuck with a set of teeth that dont fit, One wisdom tooth that is almost down to the Gumline & the other has lost the side & middle enamel!

Look after your teeth Kids or you end up like that old Guy on the Bus Constantly making chewing motions altho he has nothing in his mouth!

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Of course WT,

Nothing too interesting behind the story. The Company wanted me to work for them,

So they flew me up from Tassie to Qld, I moved to Forest Lake & started work in Sumner Park.

As I headed the Tyre Department, I had to look the Part so they Paid over $5000 for the False Teeth and then the Hair Came off!

I hated working for a Company like Bridgestone & the Plastic Personality I had to upkeep.

In the end I had a brawl with my boss and moved back to Tasmania with a great Tax payment & my false teeth

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I hated working for a Company like Bridgestone & the Plastic Personality I had to upkeep.

i thought it would have been more of a rubber personality....LOL sorry.

but mi glad someone asked as i was just about to myself. sounded too interesting.

but may I ask why you had to get them removed in the 1st place? obviously there would have been problems as i dont see it being elective surgery, but where were the problems/complications?

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i thought it would have been more of a rubber personality....LOL sorry.

U cunny Funt! Lol

I have some sort of genetic deficiency which weakens my bones & teeth. (I may need a hip replacement before I am 45)

That & a lack of brushing, Lots of Sugary Drinks (Nesqick & Cottees were my friends) Growing up, Then heavy Drug Use in my teens and early twenties finished them off!

In the end the ones that hadnt dissintergrated were fragile & soft like Chalk!

I went in for an extraction on the worst ones and after three teeth in three trips I decided that the anxiety & pain the dentist trips were causing wasnt worth the hassle so I asked about a full extraction & was told it wasnt possible for me to have it done under a general anesthetic & That it was only used for the Elderly, Spastics, Young Children etc

So I had then to be assesed by a shrink who turned out to be a lovely lady, and was deemed mentaly unfit for such a procedure to be done under just a local,

I went in a month later and was out within the hour of having surgery with a mouth full of stitches and a script for P forte , On the way home I procured 5 100mg Kappas, a xylocaine vial & some 3 & 1ml barrels & ends.

I made use of the numbing Xylocaine and banged the slow to nod out for a few days while the pain subsided, Pulled my stitches out 5 days later and went back for check up, Got in strife for pulling the stitches early and sent home.

I havent been near a dentist since apart from the Denture Guy who was actually a pretty turned on fella & interested in Entheo plants and such!

Oh Yeah, It cost $20 per visit for the single extractions & The Op Cost me $248 thru medicare

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something i've noticed -- people feel more treated like a child and berated when a dentist gives them a "stern talking to" about their dental health (which has more far reaching effects than within the confines of the mouth) than when a doctor sets you straight, and they get really offended and swear they will never see that dentist again (ie they act really childish when they're told their hygiene isn't up to scratch, or "i know what you've been eating/drinking" etc).

also it seems like a lot of people postpone seeing a GP for of what they may find out, but people put off seeing a dentist because they know what the dentist will say ?? what is it about a dentist that engenders less respect and makes people feel like a child? is it simply because people feel that a dentist is not a "real" doctor? is it because you are made to recline and feel vulnerable while someone is standing over you? or are dentists truly more condescending and/or belittling?

Hey coin

Dude i was glad the dentist told me off. Pretty much scared me straight enough for me to swear to myself never to drink softdrink again. One of my biggest addictions. I didn't feel stupid or at all embarressed when she told me off, in fact i was glad she did as i realised my old dentist never did anything like it and i doubt ever would. More happy to sit back and watch my teeth go to shit while she (me old dentist was also a woman) grew fat off my money.

Also, a bit of a advertisement for chewing gum, but after you eat acid attacks your teeth for up to two hours, chewing gum creates saliva which reduces those two hours to 1/2 an hour.


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