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The Corroboree

Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle


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if u search previous sydney meet threads you will find comments like these...

"Don't let social phobia dissuade you, we're all in the same boat, and it's never as scary as you think it may be. "

"I could not agree more, im a tad social phobic. Im sure the 1st thing Apo said to me was "..not that scarey.." and couldnt agree more. i had the nervous shakes for the 1st 5 mins till i found that everyone is good people. then the initial fear was orveridden by interest and curiosity to how these people became so."

"EVERY sydney meet is worth attending."

"At the end I found myself contemplating a giant Fig tree and missed the walk to the pub for a beer" ( )

"i might chicken out at the last minute cause i have a phobia of meeting new ppl, especially online ones."

"Am keen to meet some people who are actually interested in similiar things to what I am interested in"

"And a note to the first-timers: Take the plunge and come along! I was a bit nervous about coming to my first one a year ago, but it really is the best way to get to know the interesting and eclectic people here."

"all noobs are welcome and encouraged ;) we were all noobs at some stage."

"Thoughts? "

"...we would love to have you along!"

Sydney meets have helped many 'phobics'. There's somethin' magical about them.

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also, by not attending you're reinforcing your social phobia instead of confronting it:

the thought of meeting new people causes great anxiety, so you engage in avoidance behaviour, where you don't have to confront the anxiety-provoking situation. through negative reinforcement you learn that avoiding social interactions will reduce these anxious thoughts. your social anxiety gets worse instead of reducing.

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I'm more into rap battles, personally.

Once again, there will be plenty of young people, so I'm sure you'll find someone to talk to about whatever it is you talk about. If you have nothing to talk about, perhaps listening will prove to be insightful for you.

Either way, I've never been to a Sydney meet either, but I'm sure everyone in attendence will be heaps friendly. As for what happens, I'm pretty sure it'll be along the lines of a big picnic. It's not like there's any real structure to these events other than to chill out and shoot the breeze. Bring whatever goodies you want, and maybe something to trade/share. Someone should bring a frisbee or something, too.

Hopefully the weather's good. I'm not sure there's any more I can do to reassure you.

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To be honest i can see what IM going to do... no matter what others may thnk... but i know depening on how severe my anxiety (or seld medication helps hint hint ;) ;) ) effects me on the day.. id probably walk past pretending to jus tbe strolling the gardens.. untill i got the balls to walk up and say hi..

To be honest whats bothering me most is thte fac that i am young... all i think about are what substances do to/for me..a nd all the older guys have outgrown that. I would hav enothing of value to say and be looking down upon. As much as anyone would like to defend that point its the truth and im definite that others are aware thats what happens. THAT being said im sure the majority are not like tht and are totaly nice friendly people.. i dont mean to be a prick.. but i would just like to have a nice open discussion... however my knowledge is limited to the basic "highs" if you will.. and would not be of my value.

As much as id LOVE to go.. unless i could work out with a bunch of noobs to get together somewhere... so we know we wont be on our own.. im sure no matter the anxiety/phobia there shouldnt be a problem.

It would be like to gangs meeting up at a park.. somebody bring a jukebokx and lets breakdance battle lol

man i think i'm like the second oldest one coming LOL Trust me I'm still up for whatever anyone dishing up basic or exotic , actually i think no matter how much i get into this scene there's always a soft spot for the simpler more common type experience

I also think out guys that are going I'm actually one of the newest on these boards yeah sure I've been reading about all this since I was like 16 but I certainly haven't been an active member of the community for a long time.

Everybody has valuabe knowledge LS and the only way we can expand that is to learn from others with a broader range of experience the last meet I went to only 2 people turned so its hard to say what goes on might be able to give you a better idea after i go to the newie one on the 21st But seriously I don't think the members of this community are overly judgemental of course there are a few Big Egos floating round but thats typical of most forums and 9 times out of 10 if you meet these people they're much more laid back in the flesh

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I guess the meet will weed out those people and for my own personal curiosity id like to know if thats the case around here

forewarning: i'm a massive cunt. and i will take personal offence if you don't attend.

i think the actual day should be contingent upon weather.

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forewarning: i'm a massive cunt. and i will take personal offence if you don't attend.

i think the actual day should be contingent upon weather.

Yay!! See you all at the gardens! do you mean the meeting place or the day contingent on weather? It would be nice to commit to a day, a nice day would be good too!!

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As much as id LOVE to go.. unless i could work out with a bunch of noobs to get together somewhere... so we know we wont be on our own.. im sure no matter the anxiety/phobia there shouldnt be a problem.

I'm sure I'm a few years younger than you

We could meet up or something first lol. I'm sure it will be great though ^^

I'm convinced they're all nice people.

And I feel the same way about it all... I'm a noob and won't have anything useful to contribute

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I'm a bigger cunt than Twix and I will be looking to hunt down and kick some noobs butt if they don't attend.. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

Gotta be curious about LSD's juxtaposition of being into cars and plants..I'm sure your gunna be interesting with 2 opposing interests like that.

Bring what ever ya want guys..especially any goodies...and if ya all behave yourselves there may be an after party with garden views and some psy...thats a big maybe at present.


Edited by Hunab Ku
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Good to see some other Sydney-ites taking the initiative and assembling in an organised manner.

Unfortunately I will be doofing in the bush the w/e this is planned, but you don't need me to have fun ;)

Would have been good to catch up with a few familiar faces.

I'd post some photos from previous Sydney meets, but since I'm at work this is the only one I could find:


Oh those cheeky plant-heds! https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_wub.png

How come you aren't coming to psyfari AdrianPsy, since I have seen you at both the last outdoor Noisemaker gigs with my rig we thought you'd become a crew regular https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

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How come you aren't coming to psyfari AdrianPsy, since I have seen you at both the last outdoor Noisemaker gigs with my rig we thought you'd become a crew regular

Sadly I can't attend Psyfari due to money, HSC and some more social issues. I should be attending more doofs later throughout the year though. Which guy are you anyway? haha. - I mean. I know who you are online... just not who you are in real life lol. I met so many new people at the other noisemaker parties and I'm not even sure I chatted to you

Edited by Adrian Psy
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